Our understanding of the Universe. Is it important? Philosophical discussion.

  • Thread starter James2097
Thats what I was thinking. Perhaps we expand in all directions equally, hence we aren't really aware we're expanding. Everything is relatively the same so we don't notice... I just talking crap here... no idea but it sounds dangerous. And impossible.
I pictured a universe creating explosion destroying most or all of our universe, or if contained kind of like the galaxies in Men in Black contained in little marble type spheres that we could use as self-sustaining energy sources.

Neverending unlimited energy sources or we all die in less than a second. High stakes game there.
I love how I hear on the howard stern show every morning durinf commercials, ads for the national star registery or something. Apparantly now we think we own EVERYTHING and we can sell copyrights or whatever for Star Names. The ad says it's a "great gift" to someone to have their name on a star legally... I think I'll stick to tatooing my GF's name on my ass.
Hmmm... and your name on a star will only last as long as the lame registry will... :lol:

As for the "big bang" generator, no, we likely would never know what had happened. The changes caused by the generator would likely spread at the speed of light, or a considerable fraction of it. We'd be dead instantly, hopefully. Or it could spread at the speed of light of the new universe, possibly faster or slower, depending on the laws of that universe. I doubt they would be much different, as the seed would already have the "rules" of our universe encoded into it.

Another possibility is that we wouldn't notice a thing. We'd be creating a new universe, and we wouldn't be able to see it at all, being firmly stuck in this one. That would be sad, but at least we wouldn't be a thin film of quarks spread over the skin of an expanding baby universe.