Peak Oil. Now. What'cha gonna do?

  • Thread starter niky


Karma Chameleon
Staff Emeritus
Okay, so there's a pretty long discussion already here:

But the fact is: We're not going to run completely out of oil. And we're not going to use it up.

And the flavor of the situation has changed drastically since 2006. Since then, we've seen oil hit a heady $140 per barrel, the global economy collapse, oil drop to under $60 per barrel, then climb back up steadily while most of us are still recovering from the shock.


Despite the growth in demand, global oil production has remained steady for the past decade, and discoveries have peaked.


And despite the extreme volatility in world oil prices, with the push above $100 per barrel oil only temporarily stalled by the tanking of the global economy in 08', barrel per day production has not expanded significantly to meet the higher demand.


Economy "tanked", get it? Get it?

Okay, so there are other reasons besides the terrible state of the global economy. Libya. Syria. Iran. Perhaps when the political situation clears up in these countries, oil production will go up commensurately, but it's likely that the process of rebuilding will also increase domestic consumption in these countries. Meaning less oil still, for us.


It seems likely that this is it. Even if supply increases by a goodly percent over the next few years, we're straining at the limits of the envelope, and it's possible we'll see oil prices go boom and bust cyclically over the next decade or two, as production levels off then gradually begins to fall. Improved extraction methods, more off-shore drilling and better conversion will cushion the fall, but the balance point at which prospecting and extracting become less and less profitable seems to be here.


So we've got lots of time, you say? Time to trade in the relatively inefficient gasoline- and diesel-powered cars for electric vehicles, or for alternative fuel vehicles?

There's a problem there.

Whatever your view on the idea, EROEI (energy return on energy invested) represents a ballpark limit to the amount of energy we can get out of each energy resource, irregardless of the financial cost. And the EROEI for petroleum fuel substitutes like biodiesel and bioethanol is pretty wretched. In fact, the EROEI for biofuels is marginally positive. Even if you factor in societal costs such as wars and dictators, gasoline is still at a higher EROEI.


The real kicker is, when petroleum products start to become scarce, the level of productivity of a bio-fuel farm will start to go down, as more and more of the crop is used on-site to fuel the operation. Conserving that by resorting to manual tilling, sowing and harvesting lowers the income of the farm workers to levels that give them little incentive to go on. There's a reason millions of third-world farmers don't plant crops. Eventually, we'll get there, but we're not going to be planting biofuels simply so the middle-class can drive thirty minutes to work...



Alternatives like Natural Gas and Propane are better, but these are not infinite resources, either.

That leaves us with
electricity from coal, hydroelectric and solar power.


Suck that, eco-weenies...

Coal is running out, but not as quickly. Estimates are that it will last around twenty years longer than easily accessible oil. Hydroelectric and solar power can provide back-up, but we don't have enough solar set up yet, and the applications for hydroelectric are severely limited by geography. Environmental concerns don't count. When our back is to the wall, we will gladly flood eco-rich marshlands for more electricity.


But what matters is what this means for car owners. Whatever the source, electricity is still cheaper per mile than gasoline. And if you own your own solar panels, it's free. (ignoring installation costs and the like)

But electric cars possess an upfront cost that's hard to ignore. For the same carrying capacity and just a fourth of the driving range, electric cars cost over twice what petroleum powered vehicles do. And they'll cost even more when the cost of oil for shipping rises significantly. While you will eventually pay out the difference in gasoline costs on a regular car, the longer period over which you get to pay that out helps prevent sticker shock.


That's the scenario. What are the implications? Will we see a recreation of Mad Max on a global scale over the next twenty or thirty years? Roving gangs fighting over limited oil supplies to feed their marauding ways? Perhaps the only (unprofitable) oil wells will be run by leather-and-spike clad dictators through slave labor, to drive their armies and conquer other territories to grow food for them.


We'll be having shrimp on the barbie tonight!

Or will we see a catastrophic population collapse followed by a reversion to tribal life, or agricultural feudalism? Alcohol- and biodiesel-fed tanks (or even steam tanks?) rolling out of China to conquer the rest of Asia? America's nuclear aircraft carriers floating offshore as alcohol-fed aircraft make furtive sorties into Indochina to halt the Chinese advance...


Grossly uncomfortable pillbox suits not included.

On a less alarmist note: Are we going to see another massive "cash for clunkers" program, where people are given incentive to trade in their SUVs for bicycles and quadricycles? Will the governments get their acts together, concentrate populations around food-growing areas (to lower transport costs overall), start massive population control programs and erect massive solar installations in time?


Feel that burn!

What do you think?
Whoa. Well, I like to think that effective and efficient mass transit would be a great solution as most civilian gas usage involves driving into or out of a larger urban area. Living in Southern California, mass transit here is terrible. The problem is that the foundation for mass isn't really there and it would be crazy expensive to put it into place. Then after that is the problem that the public might scoff at it and tottle around in their Prius.
Whoa. Well, I like to think that effective and efficient mass transit would be a great solution as most civilian gas usage involves driving into or out of a larger urban area. Living in Southern California, mass transit here is terrible. The problem is that the foundation for mass isn't really there and it would be crazy expensive to put it into place. Then after that is the problem that the public might scoff at it and tottle around in their Prius.

Mass transit here is pretty fantastic, so I know it can work. I'm estimating that it will become a requirement at some point, if only by default.
Plus their is oil very deep where we can't get to it, like the ocean trenches.

Once our tech can get good enough to get this oil we will see more coming but it will be pricey because they will need to offset the cost of getting the tech to get it.
Mass transit here is pretty fantastic, so I know it can work. I'm estimating that it will become a requirement at some point, if only by default.

Right. Well that's one of the reasons I want to move to Colorado when I finish school. One glaring difference in the scenario is the sheer volume of passengers the transit system would have to handle. California is home to one tenth of the population of the entire nation. The scale would need to be enornous.
Right. Well that's one of the reasons I want to move to Colorado when I finish school. One glaring difference in the scenario is the sheer volume of passengers the transit system would have to handle. California is home to one tenth of the population of the entire nation. The scale would need to be enornous.

Yes, it would/will certainly be problematic in other more populated areas. If it really comes down to brass tacks they are likely to be the ones to suffer the most, and the longest, unfortunately.
Whoa. Well, I like to think that effective and efficient mass transit would be a great solution as most civilian gas usage involves driving into or out of a larger urban area. Living in Southern California, mass transit here is terrible. The problem is that the foundation for mass isn't really there and it would be crazy expensive to put it into place. Then after that is the problem that the public might scoff at it and tottle around in their Prius.

Then there would be a big cloud of "smug" floating over California. That is would be even a worse situation...
I stopped washing my hair in order to cash in on peak oil.
California doesn't need mass transit to increase smugness. It's smuggy enough as it is.

The problem with mass transit is efficiency during off-peak hours. One thing that would have to change in terms of life-style is our schedule. Simply... 99% of the population can't want to go to work and school within the same two or three hour time period.
Nice post niky 👍

If anyone is interested in this subject, The Last Oil Shock by David Strahan is well worth a read - although it's scary like Stephen King wishes he was. :crazy:
Niky brings up a good point, but it raises another... will other commodities last long enough to see this through?
This is just a posit: If we're going to burn up all of our food as fuel, then will we have enough food to feed 10 billion people on earth down the road? Water? Will we have enough drinkable water. If the drinkable water won't be available, we'll need to spend oil/fuels in converting sea/dirty water to drinking. Ah, the circle.
There is only one long-term answer as far as I can see - nuclear fusion.

The amazing advances in technology during the 20th Century can pretty much all be attributed to our exploitation of fossil fuels, and the global economy is entirely dependent on them.. but it is also ill-prepared to deal with the possibility (let alone the inevitability) of shortages, and that is something that every person in the world is going to have to deal with in the coming decades.

Unfortunately, there is simply no way that fusion power will be able to bridge the gap between supply and demand in the short to medium term. In the meantime, those who can afford the fuel will survive and prosper, whereas the rest can forget it. There is no doubt at all that it will eventually come to blows, the only question is, can nuclear fusion power be developed quickly enough to limit the carnage...?
There is only one long-term answer as far as I can see - nuclear fusion...
...can nuclear fusion power be developed quickly enough to limit the carnage...?

Do you refer to impossible cold fusion, or to the other, nearly impossible, kind?

You'd think that some bright lad, or lassy, would discover a way to:

a) exploit the natural electrical imbalance that exists beteween the Earth and the atmosphere, and/or

b) harness the very low frequency vibration of the planet itself.

Respectfully submitted,
The nearly impossible kind... well, it's completely possible really, it just hasn't been achieved here on Earth on anything like the scale needed yet, but I don't doubt for a minute that it will happen - and probably in our lifetimes too. It is quite fitting, really, since nuclear fusion has already provided us with pretty much all of the energy we've used up to this point, either in the form of stored energy in fossil fuels, or as the result of the products of supernovae, which we've subsequently learned how to split apart again.
Touring Mars
There is only one long-term answer as far as I can see - nuclear fusion.

The amazing advances in technology during the 20th Century can pretty much all be attributed to our exploitation of fossil fuels, and the global economy is entirely dependent on them.. but it is also ill-prepared to deal with the possibility (let alone the inevitability) of shortages, and that is something that every person in the world is going to have to deal with in the coming decades.

Unfortunately, there is simply no way that fusion power will be able to bridge the gap between supply and demand in the short to medium term. In the meantime, those who can afford the fuel will survive and prosper, whereas the rest can forget it. There is no doubt at all that it will eventually come to blows, the only question is, can nuclear fusion power be developed quickly enough to limit the carnage...?

Scientist's should stop spending time on that LHC and hurry up to make a nuclear fusion cell. I want a fusion powered car like there is in Fallout 3!
Scientist's should stop spending time on that LHC and hurry up to make a nuclear fusion cell. I want a fusion powered car like there is in Fallout 3!

That would be a partial point to the LHC. We need to understand more to make it work. I don't think miniature fusion cells would be even considered for a century after we get it on a large scale.
Then there would be a big cloud of "smug" floating over California. That is would be even a worse situation...

As long as Azuremen stays in Washington, California will be safe from the worst smugness. The danger is that his hipster kind tends be drawn to San Francisco or Berkeley. :eek:
As long as Azuremen stays in Washington, California will be safe from the worst smugness. The danger is that his hipster kind tends be drawn to San Francisco or Berkeley. :eek:

I did not know he drives a Prius? :lol:
As long as Azuremen stays in Washington, California will be safe from the worst smugness. The danger is that his hipster kind tends be drawn to San Francisco or Berkeley. :eek:

I'm more of a South Bay Area kind of guy. Plus, you know, Cupertino and Palo Alto are there.
There is only one long-term answer as far as I can see - nuclear fusion.

The amazing advances in technology during the 20th Century can pretty much all be attributed to our exploitation of fossil fuels, and the global economy is entirely dependent on them.. but it is also ill-prepared to deal with the possibility (let alone the inevitability) of shortages, and that is something that every person in the world is going to have to deal with in the coming decades.

Unfortunately, there is simply no way that fusion power will be able to bridge the gap between supply and demand in the short to medium term. In the meantime, those who can afford the fuel will survive and prosper, whereas the rest can forget it. There is no doubt at all that it will eventually come to blows, the only question is, can nuclear fusion power be developed quickly enough to limit the carnage...?

I fear it will not be developed fast enough. Iter, the first full scale experimental fusion reactor, will not be constructed and switched on until 2022 at the earliest. Scientist working on the project hope to reach their goals of sustaining a Q value of 10 (10 times more power produced than input) for 3 minutes, and a Q value of 5 for 5 minutes, by 2029.

Currently the plan is then to begin construction on a fusion power plant connected to the Japanese electrical grid, construction will not be completed before 2035, probably later than 2040 when funding issues are factored in. Once this is running a few wealthy governments, probably China and maybe America will build one of their own but no private company would have the ability to build one and make it financially viable until well into the second half of this century.

And I believe this timescale will be much too late to advert the effects of extremely high fuel costs. Rather I think countries will exploit as much of their renewable resources as possible to contribute ~20% of their energy needs. The remainder will then be made up of traditional gas fired power stations and nuclear fission power stations.

I do not see bio-diesel, or similar, as an option, food prices are too sensitive and high for land to be used for such things. Electric cars will become the only realistic option. Costs of such vehicles are already coming down to acceptable levels in Europe. For example the Nissan Leaf is priced at ~€30,000 and can be compared to a Ford Focus in size and performance which costs ~€22,000. The soon to be released Renault Fluence Z.E will costs €21,000 with a monthly charge for the battery of €75.

However in the very long term I agree that fusion will be the energy source. I think it may be 2075 before the change really begins. And it will not be due to an energy crisis, this will have largely abated by then, I believe it'll be due to a desire. With limitless supplies of energy so much is possible but most interesting is the elimination of famine through the use of desalination plants.

The time largely depends on one thing, media coverage of Iter. If it is advertised by the media as a serious solution to all the worlds problems then the timescales above would be drastically reduced. Governments around the world would then have no issue throwing money at the project. Unlike now, recently one European official deciding on releasing funds objected to it because he believed it had the potential to have a similar event to Fukushima. Anybody with a basic overview of the science would know this is not possible.