• Thread starter Mr Grumpy
It wouldn't be the internet if you didn't get conflicting advice :lol: In all seriousness - if the pain becomes very bad I'll of course take something, but at that point I'll also be off to see the doc too (if that's even possible at the moment....). Right now while I'm sitting or standing/walking it's an ache more than anything else. Sudden movements are out though!

It is better 'course to consult a doctor. But if pain is constant that means organism in constant neurotic attack, and painkillers will ease a pressure on neurotic system at least. It will 'course not solve anything, but at least it will allow you to sleep and walk if necessary.
Testing out the last round (Mojave Boa Ascent) & here's what I found so far..

Default loose, AI 120/100, no aids, controller.

AI are terrible here, even at 120 I'm 2 seconds faster over a lap, 15 seconds faster over the whole race. They seem to be slowest at the last chicane before the main straight more than anywhere & the big downhill after the mountain where you can swoop past on the outside.

The car itself.... Although I love it, it doesn't like this track. There's a lot of places over the lap where you lose traction & it's very skittish across the bumps which can cause sudden power oversteer if you're on full throttle, a lot of throttle feathering helps once you know where to do it (tyres get better after the 1st lap).

Also the inside camber & curbs can send you spinning into the wall, minimum steering helps here as they suck you in good, wheel users may benefit here.

I've set a banker time for now, but there's definitely more if you have consistency.
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Testing out the last round (Mojave Boa Ascent) & here's what I found so far..

Default loose, AI 120/100, no aids, controller.

AI are terrible here, even at 120 I'm 2 seconds faster over a lap, 15 seconds faster over the whole race. They seem to be slowest at the last chicane before the main straight more than anywhere & the big downhill after the mountain where you can swoop past on the outside.

The car itself.... Although I love it, it doesn't like this track. There's a lot of places over the lap where you lose traction & it's very skittish across the bumps which can cause sudden power oversteer if you're on full throttle, a lot of throttle feathering helps once you know where to do it (tyres get better after the 1st lap).

Also the inside camber & curbs can send you spinning into the wall, minimum steering helps here as they suck you in good, wheel users may benefit here.

I've set a banker time for now, but there's definitely more if you have consistency.
You are ahead of others so I am glad you "like" it :lol:
TBH I don't like testing cars, tracks. I just get what is given for me and drive. I did two 5 lap races more than half a year ago and liked this combo. Maybe it is due to I love old cars and don't like high grip cars. I like combos where you need to catch slidings, can drive using gas pedal and similar. As an example - 9 race. I like it a lot. Spend 5 hours on it and want more.
You are ahead of others so I am glad you "like" it :lol:
TBH I don't like testing cars, tracks. I just get what is given for me and drive. I did two 5 lap races more than half a year ago and liked this combo. Maybe it is due to I love old cars and don't like high grip cars. I like combos where you need to catch slidings, can drive using gas pedal and similar. As an example - 9 race. I like it a lot. Spend 5 hours on it and want more.
Last time I was on this track I was in the Renault 5 :)
Ta da!

Had a quick couple of goes this afternoon. On the 2nd attempt I was determined to at least get it down to 10 minutes. Managed that, just. I'd need to be more consistent to get it down further. It probably been better if I'd turned the AI up to, I'd forgotten to adjust them.

Then I tried it in PC3. Yes I've very recently bought it.
Project CARS 3_20201208174444.jpg
I found it difficult to get comparable settings since the options are not the same - conditions, AI etc. The aids, or lack of them, were the same I think. The tyres are "different" of course but so was the gearing on the Escort. The Ford is great fun to throw around in PC2 but actually... I enjoyed it even more in PC3! :scared:
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@IfAndOr you were 8 seconds faster in PC3 than my PC2 time with that combo.
I know. I'm not quite what to make of that. It wasn't if it felt "on rails" it certainly felt pretty slippy slidey just like PC2 with pleny of tail out action. It needed balancing on the throttle more than PC2 if anything. It just felt er, different somehow. Maybe 3 has got better* physics. More testing required.

Can I post the results for the last race from PC3? I might stand a chance of a win then. :P

* The definition of better in this claim is a little undecided!

Funny you should say that...

Results post updated.

Struggled with consistency here, my one lap pace is there or thereabouts but silly mistakes here and there (including a 1 sec penalty damnit!) costing me. Fun race though, the Escort has always been a favourite of mine, and it's really enjoyable around Hock Short. Mind the kerbs though :lol:

Replay of a slightly slower run...

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The final race of the championship is now underway
That's good because here's my entry. ;)

And like last time for experimentation I ran the same race in PC3. The results were much closer this time As you can see the AI were a lot quicker and more competitive in PC3. They'd pounce up the inside or outside at every little mistake I'd make. And no, none of them crashed into me at all. And again I found it to be more fun, somehow!

I tried to use similar settings - even the same colour car.
Pro AI (that's not at max) with medium aggression.
Project CARS 3_20201218215036.jpg

Project CARS 3_20201218214318.jpg

For reference
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That's good because here's my entry. ;)

And like last time for experimentation I ran the same race in PC3. The results were much closer this time As you can see the AI were a lot quicker and more competitive in PC3. They'd pounce up the inside or outside at every little mistake I'd make. And no, none of them crashed into me at all. And again I found it to be more fun, somehow!

I tried to use similar settings - even the same colour car.
Pro AI (that's not at max) with medium aggression.
View attachment 979611

View attachment 979610

For reference
View attachment 979608
Funny thing is that even at 120/100 none of the AI had a chance to crash into me because they were so slow & crap on this track. The AI look like they handle this track better on PC3.
The AI look like they handle this track better on PC3.
Yes, you can see their lap times are pretty good.

I haven't progressed too far into the career mode yet but using the custom race sandbox mode I'm finding the AI quite competent. They are generally quicker off the line to, I think I only made up 2 or 3 spots at Mojave for instance. I made up a couple of more places over a the initial laps but then had a tail happy moment on the ascent and they took advantage - in PC2 they probably would have held back. I was then left battling Karl Davies who I only managed to pass cleanly on the last lap. Rhys Bentley would have been in the mix but I watched him spin out early on.

PC3 would make for a great PCCP game. :P