Online Meeting (NTSC)

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Well it's 6AM EST and boy are the pickins slim! haha

At any rate, this is actually my first post so I hope I can intro myself here . . .? *looks around* Good! :-)

I'm a nuub but not a noob. I've been reading/watching at GTP for nearly two years now (June). I must say hello to all and I look forward to some worthwhile exchanges! Thanx.

NOW! It's 6:04AM EST - any takers??
This is my first post as well, although I've been lurking/browsing for quite a while.

I noticed last night online that I came across 2 or three people with unfamiliar country tags: I'm on the NTSC version but I saw one or two people with IT (Italy?) and one with ESP (Spain?). Is this even possible, and has anyone else come across this?
This is my first post as well, although I've been lurking/browsing for quite a while.

I noticed last night online that I came across 2 or three people with unfamiliar country tags: I'm on the NTSC version but I saw one or two people with IT (Italy?) and one with ESP (Spain?). Is this even possible, and has anyone else come across this?

Those folks likely have purchased an NTSC copy-this allows them to race against you, I think the country that shows up is where the account is based. I have a PAL copy and until yesterday I've been playing against worldwide competitors online (shows my country as [US], just picked up my NTSC, so I'll be seeing you out there.
Last night while trying to get a makeup race at Suzuka I got punted not once but twice. And by someone flying the GTP_. And worse yet, he wasnt even in the 512, but driving a black GTR.

allengray is officially the dirtiest race I've ever come across.

Not one race where he has not pushed me into the sand, not ONCE.

i used to think he was kind of dirty, but today i figured id be nice and race him clean until i saw otherwise. Guess he appreciated it, we had some good races actualy i was surprised.

Div i was trying to get some laps with you earlier, but the bumping and rubbing was too much to deal with the 1st lap. by the time i broke free you were 9 seconds ahead haha
I just spent the last week driving and racing in the 512 exclusively. today i did a quick setup on the R8 and jumped into a race @ Suzuka.
Anyone i beat, last week that was driving the R8, lower your gaze in shame...
The R8 is brilliant. I'm enjoying racing again. Even the flowers smell better. The sun in brighter, the air sweeter. Ahhhh.

I recently purchased an NTSC copy, I've been playing PAL online until a few days ago. I haven't found many GTP racers in the NTSC races, I usually run at Suzuka (600 or 750) between 6pm and 11pm eastern. Most races are just 3 or 4 people. Am I missing something here? Is everyone off doing time trials or something?
I don't know how rigorously the posted schedule is being followed anymore. I, for one, don't follow it anymore. My current haunt is 600pp Suzuka, from ~9-11pm Pacific, so it's unlikely we'd cross paths, except on the weekends. If I don't find a good race, I'll usually go run some time trials.

I'll also check the online chatroom to see if there's any coordination going on. If there is, you can generally count on a good race.
Well, I was out there having a few good races in my Ferrari 512 on 600pp Fuji, with a number of other GTP drivers, when one of them, who I won't name here - nobody I've raced with before, decided to block me down the straight as I started to pass while drafting. When that failed, and I pulled next to him, it was tap me on the side time. By the time I got done dealing with this jerk I blew my brake point and both of us went into the sand. Did he kindly wait for me after hosing what might have been a good race? No, he took off. I have to admit I was so ticked that I just bailed (besides which, it was the last lap and his antics set me so far back I wouldn't even have been able to finish the race before the clock ran out).

So, unfortunately, I've now had my first bad experience with a fellow GTP driver. Plenty of accidents before, sure, but never this kind of purposeful crap...

On the bright side however, I have seen a lot of GTP drivers out there tonight being very polite and driving well.
Well, I was out there having a few good races in my Ferrari 512 on 600pp Fuji, with a number of other GTP drivers, when one of them, who I won't name here - nobody I've raced with before, decided to block me down the straight as I started to pass while drafting. When that failed, and I pulled next to him, it was tap me on the side time. By the time I got done dealing with this jerk I blew my brake point and both of us went into the sand. Did he kindly wait for me after hosing what might have been a good race? No, he took off. I have to admit I was so ticked that I just bailed (besides which, it was the last lap and his antics set me so far back I wouldn't even have been able to finish the race before the clock ran out).

So, unfortunately, I've now had my first bad experience with a fellow GTP driver. Plenty of accidents before, sure, but never this kind of purposeful crap...

On the bright side however, I have seen a lot of GTP drivers out there tonight being very polite and driving well.

Panjandrum, wow that is a name for sore eyes. Man its been awhile since we have raced together. You got to get your laptop in your media room to join the chat while you play online. So you and I can race one another again. Since the Online Race Schedule is not used anymore, we can pick and choose which tracks to run.

Well alot has changed since I raced you last. I now have a DFGT wheel. So I think I can be a lot more competitive with you guys. So come on and get on the chat. I am on there almost every night from 4pm EST to around 1AM EST
Panjandrum, wow that is a name for sore eyes. Man its been awhile since we have raced together. You got to get your laptop in your media room to join the chat while you play online. So you and I can race one another again. Since the Online Race Schedule is not used anymore, we can pick and choose which tracks to run.

Well alot has changed since I raced you last. I now have a DFGT wheel. So I think I can be a lot more competitive with you guys. So come on and get on the chat. I am on there almost every night from 4pm EST to around 1AM EST

I keep meaning to join in with you guys using chat, but my business load has spiked again (I run my own little computer consultancy, so business is always up and down), and my time has been extremely limited. When I do make some time for racing it usually isn't very long. I'll give it a try though as soon as I have some real time to devote. I'm also not really liking the new event lineup, so I just haven't been as interested...
I keep meaning to join in with you guys using chat, but my business load has spiked again (I run my own little computer consultancy, so business is always up and down), and my time has been extremely limited. When I do make some time for racing it usually isn't very long. I'll give it a try though as soon as I have some real time to devote. I'm also not really liking the new event lineup, so I just haven't been as interested...

Thats ok, you got to do what you got to do, but whenever you can come around. Yeah well, the event line up threw me a curve ball too. But in reality it helped the online racing a ton. Because the hacks and punters can't run with us anymore. ;)
i should be out in 750pp suzuka tonight, hope to see some of you there. its boring running with people who suck, im looking for some good races out there
Had a few great races tonight in the 750 range. Had a number of excellent and well-driven races on all three tracks. Unless SirCedric was racing, then I had horrible laps. Not because he is a bad driver, but mostly because our corner entry and speeds tend to be very similar. The number of times I get rear-ended or otherwise taken-out because I'm nose-diving to avoid hitting him going into a corner... When I do manage to say ahead of him for the majority of a race I'm usually pushing it so hard that I end up screwing up somewhere in the last lap. Bummer...

But what I really came to say is that I only ran into a single punter this evening even in the 750 series. Ty-something or another Ty-bear? Ty-bo? Something like that. But other than that everyone was driving well. Maybe some of you who gave up because of poor driving early on should come back and give it a try again.
TheMoose, please man show a little class. Why do I always run into conflict with you and not with others? since you're not replying to my PMs, I have to think that you're still holding a grudge against me.

TheMoose, please man show a little class. Why do I always run into conflict with you and not with others? since you're not replying to my PMs, I have to think that you're still holding a grudge against me.


no you did ramming on other sides.. thats what i saw.. calm down dont be so thirsty over 1st place buddy.. its just a game bro.
no you did ramming on other sides.. thats what i saw.. calm down dont be so thirsty over 1st place buddy.. its just a game bro.

I don't care about coming in 1st or last positions, I just keep pushing that's all and when you guys boxed me going up the hill, TheMoose brake tested me and got a nice shove forward but I still came out faster out of 130R and I got rammed. I have had one too many issues with him that's all. Otherwise it was clean and I had fun with you guys.
I don't care about coming in 1st or last positions, I just keep pushing that's all and when you guys boxed me going up the hill, TheMoose brake tested me and got a nice shove forward but I still came out faster out of 130R and I got rammed. I have had one too many issues with him that's all. Otherwise it was clean and I had fun with you guys.

yeah it was fun.
TheMoose, please man show a little class. Why do I always run into conflict with you and not with others? since you're not replying to my PMs, I have to think that you're still holding a grudge against me.


Dude I got into you once & waited for you to get back on track, you spent the rest of that race & several other races trying to crash me.

I'm guessing your just upset when I wouldn't vouch for you to get your GTP_ tag which I see your not using anymore.
Racing incidents happen but you always seem to have cars flying off around you!
I will race you just like you race me, & I consider your wacky broadslide/drifting around the corners that block the whole track & a couple of times bumped me off the track to be a cheating low class move!

Oh & I will not reply to your ranting & cussing PM's at all!
Just had a race with Chadwicksracing on Fuji. It was close. Really close. I mean, we had the same time. He finished 5'54.966, and I finished 5'54.966. We were both in R8s. Talk about evenly matched! Has this happened to anyone else?
Just had a race with Chadwicksracing on Fuji. It was close. Really close. I mean, we had the same time. He finished 5'54.966, and I finished 5'54.966. We were both in R8s. Talk about evenly matched! Has this happened to anyone else?

R8's at Fuji seem to produce stupidly close races. This morning CWR and I finished within .001 seconds of each other there in R8's.

Did it give you guys the same position or put one of you ahead even thought you had identical times?
While practicing for the garage showdown me and GTP_ANGELx both were in Dodge Vipers at Fuji and we finished with 2 other Audi R8s within .040. All 4 cars within .040

We would have beat them easily down the straight but they started blocking like mofos
Lucky I won that one. It must have been inches ahead to get first place. Yeah there was another race where DTWmetro and I fished .040 of each other. Then with you Vaxen we finished .01 or something. And a few other close ones. I can't see to et a good run out of the last turn. lol



I was watching you drift at Suzuka and I crashed because I wasn't paying attention. lol Thats sick man.
R8's at Fuji seem to produce stupidly close races. This morning CWR and I finished within .001 seconds of each other there in R8's.

Did it give you guys the same position or put one of you ahead even thought you had identical times?

CWR was slightly ahead of me when we crossed the finish line, but only barely. It must have only been about an inch or centimeter or some ridiculously small amount. We were both going about 160 mph, so however far apart we were, it was less than a thousandth (!) of a second.
after you lost so many times to me. That is your conclusion

When I wrote that a couple of weeks ago it was 100% true, you were one of the worst bashers out there!
If you'd looked at some of my other posts the thing that made you the worst is that you didn't need to bash because you were fast, it looked like you crashed people just for the heck of it.
Losing a race to someone that crashes you out isn't really losing!