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I was wondering what we really understand about the way things (Life the Universe and Everything - to quote Douglas Adams
) work... Are humans the most naive/arrogant species to ever exist (to think we can even begin to understand the mechanations of the universe (not just life specifically (as in the creation vs evolution thread) but absolutely everything referring to string theory etc)? Is it even important to TRY and understand everything, things that may not even be relevant to our day-to-day lives?
Just found out they think there is a black hole right in our milky way:
The fact that this massive black hole was here for quite some time and we hadn't discovered it yet... it made me stop and wonder how accurate or advanced our observational skill/ability to measure things really are... how many theories must rely on data/assumptions that are just way off the mark?
Slowing down light:
We don't even fully underderstand what light is! Yet we'll happily use it and think we know all about it just like electricity... Funny how some people think understanding the properties of certain things means you understand them!
I know the properties (how women react to what I do - most of the time) but I'd be silly to think I understand exactly whats going on. And this is just something within our own species!
We get the impression from all the great things man has achieved that we somehow can control everything, that nothing is beyond our grasp of understanding, at least potentially. Does it matter that we seem to strive to become something (as a species) I'm sure we'll never reach?
All scientists in their respective eras were at the "cutting edge" of knowledge and research.. and of understanding of our universe... With each new theory it seems the "cutting edge" seems to loose its impact... we'll never truly be on the cusp of any kind of full understanding... Why do human beings want to know everything? Is it simply a latent urge buried deep within the human subconciousness to become immortal, to defy nature? Are we just scared of death or is there simply an inquisitive quality as a species? Is it just the conqueror mentality at our core? If we become comfortable with the inevitability of death (individually and as a species) do all these conceptual theories and space ambitions ring a bit hollow?
Fundamentally, is all this wondering about the universe all just a waste of good time you could be spending to play GT4?
I know I've asked many questions, and I don't expect answers to all, but a general discussion on this topic would be great to see. I'd also like a really good explanation (for the average Joe) of string theory (or M theory if you like) if someone wants to fill us in. I'm sure many people aren't really up to date with the latest scientific meanderings in conceptual physics... maybe because its not relevant to many people's lives? Ultimately does it really matter?
Just found out they think there is a black hole right in our milky way:
The fact that this massive black hole was here for quite some time and we hadn't discovered it yet... it made me stop and wonder how accurate or advanced our observational skill/ability to measure things really are... how many theories must rely on data/assumptions that are just way off the mark?
Slowing down light:
We don't even fully underderstand what light is! Yet we'll happily use it and think we know all about it just like electricity... Funny how some people think understanding the properties of certain things means you understand them!
I know the properties (how women react to what I do - most of the time) but I'd be silly to think I understand exactly whats going on. And this is just something within our own species!
We get the impression from all the great things man has achieved that we somehow can control everything, that nothing is beyond our grasp of understanding, at least potentially. Does it matter that we seem to strive to become something (as a species) I'm sure we'll never reach?
All scientists in their respective eras were at the "cutting edge" of knowledge and research.. and of understanding of our universe... With each new theory it seems the "cutting edge" seems to loose its impact... we'll never truly be on the cusp of any kind of full understanding... Why do human beings want to know everything? Is it simply a latent urge buried deep within the human subconciousness to become immortal, to defy nature? Are we just scared of death or is there simply an inquisitive quality as a species? Is it just the conqueror mentality at our core? If we become comfortable with the inevitability of death (individually and as a species) do all these conceptual theories and space ambitions ring a bit hollow?
Fundamentally, is all this wondering about the universe all just a waste of good time you could be spending to play GT4?
I know I've asked many questions, and I don't expect answers to all, but a general discussion on this topic would be great to see. I'd also like a really good explanation (for the average Joe) of string theory (or M theory if you like) if someone wants to fill us in. I'm sure many people aren't really up to date with the latest scientific meanderings in conceptual physics... maybe because its not relevant to many people's lives? Ultimately does it really matter?