Yeah, I'm having a bit of the same problem Sphinx. Is there a thread somewhere where we can possibly discuss overtaking areas? Where and how, and what would be necessary to constitute a passing move?
I say this because there are racers out there who cannot and will not follow you for more than one corner and barge their way through at the earliest opportunity (even when there isn't one). Turn one on Suzuka is not what I'd call a passing zone. Neither are the esses, unless you get seriously crossed up.
Dunlop curve... hmmm I've been passed there a few times, but only after having run a little wide and I've raced some good blokes side by side through that corner but then I get struck with a problem...
Degna 1. It's a very fast, 1 car corner and if I've got the inside line after having come out of Dunlop, what do I do? Do I brake early and concede or do I get through degna 1 any which way I can? I don't want to push people off or risk any sort of contact so I always concede at Degna, but sometimes I wonder if I should have...
Degna 2 is also not an overtaking zone. More tears than the sun on that corner though and it's a shame because if people would have the patience to wait another corner, they can have a shot at what's probably the best overtaking zone on the whole circuit... the Hairpin.
Passing on Spoon is generally out of the question, unless someone get's REAL wide. I find that if someone buggers up Spoon, then there's a 90 percent chance that they'll end up in the gravel. If they don't then the othe 10 percent means I'll get them on the back straight.
Which then leads me to 130R. No way do 2 cars fit through 130R cleanly. I reckon if you're still side by side when you cross the split timing line, then trouble's coming.
Casio is always legitimate, but I have a problem with people who 'middle road' Casio and then once you've picked your braking line, they squeeze you off onto the grass. Hmmm. Recovering from Casio is a nightmare when that happens.
Any ideas?
BTW every decent driver who I've raced has passed me legitimately in all the places I would have expected them to.