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  • Thread starter boomee
It may just be the servers crapping out on you. I don't usually have lag playing, but it does get noticeable whenever there's a big update; Doomfist brought in a massive influx of players, to the point where PS4 players were queued to even get into the game (this has only happened once before, which was the Anniversairy update), so the servers are working a lot harder than normal. The same thing happened when Sombra came out. Give it a few days, and it should be back to normal.

I hope you're right. :scared:
Summer Games 2017 starts August 8th!

Dive comp is unfortunately, still a thing. Heroes that have great mobility and dive capabilities are currently in for the meta (i.e. Genji, Tracer, Sombra, Winston, D.Va, Lucio, Zenyatta, etc). A few of the heroes that are in the meta see a lot less play time than others (Winston is seen in basically every game up in Diamond, whereas you're lucky to see a Sombra once every 7 games), but are still very effective. It's unknown when Dive comp will slow down in terms of effectiveness, but it's fair to say that everyone is getting bored of it now. Professional Overwatch streamers are beginning to step away from the game, and the Pro Korean teams are beginning to stop using the comp too - the problem, however, is that without another dive comp to fight against, it can become incredibly difficult to win a match.

As people begin to get used to Doomfist, it's fair to say that he'll be in the same spot as Sombra is in the meta - being a good dive character, but also being very anti-dive. This is due to the fact that Doomfist has incredible mobility, and can jump into fights and out in insane amounts of damage very quickly. On the flipside, when Doomfist himself is dived by the enemy team, he becomes an anti-dive character in the sense that everyone who just dived him is in his effective range, and is in danger of taking massive damage. Sombra is basically the same thing, though the massive damage is switched out for hacking - everyone currently in the dive meta, aside from maybe Genji, is incredibly vulnerable when hacked. Tracer without any blinks is dead, and a hacked D.Va can't use boosters or DM, making her an ult battery.

To counter Winston's massive rise this meta, Reaper play time seems to have risen a considerable amount; his passive buffs have turned him from a somewhat situational DPS character to a semi-viable one. However, it's important to know that Reaper isn't strong in dive - he may have the damage, but his mobility is telegraphed and slow, and if a D.Va is on the opposing team, it's likely your ult will just be eaten by her (and with the new update, D.Va WILL let you know that you wasted your ult).

Zarya's massive Graviton Surge buff may have helped put her into the meta. For those that aren't aware, before last weeks update, if Zarya used a Graviton Surge on a team, a few team members would be able to get out of it. Sombra could translocte out of it, Rein could charge out, Genji could dash out, Tracer could blink out, and Mercy could fly out, hide, and resurrect those who died to the ult. With the update, this is no longer possible for the majority of the hero roster. Only Reaper (Wraith Form), Orisa (Fortify) and Doomfist (Meteor Srike) are able to get out of a Graviton Surge, changing an incredibly powerful, game changing ult into a devastatingly powerful ult (in my opinion, the most powerful ult in the game). If 95% of the hero roster can't leave the Graviton, all of them are succeptible to ults. If Mercy is trapped in there, she won't be able to fly out, and chances are, she'll be focused before the rest of the team to stop her from doing anything else. This change may see Sombra play increase more. Sombra is one of Zarya's hardest counters, as hacks cripple her ability to stop herself, or a teammate from taking damage, and her gaining charge. In addition, she's further hurt by the fact that EMP cuts her effective health in half, making her a DPS character with a late hitbox. On the other hand, Zarya + Sombra is one of the strongest combinations in the game. If the enemy team has a Genji and a D.Va, there's a chance that your Graviton will be eaten, or even worse, reflected back at you. Sombra can easily infiltrate the back lines, have the rest of the team initiate a push at the same time, and EMP on the point, making Graviton unstoppable.


In this meta, it seems as though ultimates come and go much faster than normal, and it's best to know which ones are the most powerful.

Zarya - Graviton Surge: Traps the enemy in a black hole. Only 3 heroes in the current roster can escape - one of them has to sacrifice an ultimate themselves to do so. Despite not being the strongest ult on its own (though a high charge Zarya can do masses of damage), this ult is impossibly strong when combined with basically any other offensive ult. Has a slow charge time to offset this. Can be countered by a Genji Reflect, or D.Va's Defence Matrix.

Sombra - EMP: Wipes out all enemy shields, blocks all enemy abilities for 6 seconds, reveals health and whether or not the enemy has an ultimate. Almost the same case as Zarya, EMP is not a strong ult when used while Sombra has no back up. It is incredibly powerful, however, when used in a coordinated push, and can easily initiate a team wipe. It cannot be countered. Charges insanely quickly, to the point where teams with a Sombra can have an EMP ready less than 1 minute into a game. May be nerfed, and depending on how it is used, is incredibly telegraphed (i.e. a Sombra throwing her translocator into a group of enemies) .

Mercy - Ressurect: Does what is said on the tin. Countered by Sombra, but can be gamechanging if used correctly. Charges somewhat quickly if Mercy is constantly healing.

Reinhardt - Earthshatter: Immobilises the enemy team for a few seconds, being a great initiation tool for a push. Can be very useful, even when used while Reinhardt is on his own. Countered by other shields/barriers, but is so quick to come out that it is very hard in itself to counter.

Lúcio - Sound Barrier: Provides teammates in a 20m radius with shields, which decay over time. A perfect counter to the majority of the DPS ults. Countered by Sombra, who can remove all of the shields if she uses an EMP. Charges somewhat slowly, but can charge a lot faster if you're good at bopping people off maps.

Zenyatta - Transcendance: Creates a radius around him in which everything is healed incredibly quickly, making them near invunerable. Zenyatta himself cannot be killed during this. Countered by Ana's Biotic Grenade, which stops any and all healing.

Tracer - Pulse Bomb: A small sticky bomb that hits for 400 damage, taking out all but 3 members of the roster. Countered by a Genji Deflect, or D.Va's Defence Matrix. It is the fastest charging ultimate in the game; as such, it is discouraged to hold onto the ult for extended periods of time; use it when you think you can get a pick, and if you miss, it'll charge quickly.

Genji - Dragonblade: Does what it says on the tin. Incredibly dangerous to low HP heroes that have poor mobility. Cannot be countered as such, but a hack by Sombra takes away a lot of the effectiveness of the ult. Commonly used in combination with Graviton Surge. Charges somewhat quickly; Pro Genji players can charge it incredibly quickly.
Im absolutely in love with this :eek:

So far, I've had four loot boxes and none of them contained an event skin. Blizzard, you have me worried with the number of silvers and blues I've been getting. :scared:

Anyway, Lucioball is insanely fun. I wish it was available all year-round.
Playing Lucioball instantly reminds me of Rocket League even though I've never played Rocket League. Still great fun though.
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Hey, psst. Blizzard. Can I get rid of all the cosmetic items for the characters I don't play in exchange for coins? Please? Mercy's "Winged Victory" skin is 3,000 coins and I only have 485. My luck with lootboxes has been terrible.
Well, I got Mercy's "Eidgenossin" and Pharah's "Amethyst" skins today. Not what I was looking for, but they were both skins I've wanted for a little while. Now, if I actually knew how to play Pharah...
DAMN this is perfect!

I flow like the river... swift like the wind,
I feel much better, Angela for the win.
What's wrong? Mada mada, mada mada! Haha.

Say ah!

Ryujin no ken wo ku-RAAAAAaa...

Flow like the river... fall like rain.
I killed my brother, cus he's really lame.

Heroes never die!

Yes, life and death is my thing,
I spit the sick rhymes cus I require healing.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how do you feel?
Wait you are not hurt...

I still need heal-

One shot, one kill.
The widow's kiss, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) such skill.
Step into my parlour said the spider to the fly,
If you get caught in my web, you are sure to die.

Healing stream engaged, heroes never die!

That's not right, it's like "heroes never die..."

You ever stop and just look up at the sky?
If anyone was wondering, I might need this later.
I'm sure you know what I mean Tracer... Boop.

Oi come on, you can't say that here,
it's the cavalry's here, not the cavalry's queer!
Sod off, wanker. No-one likes a thief...
Won't be a problem if you just.. - WOAH

Hold up! I'll make ya famous, easy.
You may have seen me from "The Name's McCree",
with the "deadeye ain't ready" and the "1, 2, 3".
I'm wanted dead or alive see?
So long... Hold on.
How did D.Va get more views than me?

1, 2, 3, 4 Ding! Highscore for sure.
Don't worry I don't need to suit up for armor,
cus I'm under control. So oldschool! Woah...
Group up with me? Heh... seriously... Come on!
Try and keep up ok?
No-one's gonna get in my way, I'm zoned.
Now I'm going to beat all these noobs with a "NERF THIS" n' "GET OWNED"