Peter Brock Dies

  • Thread starter IH8GWB


Racing driver Peter Brock has died in a racing accident in Western Australia, the WA Police Major Crash Squad has confirmed.

The nine-times Bathurst 1000 winner was taking part in the Targa rally event in WA and involved one car, which crashed into a tree.

Brock, 61, was driving a 5.7 litre Chevrolet V8 Daytona sports car in the Targa race.

The 1150kg car was built as a modern interpretation of the 1965 Shelby Daytona, which dominated the World Sports Car Championship that year.

Brock's co-driver was to be Mick Hone, a Melbourne motorcycle dealer who was team manager for the Works Suzuki team in 2000.

Peter - you will be sadly and sorely missed.

Very sad news indeed.

I feel lucky to have seen you in person, plus a lot of footage over the years - but you've still been taken all to soon.

You'll live on forever in a our memories...


He was one of my most idolised drivers and a great ambasador for the sport. A very nice, genuine man to boot. This is a huge loss to the Motorsport world, and the world as a whole. It will be a sad weekend for many, I'm sure. But at least he went doing something he loved...

R.I.P. Brocky
Man, what a bad week. He was one of the best, if not the best drivers in Australia for a long period of time. He'll be greatly missed. :(

R.I.P. Peter Brock.

Oh no. Peter Brock was a legend. This is very sad news indeed.

A part of motorsport died with him.

R.I.P. Peter.
No words can describe how i feel :( a true motorsport legend gone but never forgotten,at least he died doing something he loved and will always be remembered
More sad sad news :(

Not only was one of Australia's greatest in motorsport ever, but he also was such a nice guy with a great personality, he will be sadly missed.

R.I.P Peter Brock.
It might sound a bit cliche, but the word "legend" was made for guys like Brock. He'll be missed, no doubt on that one.
Yet another Australian icon dies from doing something they love.
R.I.P Peter, you'll be greatly missed.

My next beer goes to you. 👍
Ah man, I was hoping it would be some other Peter Brock. This sucks majorly man, so unexpected.

R.I.P Peter, forever remembered.
My question is, How known is he outside Australia and New Zealand? I assume he would hardly be known in the US, but how about the UK (seems to be known)?
My question is, How known is he outside Australia and New Zealand? I assume he would hardly be known in the US, but how about the UK (seems to be known)?
Your average man in the street from any country, except Australia and NZ, wouldn't know who he was, but any motorsports fan from anywhere will have heard of him.

I remember him from when we got highlights of the James Hardie 1000, or Tooheys 1000, from Bathurst. We usually got the Aussie commentary too and they were always going on about Brockie, and interviewing him when he was driving! I'd never seen that done before. I can remember thinking, "how is he driving round that track, in a car with a huge V8, talking as if everything is normal?"

R.I.P. Brockie. :(
We usually got the Aussie commentary too and they were always going on about Brockie, and interviewing him when he was driving! I'd never seen that done before. I can remember thinking, "how is he driving round that track, in a car with a huge V8, talking as if everything is normal?"

Yeah, they only do that during safety car periods, now. Even then the teams usually don’t like it. :(
My question is, How known is he outside Australia and New Zealand? I assume he would hardly be known in the US, but how about the UK (seems to be known)?

Most UK motorsports fans probably have no clue because they don't tend to watch the Aussie race events such as V8's, Bathurst 1000 so I guess it would be the select few who actually watch the Aussie race series' that will know about him.
I'm going to honest, I've never seen him race; but I know his past accomplishments in Australian motorsports are nothing short of legendary. From what I've read about him, Australian racing fans must just as bummed-out about Brock's accident as many were when Dale Earnhardt died, or the world of F1 fans when Ayrton Senna died. They are all legends that seemed to trancend their respective forms of motorsport with amazing feats and legions of rabid and faithful fans.

R.I.P. Peter Brock.
I've been a Ford man all my life, but I have to admit I always looked up to Peter Perfect (ashamedly, I stopped doing so when he started selling Fair Dinkum sheds).

As a mark of respect, I think Bathurst's Conrod Straight should be re-named the Peter Brock Straight. What better way to remember a man who dedicated his life to going faster than to name the fastest point on any Australian racing circuit after him?
My question is, How known is he outside Australia and New Zealand? I assume he would hardly be known in the US, but how about the UK (seems to be known)?

wasn't he a banker?

Sacrasm ends.

Sorry to see a living legend disappear.
Wow. It's not a good week to be an Australian. I can't believe that I saw him race just 6 days ago, and now he's dead... a scary thought. My condolences got to his family. He will be missed.

Racing where he loved - mixing it with the leaders (here in 4th).

Peter Brock (26/02/45 - 08/09/06): Rest In Peace.
First Australia loses one hero in Steve Irwin... now Peter Brock? I tell you. This is VERY sad news because Brock is like... one of the finest racers out of Australia. Hate to see any pure talent go. He will be remembered and greatly missed. I don't know as much as I'd like to on Peter Brock, but he was one of the sharpest racers from Australia. He has "Hall of Fame" written all over him, a class act and a great racer. Missing Peter Brock in Australia is like when we lost Dale Earnhardt Sr. here in America. You just want to wish the true legends and icons of racing to live as long as they can. Unfortunately, racing is a dangerous sport. Those who defy death and go out to win are some of the bravest and greatest in racing. I learned that he won the Bathurst 1000 nine times. If you win once, you're good. Win nine times, and you're a powerhouse. He was taken away too soon. I have great respect for Peter Brock. I haven't had the luxury of watching him race or seeing him on TV here in the States. Only thing I sort of know is that he did some Mobil 1 commercials here in America.

So this is a sad week for Australia. Steve Irwin... gone. And now sadly... Peter Brock as well. My condolences to both the Irwin family and the Brock family. I know this thread is about Peter Brock's passing, but my condolences to both Australian personalities. This has to be a horrible week for Australia with two big losses. He has to be mentioned in just about EVERY motorsports circle. He was one of the finest racers out there.

Speaking of Bathurst, has it been run already? Or is it next month? I'm sure there will have to be some sort of ceremony to honor the life of this great, great race car driver. Hate to see legends pass away, especially like this.
This really sad.... Even though most American racing fans know him from the Mobil 1 commericals, which he was brilliant in, I watched alot of the old V8s on the Formerly TNN's Raceday for many years and he was always talked about for his ability to drive the car. Bathhurst is in October I think, and it will be a tear jerker this year. He had class, and he kicked... well you know.. Same thing with Steve Irwin. He bought a new respect for animals for me, and showed me that not all dangerous creatures, are dangerous. They can be also beautiful. Peter Brock and Steve Irwin - RIP mates!

Randy Morgan
My question is, How known is he outside Australia and New Zealand? I assume he would hardly be known in the US, but how about the UK (seems to be known)?

First things first: RIP Peter Brock. He will be missed not only in Australia/New Zeeland, but around the world. I felt pretty bad when I went to school this morning knowing what happened, and it still hasn't sat well all day.

Seondly: Peter Brock is known so well in the US because of his ties to Carrol Shelby and their development of the Daytona Coupe racecar. Although Brock's involvement was mostly with the design and contruction of the car, he is also the man who "brought back" the Daytona Coupe through SuperPerformance in collaboration with Rousch Racing and Shelby himself.

As far as his racing success goes, that isn't part of his legacy here in the US, although many hardcore racing fans know who he is and what he has done.


If we have learned anything from the past week or so in bad events, it is that even heroes aren't invincible. No matter what, something can always go wrong, and often times it can bring the ultimate ending with it. Thankfully Steve Irwin and Peter Brock both died doing what they loved to do, and their memory will not be forgotten, as they are legends not only in their home country, but around the world.
Peter Brock was an Australian icon and at 61 years of age, to be still racing professionally, a true veteran of motorsport.

R.I.P. Peter Brock. 👍
Seondly: Peter Brock is known so well in the US because of his ties to Carrol Shelby and their development of the Daytona Coupe racecar. Although Brock's involvement was mostly with the design and contruction of the car, he is also the man who "brought back" the Daytona Coupe through SuperPerformance in collaboration with Rousch Racing and Shelby himself.

Actually the guy that designed the Daytona Coupe was a different guy, an American named Pete Brock who went on to run Datsun's Trans Am under 2-liter and SCCA programs.

As for the Aussie P.B., this is a huge shock. My heart goes out to the families of Peter Brock, Steve Irwin and all Australians. Both of these great men will be sorely missed. :(