- 904
- York Virginia
- chilybee
Sure go ahead, anything that helps and people find useful is welcome. If you want to post some specific changes to tunes for DS4 users that's fine too. I'll link it in the second post too.
So, the problem I was having WAS my controller configuration. The steering sensitivity, Speed Sensitivity and Controller Filtering Sensitivity to be exact. The other settings in the configuration do matter. But none more than those named.
I did see where a member posted that the speed sensitivity and ctrl filter sensitivity were most important.
This was before update 1.4 came. And trust me (I have both PC and PS4 versions) nothing worked for me prior to 1.4 on the PS4.
Once you sort out the differences between these settings (and you will the first time you go 100 MPH and find you barley move when you turn your wheel) every car in the game is yours to command. Carts too.
Everyone has different reaction time and eye hand coordination. So one setting will not be a cure for everyone.
What I am posting (IMHO) will be a good starting point. All you have left to do is learn the settings, and drop a tune on your vehicle of choice. With this controller setting I can drive any car well without tuning it. Tuning is just that, fine tuning the car for your personal use.
These settings may have been posted by others. I am not trying to steal anyone's thunder.
This is what my research yielded over most of last weekend. I hope it helps those who need help.
Make sure you set the controller input mode first. If not you'll scramble your settings.
Controller Input Mode: 3
Advanced: ON
Soft Steering Damping: ON
Visual Wheel Filtering: ON
Opposite Lock Help: OFF
Steering Deadzone: 10
Steering Sensitivity: 5
Throttle Deadzone: 10
Throttle Sensitivity: 35
Brake Deadzone: 10
Brake Sensitivity: 35
Clutch Deadzone: 10
Clutch Sensitivity: 45
Speed Sensitivity: 60
Controller Filtering Sensitivity: 70
Force Feedback: 100
RPM/Gear Display: Yes