Paint Chips in GT6?

  • Thread starter Afrodeezy

Would you like to see paint chips back in GT6?

  • Yes

    Votes: 29 24.8%
  • No

    Votes: 88 75.2%

  • Total voters
No, absolutely not. Stupid, stupid idea. Just give us a colour wheel to paint our car any colour we like at any time with a realtime preview. Like every other car game of the last 10+ years which lets you paint your car.

Actually I like having the paints from a specific manufacture cos I want the paint to be correct. This would be a good addition too
You all who want a wheel are just missing the point. You cant get what ever the **** you want in life. You have to earn it and some **** is more precious than other ****in ****:ill:

You're joking right. I RATHER have a paint wheel instead of a stupid paint chip system PD created. Paint is not even suppose to be a collectible, the paint I want should be there at all times. The paint chips are crap and always will be...

have you had an actual preview on a real car?

Who cares? Other games does this so simply, why can't Gran Turismo?
No because alot of the time to get the chip I want I have to pointlessly buy a car and sell it again which can be very frustrating.
I hate doing this but going trough 3000+ paint chips to find the right color I'm looking for, it's annoying and time consuming. I end up having to buy a car just for the chip. Paint chips are annoying and having so many can slow the game down.

I can't think of one scenario where paint chips are more beneficial then a color wheel.
I can't think of one scenario where paint chips are more beneficial then a color wheel.

Let's say you like one of the color-shift paints from a TVR and want to paint another car in that color. Would you rather waste time trying to match that color or have that exact color from a paint chip? I mean, the color wheel is obviously needed for making your own paints but why not keep the chips too, since you get the exact color name and you can be sure it is the exact color you need?
Let's say you like one of the color-shift paints from a TVR and want to paint another car in that color. Would you rather waste time trying to match that color or have that exact color from a paint chip? I mean, the color wheel is obviously needed for making your own paints but why not keep the chips too, since you get the exact color name and you can be sure it is the exact color you need?

I think what people mean with chips is the one time use things. At least that's what I'm talking about.

Keeping manufacturer colors would be a good idea. As long as we can use them like any other freely available color on a wheel.
Let's say you like one of the color-shift paints from a TVR and want to paint another car in that color. Would you rather waste time trying to match that color or have that exact color from a paint chip? I mean, the color wheel is obviously needed for making your own paints but why not keep the chips too, since you get the exact color name and you can be sure it is the exact color you need?

When I say color wheel, I mean all the colors available in the game accessible from the start. I don't want to buy cars just for the chip.
I think what people mean with chips is the one time use things. At least that's what I'm talking about.

Keeping manufacturer colors would be a good idea. As long as we can use them like any other freely available color on a wheel.

When I say color wheel, I mean all the colors available in the game accessible from the start. I don't want to buy cars just for the chip.

Oh I get it now. And I agree, the colors should be accessible, it's just that reading the thread I got the impression that people don't want manufacturer colors.
I want paint chips gone, or at least, the current system they make up. It's awful and counter-intuitive.

What would be handy is having a colour wheel, with all the current texture options, and also having a menu of pre-mixed Manufacturer Paints. Basically, if you just want to match Estorilblau Metallic on your E92, you could hop into BMW's menu and find it. Perhaps even sort by model. I realize that's very similar to what we have now, but without the one-use garbage, nor having to hunt them down. Make the GT special ones unlock able even, I don't mind, but if PD is going to go to the trouble of cataloging every single paint (and they have, and they are the best at recreating them in the genre), make them more useful and accessible.
Either we "unlock" a one and only paintchip and can use it infinite times, or let us input codes for colors.
Having to scroll through a list of 3,000+ paints at the speed they load and in the uselessly tiny preview image, is completely idiotic.
if PD is going to go to the trouble of cataloging every single paint (and they have, and they are the best at recreating them in the genre), make them more useful and accessible.
That's what crazy. They put all that work into replicating so many of them with official colours and names, and then they wrap it up in the most moronic system ever.
Having to scroll through a list of 3,000+ paints at the speed they load and in the uselessly tiny preview image, is completely idiotic.
And they don't even sort properly by hue :/
You all who want a wheel are just missing the point. You cant get what ever the **** you want in life. You have to earn it and some **** is more precious than other ****in ****:ill:

I don't understand why you're trying to defend PD's lack of common sense.
That's what crazy. They put all that work into replicating so many of them with official colours and names, and then they wrap it up in the most moronic system ever.

And they don't even sort properly by hue :/

Just to be different, I guess. :rolleyes: However, they need to be careful, because for them, there's a fine line between being "different," and being "that weird Japanese game."
This is hilarious to me. It's a video game. You should be able to access colors you want, whenever you want. I propose they make the different textures/finished unlock able based on level. Like EVERY OTHER GAME ON THE MARKET.

That is my argument level based unlock-ability and unlock colors earlier with car purchases.
...there's a fine line between being "different," and being "that weird Japanese game."

Yep, unfortunately too damn many aspects fall under the latter atm. :D

There should be a new job slot open at PD, and filled urgently. That's the Senior Director of Common sense. :dopey:
Here is how I would do it.

You get in your car and go to the paint shop. Your car is displayed on the right as a live preview, with the ability to move around it. On the left you get three options. First of all you get an RGB colour wheel. If you want to paint your car that way, go ahead. Select your colour and as a second option the paint style, matte/pearl etc. Press R1 however and the RGB colour wheel is replaced with the manufacturer colours options. First you get a list of the manufacturers, then you get a selection of the manufactuer paints. Choose one, select it, you're done.

I think that is perfect personally.

Here are some (very crude) examples:



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Here is how I would do it.

No, no, no! It would never work: i's far too rational. :P

Seriously though, that would work well and keep most people very happy (and it was a nice effort). Add to that the unlock-ability of paints based on level--plus some random attainments if PD insists--and even more players would be satisfied. If PD really wanted to limit the paints--and to satisfy the possession/restriction crowd, they could limit the colour wheel availability to those on level 35 or it's equivalent.
They could also make the manufacturer paints unlockable if they wanted, tie it to the A-Spec races. So win a race in a BMW you unlock some BMW paints etc. So if you want to be sure of an exact match you have to win a race, otherwise make your best guess with the wheel.

I certainly don't agree with any general restrictions though, the colour wheel has to be available from the start.
have you had an actual preview on a real car?

Yes. Some are called "brochures" and they have this other thing called a "showroom".

Have you ever had your car painted in three seconds by massive, mystery jets of super-accurate paint; or--after hitting a wall at 300 km/h--pulled into the nearest pit where your car was instantly repaired for free?

More to the "simulation" point, have you ever gone into a hardware store or paint shop, asked for a paint, and been told: "Sorry, we just sold that chip; there are no more"? How about the same at a car repair shop (or "panel beaters")?
The only way I would like to see this happen is if I could transfer my current game info over.
It needs to be replaced. I liked that it makes car colors a little unique and customization somewhat notable in a game that doesn't have a livery editor, but I would rather see paints unlocked as you go. Special paints (Chromes, Mattes, Unique Color shifts) could be awarded by completing challenges, licenses, special events or endurance races. Meanwhile other paints are unlocked as you buy cars (Ex: I buy the Mercedes SLS AMG and unlock all the paints that are available with the SLS for use on all of my cars, buying another Mercedes unlocks all of it's paint chips, assuming they're different from the ones used on the SLS).

Once unlocked, the paints are accessible from GTAuto and all you have to do is then pay to have your car painted. More exotic colors might cost more to reflect the difficulty it takes to apply them like real life.

In addition to all of the exotic and manufacturer colors, GTAuto has a collection of simple colors that you can pick from right away to paint and customize your cars early in the game.
They should have paint chips available for purchase, by make & model. Which only store from being purchased, they can be used infinitely and deleted at any time.

We still need a new paint system though.
They should have paint chips available for purchase, by make & model. Which only store from being purchased, they can be used infinitely and deleted at any time.

We still need a new paint system though.

I want to see "Livery Preview" and something more categorizing - More filters for car colours. But preview is most important!
It's okay with "manufacturer colors".