Parents' Stories...

  • Thread starter Sage


Staff Emeritus
United States
United States
Okay, we all know we can drive to the limit in GT3, and can practice driving techniques we ordinarily would not be able to do in real life, such as drifting or shifting at the red line. However, what have your parents done that can be classified as slightly extreme (in real life)?

For example, my dad said that he would sometimes take his Corvair on windy roads and do some drifting! (He still detests Nader for shutting down that sweet car :mad: )

Also, he used to take his Beetle so fast that it would fly over bumps. :burnout:

Any of you talked to your parents recently about what foolish/daring/silly things they've done? :smilewink:
my dad took his truck,going about 137 mph on the highway,went into the ditch and flew about 9 feet in the air....

VERY scary!!!!!
Originally posted by I Dont Want Friends
One time my dad went like 15 miles an hour over the speed limit. Seirously that is like the worst he has ever done. :sleep: :sleep:

Wow, you sure have a boring dad... :P

Mine did 120+ in his Pontiac once in the desert... also, he regularly goes 80-90 mph on his way to work :D He also likes to scare me occasionally by revving the car all the way to the redline :lol:

He's not the only fast one in my family though:

My cousin, who's German, took the governor out of his BMW and went 165 mph down the Grapevine! Eeek! :eek: :eek: :eek:

My other cousin has a BMW Z8 (yes, that is no typo, he does have the Z8, BMW's supercar! In fact, he is one of three people who owns a Z8 in California. What's kind of ironic is that I have seen one of the other Z8's in California, but I still haven't seen the third one...) However, he bought it more as a status thing... he's not a huge driving type (got in a bad accident when he first started driving, so that's kinda shaken him up a bit).

My half-sister also likes to drive fast... she just loves to hear her Subie's turbo-charger spooling! :D

Have I bored you ppl enough now? :weird:
Originally posted by youth_cycler

Wow, you sure have a boring dad... :P

Mine did 120+ in his Pontiac once in the desert... also, he regularly goes 80-90 mph on his way to work :D He also likes to scare me occasionally by revving the car all the way to the redline :lol:

He's not the only fast one in my family though:

My cousin, who's German, took the governor out of his BMW and went 165 mph down the Grapevine! Eeek! :eek: :eek: :eek:

My other cousin has a BMW Z8 (yes, that is no typo, he does have the Z8, BMW's supercar! In fact, he is one of three people who owns a Z8 in California. What's kind of ironic is that I have seen one of the other Z8's in California, but I still haven't seen the third one...) However, he bought it more as a status thing... he's not a huge driving type (got in a bad accident when he first started driving, so that's kinda shaken him up a bit).

My half-sister also likes to drive fast... she just loves to hear her Subie's turbo-charger spooling! :D

Have I bored you ppl enough now? :weird:

THIS IS COMPLETE BULL S**T, i know 2 people that own a z8 and thats only in Los Angeles
mmmm my Dad once did 100mph. He is also good at using all lanes on an empty roundabout to take a racing line and keep the speed up. Nothing to brag about.

However we only have a 1.0L engine :confused: which is a little embarrassing!!

OK, well, here we go...

We used to have a Ford Granada estate with the 2.8i V6 engine in it. Dad decided that it might be a bit of a wheeze to fire it at a hump-backed bridge at 120mph. Flew for about 30yds. What a rush! Car was OK too (well, still driveable, but it needed a bit of work done on it).

Have been overtaken (literally) by an aircraft flying along the same road as we were driving. We were doing 130 at the time (Audi Quattro).

Parents had some earth (10 tons) dropped outside the house to do some landscaping, so Dad drove the Jeep Cherokee Chief up to the top of the pile (Mum wasn't impressed!)

That's all for now!
Originally posted by I Dont Want Friends
One time my dad went like 15 miles an hour over the speed limit. Seirously that is like the worst he has ever done. :sleep: :sleep:

5 years ago, my father got a parking ticket. That is the worst he's ever done in 20 years. I got 6 speeding tickets within a year.
I wonder if he is my real father:D:D
Originally posted by made in holland

5 years ago, my father got a parking ticket. That is the worst he's ever done in 20 years. I got 6 speeding tickets within a year.
I wonder if he is my real father:D:D

HAHAHAH, ii beat you all,

My dad, when he was young, was a street racer, man he has SOME SERIOUS skill, i mean he driving abilities are unbelivable, once in hawaii we rented a mustang..THAT WAS THE END TO THAT...he did donuts was speeding all the was really funny
My dads always been into fast cars. His 1st car was a 1967 (i think a 67...somewhere in the late 60's) Mustang. Then he had a T-Bird and a Trans-Am (the 70's models with the giant Eagle on the hood :) .) In February of 2001, he finally bought his dream car...a 2001 Corvette Coupe. He drives that thing like he stole it! We go on midnight runs when I am over at his house and have gotton around 180 mph on a 2 lane road in the middle of nowhere. On each side of the road was giant stalks of some sort, so we couldnt see anything eaither...not to mention he has it lowered so there is 1.5 inches of clearence from the bottom of the car :rolleyes: . Those are some crazy times.....
Oh yea, and I forgot to mention.....

When we do that, we always go with the windows down and the top off (removable roof). We cant do it anyother way, because he has his windows tinted to about The legal tint allowed in Florida (i think, but am not sure) is like 50%.... :eek:
Man, I got old at some point. All I can do is reminisce about the stupid stuff *I've* done.

hehehe - Launchin' my truck into the air, catching air on the bounce and then ditching it...

240 in an Eagle Talon (uhh... km/h)
230 in a 'stang...

Doin' donuts in the parking lot at work in the winter and wedgin' my back bumper on a fence. lol - pulled off a section of the fence and bent the bumper

Gettin' another truck stuck in a field - spinnin' the wheels 'till I was almost sitting on the frame.

Trying to roll a Suzuki Samuari (my and a buddy - all dressed up in hockey equipment, sliding around corners)

Rolling a Suzuki Sidekick into a ditch (just testin' out the 4w-low)

Repo-ing vehicles (which I *must* recommend) - running up in the middle of the night, hoppin' in and tearing off before the delinquent owner shoots or clubs us.

Ugh - That's just off the top of my head. Lousy Mis-spent youth. hehehe
My dad used to have a Ferrari 348gtb which he had to sell because he didn't had the time to maintain it nor the money after I started kart racing... hehe, but that was like 5 or 6 years ago and he doesn't want to buy another sweet car cuz' cars like Ferrari, lotus or whatever sweet exotic car. Well... they spend more hours in the garage than you put miles on it and frankly it isn't worth the trouble...

My dad has got his license revoked a short period of time a few times for speeding. He pulled a near-280kph in the 348 once -pretty much topping it and frying everything :P- But that was on a german 4-lane. And he didn't got his license revoked there... it just comes with a 2 or 3000$ fine. While in the Netherlands and Belgium you can get it revoked when you're driving 50% too fast (180kph on highways!!).

My mother thinks she's a bad-ass in her car which can be quite funny. She's easily pissed off on highways when m5's or whatever are showing off and she drives like ****ing slow -speed limit- and when she's overtaking she steps on the gas adn cuts in front so the other car has to back off. That can be so dangerous! But hey... I've pulles some crazy stuff on the track as well so who am I to judge :P
Originally posted by SRA Racing
Juss for the record:

Thats about
149 in the Talon
143 in the Mustang

lol - thanks for the conversion - I try to avoid converting 'em 'cause it looks alot more pitiful after playing GT

Once, my dad put gas all over his truck and threw a match on it in the middle of the road! He sat and laughed at it! :D
:D :cheeburga ;)
Originally posted by rufrgt_sn00pie2001
He pulled a near-280kph in the 348 once -pretty much topping it and frying everything :P-

Thats pretty funny considering thats under 174 mph(173.6 to be exact). He fried everything doin 174, yet the Vette does that without fryin Maybe thats impressive for that model Ferrari (dont know much about em except they are one hell of a car :)) but I thought a Ferrari would do more than a Corvette....
Originally posted by whitez
THIS IS COMPLETE BULL S**T, i know 2 people that own a z8 and thats only in Los Angeles

jeezes, calm down... didn't mean to offend you... :( last time i checked, only 3 ppl in CA had z8s, though of course that can change... jeez, sorry... :nervous:
My mother tells me that my grandmother used to do crazy stuff on the highway, namely throw the car in reverse and back up after missing an exit while still on the freeway!
Originally posted by SRA Racing

Thats pretty funny considering thats under 174 mph(173.6 to be exact). He fried everything doin 174, yet the Vette does that without fryin Maybe thats impressive for that model Ferrari (dont know much about em except they are one hell of a car :)) but I thought a Ferrari would do more than a Corvette....

It was an early eighties car and really unstable, broke every other week. You know how it goes... and when you red line every inch to it's top speed that's not particurely healthy...
My dad's gone 146 in his RX-7 NA comeing back from Chicago.
He gets pissed at some people at work, 1 guy parked a 626 in front of his stall(the guys stall) to keep from someone from working in his stalls, and he took a wheel off, hid the keys, and put it on the rack. This was on a Saturday that this guy wasn't working, and the rest of the mechanics needed more room to work. So my dad found the key, put the wheel on, lowered the car, peeled all the way around the biulding and parked it behind the dumpster. No one saw him, and on Monday the guy was so pissed, my dad told his boss, the boss said to get the car back(not being mean, just saying that it needed to be worked on), so my dad got into the car, peeled around the lot, and slamed it at about 30 into the stall, almost hitting the guy. His boss was laughing.
My dad's also known for driving in reverse at a high rate of speed, usually on our street after he forgets his wallet or something, then he floors it in reverse, and makes a U turn into our driveway(we live on a corner, so he went aroung the corner and into our driveway).
He is also big on road rage sometimes, if someone passes him on the highway really fast, my dad will race him and pass him and get infront of them. Yesterday, me, my mom, and my dad went to Springfield Il to go antiqueing(my mom), and we were on 55 N, this guy flew past us in a Camry, my dad floored it, was right behind them, and they moveed over and my dad downsifted to 4th, and kept it floored and we went about 100 right past them.
Then, on the way home, it was sleeting and crap, we went over a bridge, the Probe scooted over and my dad thought we hit something, we kept going at about 75, went over another bridge and it started sliding side to side, but my dad held on, and we slowed down. Coulda been killed, but it was kinda fun thinking about it now.
My mom sometimes drives fast. Last summer we went to Ohio, on the way my mom was driving, and this guy in a decrapitated(I made that word)Legend(not ZeroCool, I hope)cut us off, almost forcing us off the road. So my mom floored it, we cut them off and just kept it floored, getting up to about 97 with a car top carryer, the 4 of us, and all of our stuff, before the trans started spewing oil and smoke all over the people racing us. Sorta like a Bat man move or something. My mom pulled over at a rest stop, and woke my dad up(slept though the whole thing) and he cleaned it up, it was fine and we got on the road at a slower pace.
That's about it...

That's pretty damn scary. I can understand a little "crazy" driving late at night when no one is around, but driving dangerously and violently like that can and does cause accidents. You should really try to talk them into some therapy before they hurt themselves or others.

As for my parents, both of them drive like they're 80 or so. No big deal, and it makes drives pretty relaxing.

Nexus Maelstrom
Naw man, my parents know what they're doing. My dad use to auto cross, he was really good(that was before I was born, I never saw it at all exept in slides). We haven't cause any accidents, all of the ones we've been in were caused by the other person. And it's not like we're gonna kill someone, we know what we're doing, we know the limits of the cars. I like when we drive fast, it's fun, and we get to our destination faster. Nothing is going to change the way they, my brother, or I drive. It's just the way it is.