Pebb's Photomode Zone || 18.02.20: XJ13 / 15.04.2019: 250 GTO

  • Thread starter Pebb
Last shot of your latest set; this one:
Cheers Fella 👍

Interesting to see shot variants posted. Think I prefer the magenta cast of shot 2. With shots 3 & 4 I prefer it the other way with more yellow/orange cast.

But then on the 3rd last and last shots I like the more magenta cast again. The purple it draws out of the foregorund object appeals to me.

Also really dig shot 5 with it's dynamic angle and motion, and also shot 7 for it's agressive pov and close angle distortion. 👍
Thanks for posting another in-depth comment.

This shot is my favourite ^^ The reason I say this is because it is not something I would have ever thought about taking even though I love art and design. This shot alone has inspired me to look in to the settings when I get the full game and experiment more with angles, shutter speed and the masking to try some photo art. There are many other great shots as normal and I look forward to what you come up with with all these new tools at your fingertips (well DS4 ;)) :cheers:
You have to love it when Scapes buggers up the panning feature. Yea there will be moments, where the final results do not look good. But if the car is positioned right it will produce some interesting results.
Like it a lot! The angle and the car just dropping a bit outside of the picture. Nice!

I prefer the first picture because it looks more natural and has a less warm tone to it. It is a bit unfortunate the logo falls exactly on the cars that follow in the back.
Like it a lot! The angle and the car just dropping a bit outside of the picture. Nice!

I prefer the first picture because it looks more natural and has a less warm tone to it. It is a bit unfortunate the logo falls exactly on the cars that follow in the back.
Nothing stops the GT logo, it is all powerful. :scared:

Out off all the pictures, I love the sheer realism of this shot in particular. I walked down this exact road recently so it's really odd seeing this :lol:
It will be fun to capture more shots in similar locations.
I like the use of the blurred environmental objects in the foreground in your latest set. The added color gives them a great artistic effect.

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I like the use of the blurred environmental objects in the foreground in your latest set. The added color gives them a great artistic effect.
Colour is a wonderful thing when it is handled right. Now does that mean, the end of black and white shots. In my view any desatured shots are a good way to tell a story.

I am trully mesmerized on your latest set!
A very good job capturing those!
Hopefully you are ready for my next update.
You nailed it again Jamie, shots 1, 2, 3 and 2nd to last are my faves. As usual great angles, colors and use of light.
I have only just noticed your comment, because you posted it as my latest update was being laid out. But I am glad it was finally spotted.

You nailed it again Jamie, shots 1, 2, 3 and 2nd to last are my faves. As usual great angles, colors and use of light.
The car was such a joy to capture even if it's classed as pure filth.

Outstanding picture! There is a certain aggression in this pictures while on the other hand it is serene. Actually pretty twisted :D I like it!
When you say twisted does that mean the update had be censored. Because I don't think some of the close-up's are suitable for any children.

2nd definitely my favorite! What a beast ! And the ground finish is brilliant. Keep up your great work :cheers:
Thanks for the comment and visit

WOW, some of the photos of the Lamborghini is EXACTLY what I'm enjoy!!!
Part 2 will feature a few shots with some flair. However until then, it is good to see that you enjoyed part 1. 👍
I have only just noticed your comment, because you posted it as my latest update was being laid out. But I am glad it was finally spotted.

Your use and manipulation of light sources places your scapes photos into another league, inspirational 👍.
I also love Shot no2. :bowdown: It is extremely well done. In fact the whole set is great. I have yet to use all the effects settings they give you. I look forward to part ii. :cheers:
Same as @NBDESIGNZ, if the second to last is the one on the right side.

If I had to choose only one, it would be the 3rd. Superb shot.
Been busy and playing GT so need to catch up on the planet. I did see some of these in game and boy are they nice.

Great compositions and use of environents. Plus light and shadow play, very good stuff all around mate. 👍
Wow, the last two sets of photos look stunning. I'm especially liking the first three Veneno shots since they embody a stark contrast between the sharp angles of the bodywork of the car and smooth lighting. 👍

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Your use and manipulation of light sources places your scapes photos into another league, inspirational 👍.
One thing I enjoy about GT Sport's photomode is how relaxing it is compared to FM7. Now why do I say this. Well a few days ago, I tried to start work on my next FM7 update with the previous Ford GT. But what ever I tried the following would happen. Any angle used by me, resulted in an unaccepable shot followed by frusation. :nervous: Anyway will I be able to break out of my shell. Well only time will tell. Then again, one thing that has made me lose some inspiration in FH3 and FM7 Photomodes is the judging quality for about 60% of all T10 PMC weeks.

I also love Shot no2. :bowdown: It is extremely well done. In fact the whole set is great. I have yet to use all the effects settings they give you. I look forward to part ii. :cheers:
It will be interesting to see what you release next.

Same as @NBDESIGNZ, if the second to last is the one on the right side.

If I had to choose only one, it would be the 3rd. Superb shot.
Thanks for the comment and visit.

Been busy and playing GT so need to catch up on the planet. I did see some of these in game and boy are they nice.

Great compositions and use of environents. Plus light and shadow play, very good stuff all around mate. 👍
Since the Veneno is an easy car to capture it made my latest update go more smoothly.

Looking forward to part 2! :D
MESMERIZING! :eek::eek::eek::bowdown:
Hopefully Part 2 will not let you down.

Wow, the last two sets of photos look stunning. I'm especially liking the first three Veneno shots since they embody a stark contrast between the sharp angles of the bodywork of the car and smooth lighting. 👍
Cheers Fella! Oh and thanks again for treating me to something nice.
The second round of Veneno shots is on the same (high) level of quality as the first one, in my opinion. If I had to choose favourites, it would be shots #6, #8, #9 and #11. But even then - each one of them has a special touch. 👍
What can I say
Your work was always amazing and every time
I’m visiting your gallery I want to go and play GT
Great work
Love the Mercedes and Lambo shots a lot
Alfa - the car is nothing compare to other cars in gts but you made this car look amazing.
Prefect shots
Well done
Good to be back here!
I'm always a fan of your closeup shots. Making abstract shots out of car parts is a unique way of using photomode. The Veneno compliments that style well.
TVR&Ferrari_Fan, is this you? :D

It's great to see guys from so many years ago are still going on with photomode. Your composition is, and always was, top-notch! 👍

Click for the Full Size

It certainly did not let me down. I like your use of the vertical orientation, it really lends itself to close-ups and interesting details of the car.

The second round of Veneno shots is on the same (high) level of quality as the first one, in my opinion. If I had to choose favourites, it would be shots #6, #8, #9 and #11. But even then - each one of them has a special touch. 👍

What can I say
Your work was always amazing and every time
I’m visiting your gallery I want to go and play GT
Great work
Love the Mercedes and Lambo shots a lot
Alfa - the car is nothing compare to other cars in gts but you made this car look amazing.
Prefect shots
Well done
Good to be back here!

Loving the close ups, sooo good mate. 👍

I'm always a fan of your closeup shots. Making abstract shots out of car parts is a unique way of using photomode. The Veneno compliments that style well.

TVR&Ferrari_Fan, is this you? :D

It's great to see guys from so many years ago are still going on with photomode. Your composition is, and always was, top-notch! 👍

Like part one this update is top in composition, lighting and toning. Love your closeups.


It has been a while since my last update, hasn't it lads. Anyway before I post up my first update featuring any kind of Photomode for many months. I just want to thank each of you for popping by. Now before anyone asks if it will be a while, before my next update. Well there is only one thing that can be said related to such a question. Only time will tell, because I am trying to find a good paying job so I can escape my parents. Right why is this important for me.

First gaming can't be enjoyed by me like the good old days since the connection my father provides me with via a powerline adapter isn't that stable to the point my XBl connection in any MP modes will drop every 5-30 minutes. But no matter how I tried to explain things about getting a proper wired connection setup. In the end, my father won't have any of it to the point he used words like. You can lie to your mother and make her believe your lies, but it will not work on me. Now why does losing the MP side make gaming more depressing for me. The answer is first there is quite a few games that will be miseed by me like the Battlefield series for example since my journey with such a series started on BF1942.

Along with missing out on joining up with people, that I regulary enjoy forming a squad with them to the point we all play our roles very well, me being either in the planes or assault tank featuring a spotting light & smoke screen. As well as not being able to play BF1 anymore or the next Battlefield. The next two games I can't enjoy are PUBG and Sea of Thieves with the latter being as part of my one month game pass trial. And finally the other game I can't get my full money's worth from is Far Cry 5 since playing that in co-op is something I was looking forward too once such a mode was revealed.

Right now the gaming portion is out of the way. Time for the main part so here I go with worse part of how my life has gone since April. In late March while walking into the shopping part of Southampton, I collapsed with a seizure and knocked my head on the pavement, which resulted in me needing to go to hospital for a checkover involving a mix of scans followed by stitches for a head laceration. After the stitches they told me I needed to stay overnight. And to me that is something I didn't want to do since remembering my parents phone number isn't easy for me. So what happened afterwards you say.

In the morning some paperwork was given to me to say they booked me in for an appointment during late April, where they want to check up on me in the neurological clinic since I mentioned about me having a few seizures in the past. After getting the paperwork and a confirmation, it was ok for me to leave, I walked home and after getting back after a two hour walk. Once arriving at the final corner and turning, I noticed my father in the distance giving me a angry stare, so my only option was to shake my head at him since he doesn't like me saying certain things to him.

So what happened next. Well since getting some rest is something that was on my mind due to me still being a bit tired, my brother uses force to stop me closing my bedroom door. And while it looked like he would leave me alone, he kept trying to force open the door while shouting the following. Where have you been, do you know how worried your parents have been, we even called the police while using facebook to find out what happend to you. After a bit of shouting and trying to defend myself while letting out some of my thoughts. My brother finally left me alone. Afterwards my mother raised her voice and said why didn't you get the hospital to call us. But since I told my parents & brother I don't have to tell them everything due to me being 31 and I just wanted a bit of rest, she ended with one final line. I Give Up!

Once it all settled down an hour later, one of the local PC came around to checkup on me. However since taking care of myself is something that isn't challenging to me, I told him through the door while laying down about my age and how leaving home some day is something wanted by me due to how my father reacts or talks to me at times. After saying some more of my thoughts & how he will talk to my father he wanted to check to see if I was alright one more time. Luckily for me, the local PC was happy to make a judgement by looking through my window and to my relief he was happy with what he saw. Ok lads that is pretty much an in-depth write up to the best of my ability of how life has gone for me.

But before such a story is finished, it should be noted, I pretty much avoid my parents as much as possible since in my view they are too protective to the point, leaving home as soon as possible will allow me to keep what ever sanity I have left. Then again it should be mentioned. Every few nights one thing is on my mind. That of course is I don't want to wake up after going to bed. Even in March 2016 or 2017, I was looking to end my life. Becayse one of my longest gaming friends decided to block me 2 years earlier on PSN and his voice could still be heard in my head. Also he kept popping up in my dreams every so often, he even popped up in one of my dreams earlier this week. As well as losing such a friend. Another thing to push me over the edge and end it is of course two things. Those being my future job prospects and income not looking promising.