Online Racing Community, how old are you?

  • Thread starter Wardez

Select your age range

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Getting in an early survey on what age range we're looking at in this community :)

I've moved this throughout the GT6 Online Racing section to leave a redirect for everyone to be included as well.

Nice work Wardez . I thought i was too old to play this game, until i saw the survey result.
70 here, wife says I might not ever grow up. Started with Gran Turismo Prologue with a wheel on my lap. Have a G27 wheel now.:gtpflag:

lets see, wife worked at Atari, played pong, tank attack, then Apple II I think serial was 475, did a lot of flight sims, anyway worked as a engineer in a building that's had a teletype keyboard and a 1" tape that controlled the building systems and it had 4k memory. :lol:
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Logitech Driving Force GT seems to be the best budget wheel at around £100 - £120
41 here and no worries still very much enjoy gaming 👍 , feel no age because of those hobbies

Had also problems with my (now ex) wife, but we solved...
18 in December lol

I like how a lot of people on GT6 discriminate younger drivers and call us "inexperienced". i just have the 'you have no idea who i am!' feeling, like, in my case, i've played and completed every Gran Turismo, Forza, Need For Speed, Grid etc. plus i've won many karting races and a couple Formula Renault races, yet people like them have probably played GT6 a couple times and maybe done the odd karting session with their son, and they call me inexperienced?

sorry for the rant :)
62 and a quarter.
Wife hangs washing on my wheel/seat rig while spouting " I wouldn't have let you buy that contraption if I'd known how big it was."
Have to admit (only here of course), it is rather an eyesore in the dining room, especially when guests are invited.
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