Online Drag Racing Leaderboards

  • Thread starter Harry6784
So who do I race for the acr spot 1st, recon or rev?
Nick has to race rev first andif he wins then nick will race recon again. If nick keeps his acr spot from both of them then you can challenge nick, if either rev or recon wins then you will challenge one of them.

edit: hopefully this made sense and I am correct in what I said..
I have removed the "Champion for (Days)" column and the "Number of Defenses" column. The weren't all that necessary and it's annoying to have to scroll sideways to see the other columns.

I want to challenge nick rows for the acr spot
@SpikeyLEE has the fastest ACR spot now. He has until the 27th of March to defend his spot against you.
@KTalloutdrags You going to be on tonight? I'm not trying to lose this spot because of us not racing.

You have the rest of tonight to race @KTalloutdrags for the FXX spot.
You'll be waiting for a long time.

I won the R34 M-Spec spot. Good runs hyper 👍
Updated 👍
I would like too challenge vandocel for the rx-7 spirit 02 an would like too challenge spikey for the Acr, an kozzie for the cts v.

@VandoceI is already challenged by @Kozzie. You can either wait until VandoceI and Kozzie battle it out or you can race Kozzie for his Challenge spot. If you beat Kozzie you get his challenge spot and retain the original deadline date.

@SpikeyLEE and @Kozzie (For the CTS-V) have until the 27th of March to race you.
@KTalloutdrags @SpikeyLEE I'll be on tonight around 8:30 if you guys want to run for the spots you've challenged for.

Attempt #1

...Unless I have to work overnight, I'll be on around 8:30 tonight.

Attempt #2

@KTalloutdrags You going to be on tonight? I'm not trying to lose this spot because of us not racing.

Attempt #3

I've obviously been online, and have even raced for leaderboard spots since I was challenged. And yet I lose the FXX spot because I haven't seen KT online since Sunday.

If that's the case, I'm just going to start challenging people and not racing them until the spot is mine.
@Nickrows. Yes I see that is an issue. I have changed the deadline for challenges from 1 week to 3 weeks. The whole point of challenging someone is to race them for the spot, not stay AFK until spot is yours. Deadline is only there to weed out inactive people. Hope this fixes it.

Also to speed things up, people are now allowed to be on 5 waitlist per week instead of 2.

Can I claim the ek rm?

Added 👍
Attempt #1

Attempt #2

Attempt #3

I've obviously been online, and have even raced for leaderboard spots since I was challenged. And yet I lose the FXX spot because I haven't seen KT online since Sunday.

If that's the case, I'm just going to start challenging people and not racing them until the spot is mine.
My bad nick. I was going to say something about this. I don't want a spot unless I race for it but since I will be unavailable after 5 I would like to cancel the challenge. No use in getting a spot in such a manner. I wouldn't want it. So nick, if I catch you at random one of these days would you mind giving me a shot as long as we have judges?

I was contemplating this last night and wondering how that would work. Like you said you made an attaempt and I've been on a but not at compatable times (or as much as usual) so there's no reason for me to get a spot or you lose a spot.

I don't feel like the deadline should be changed but I do feel like we need to keep track of situations like ours. Of course mine was not on purpose but I could see that as a cheap tactic we should look out for.
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My bad nick. I was going to say something about this. I don't want a spot unless I race for it but since I will be unavailable after 5 I would like to cancel the challenge. No use in getting a spot in such a manner. I wouldn't want it. So nick, if I catch you at random one of these days would you mind giving me a shot as long as we have judges?

I was contemplating this last night and wondering how that would work. Like you said you made an attaempt and I've been on a but not at compatable times (or as much as usual) so there's no reason for me to get a spot or you lose a spot.

I don't feel like the deadline should be changed but I do feel like we need to keep track of situations like ours. Of course mine was not on purpose but I could see that as a cheap tactic we should look out for.

You can definitely have a shot at the spot whenever we run into each other online. Just promise you won't beat me ;)
no I was looking for you , we can run again just msg me when we on at same time , @VandoceI we will run again due to there were no officials there
Sorry I didn't see Vandose's reply. If both racers confirm the same result here there really isn't a need for a judge.

@Harry6784 I challenge @SpikeyLEE for the spec v 09 spot and the gts 02 Viper spot ,soon acr :P
@SpikeyLEE has until 4/14/14 to race you.