Parents' Stories...

  • Thread starter Sage
Well, anyway, that aside, I have another story...

Ok, many years ago my grandmother got divorced, married my former step-grandfather (he died b4 I was born). Now, [according to my dad and my aunt], all he did was stay in bars and get drunk. So, years ago Interstate 5 was just about to be open in Burbank. The night before, Caltrans or whoever had set up orange cones where the last freeway joined with it, since it still obviously wasn't in use. Now, my step-grandfather was driving down the freeway from a bar, drunk of course, he doesn't see the orange cones, so he just plows through them at like 80 mph, still going, totally oblivious to what's happening, and then he flies into a ditch on the side of the I-5, nearly killing himself... oh boy.
My dad currently has twelve points on his license...

He's lucky he doesn't get it taken away. Now he just chooses to drive like the old fart that he is.
well, MY dad did 113 in his BMW 325is he used to have(now he had a diff one, same year and everything else, except for color) which we later found out the sidewalls were spearating from. It was more of an "after the moment" thing.

I still don't know have fast I've gone in My 350 Silverado, remember it has that lame 85 MAX mph speedo, which, of course, is easily crossed, but I love sreaching out the handing capibilties. If that dosen't sound dangerous, truck. It seems to handle too well, I'm wonder if a previouse owner did some unobivious suspension upgrades I don't know about. HE could have, It took me a while to realize I had a VERY stock looking hi-po set of Spark plug wires under the hood. Unless the guy didn't know they were better than stock(8mm low resistance)
My dad would mostly just blow the doors off mustangs, in various land yachs. '68 Olds 98 being the most infamous.

But once in the '80s he had to garage the Olds, and bought '81 chevy chevette 5speed (due to gas prices). I always felt safe in the 98 no matter what. He drove that chevette like he had a death wish.

3am. through a red light at the top of a blind hill, into oncomming traffic, in the rain.