I know what you mean, bubbleguuum.
The car is barely controllable in extreme situations. I can't 'change lanes' without being extremely delicate with the steering or else I'll end up in the wall. Steering doesn't feel linear... I turn to the right and the car immediately changes its' direction about 10-15° (with tires screeching) -
it almost feels digital and not analogue. It doesn't matter what setup I try, I feel everything needed to fully turn the car is within 20% of the stick's range. Meaning, I can't fineadjust my line, it's impossible. There's a minimal line where the car just turns very slightly and then suddenly it's hell (and I mean suddenly, like steering angle 3° to 12° on the next value from the analogue stick).
I'd like to have 50% of the stick's range for a small angle, so that I can steer precise through mild, fast corners and only the rest of it for harder corners.
This problem isn't new. It was exactly the same in Shift 2, making it very frustrating to drive at all.
I don't have these problems in AC or R3E. AC lets me decide how strong the signal is filtered (not just IF it is filtered), so very very mildly makes the controls less twitchy but still lets me react very quickly and delicate, enabling me to save the car most of the times and drive smoothly through any kind of corner. The only way to drive smoothly in pC is by dampening the hell out of the signal and thereby making the car unrepsonsive.
The visuals don't align with the steering and the car aswell. I turned visual wheel filtering off, but while the wheel turns slowly (dampened), the car already drives a weird angle, while I didn't do anything harsh with the controller. So the car doesn't do what I expect it to do and the virtual wheel turns according to none of both options. Basically, I have no idea what anything (myself included) is doing.
In that state, with a gamepad, pC is probably the worst racing game I have ever played. It is just frustrating and no fun at all to screech through every corner and not being able to drive a fine line.
Originally Posted by
Naturally, because Project CARS is an advanced simulator there are also visible cues and cues from the FFB to gauge your driving
Where exactly are the FFB cues? I use a X360 pad, but I gues it shouldn't behave differently to a XOne pad. The only FFB I get is from shifting and when driving over kerbs. I expected to get something from losing grip, drifting around, but so far FFB is just something I try to avoid (as kerbs usally pull me into some wall with that steering).