Pgr3: Completed List

  • Thread starter McLaren
It seems that will be NO 4player mode in PGR3 ... which totally sucks imo... playing with some friends in front of the TV was most fun... I don't get it... shouldn't be a problem to get a descent looking 4 player mode on a brand new console... sure it wouldn't look as good as 1 or even 2 player mode, but who cares? Who needs reflecting objects in 4 player mode?

I hope that this is just a launch game thing and future games/racing games will actually have a 4 player mode.... :grumpy:
Don't worry Max at least your get to play against more people on Xbox 360 Live.

Sure that is great, but plainf 4 player games on a a sunday evening and then watching a good movie etc - that is my idea of fun... pgr2 was such a game.... pgr3 won't ... :crazy:
I reckon PGR3 will get a higher review score, and will become the better game.

depends on what you like :

there are ONLY supercars, no more Civic Type R's, no more Evo's, no more SUV'S, no more oldtimer... that is a massive cutdoown in variety--- + no 4 player mode... that game can't be better than pgr2 least for me... sure grafics will be what ?
They said life begins at 170MPH is there motto, if they put in Type-R's and Evo's. Then there would be no point having that motto, and i think the SUV's were a bad thing in PGR2.

Or how I like to call them CUV, Comdey Utility Vechile.
I like varitey and thats a reason i got PGR2. bUt the game(pgr2) was so limited in what you could do with it got to me so i sold the game. PGR3 resovled the holes in pgr2 but left out some car classes.
The motto is uber-bs if you ask me... I'm no Vmax fanatic... I use the autbahn daily, driving 130 mph is nothing special... it is totally boring compared to a winding country road with hairpins and s curves etc... this motto is just an accuse imo... they had no time to program all those cars for several classes, that' why they come up with that motto... again a tribute to the masses,w ho want burnout speed in every racing game.... no 4 player mode because the 4 player mode could look not that next gen... no normal cars because they don't want people to say things in walmart like : ah that'S lame ... burnout is much faster... I am such a noob that I don't realize I'm driving a 150 hp car from 1970.... I'm really pissed... well... I'll have to wait for other racing games then... I'll buy it nevertheless, but I'm not happy with Bizzare... 👎
BTW, there aren't 'only' supercars. Just cars that can go over 170mph. There's many "what's a supercar" arguments, but a Skyline is definitely not a supercar. There will still be tons of variety. If you think a Bentley handles like an F50GT or Speed 12, you're quite wrong.
Variety as in sports compacts, trucks/SUV, small compact roadsters. A Bently GT has over 550hp. Its not about handling and this an arcade racer so handling is about 50% irrelevant
Just because it's an arcade racer doesn't mean handling makes no difference. If you feel like it, I'll race you on Live when you're in a Bentley and I'm in an F430. It even has 50hp less ;)
Viper Zero
The big deal is that Microsoft stated that all 360 games must output to 720p. Now that we have evidence of one top tier game not being able to output to 720p sounds like fraud to me. This isn't a hardware problem, it is software. PGR3 cannot output to 720p, then it must not be sold as a 360 game, using Microsoft's logic.


"Obviously when playing the game you don't notice. The signal is outputting at 720p and it fills the screen like anything else, but the fact is, the source is a 1024x600 display.

Now in my opinion this isn't exactly a reason to go and cancel a pre-order. I'd never have noticed if I did not have the means to capture screenshots and the game does look better than any other game I've ever seen. It runs smooth and looks amazing and, importantly, is much more fun and enjoyable than PGR2. "

yadda yadda. you buying the game or not?
No, I'm not planning on buying PGR3.

This is like buying a 16:9 widescreen monitor and stretching all of your 4:3 content to fill the screen. Yeah, it fits the screen, but it looks like ****. If the source is not 1280x720, then it will never be 720p.
Just because it's an arcade racer doesn't mean handling makes no difference. If you feel like it, I'll race you on Live when you're in a Bentley and I'm in an F430. It even has 50hp less ;)

You completely missed my point.
I don't think he did, if the cars handling differs from car to car it's something that matters. Arcade racers can handle well or crap too, it's not just sims where the car control matters.
Viper Zero
No, I'm not planning on buying PGR3.

This is like buying a 16:9 widescreen monitor and stretching all of your 4:3 content to fill the screen. Yeah, it fits the screen, but it looks like ****. If the source is not 1280x720, then it will never be 720p.

here's the kicker. the game looks fabulous.

do you take pills, mr. retentive?
The point was a deeper variety of car classes not how a bently handles compared to a Ferarri.

Seeing how you just agreed that a Bentley handles very oppositely to a DBR9, that seems to be a pretty good amount of variety.

Oh, I forgot this is a GT forum. There's not enough Skylines in PGR3 to make it good :sly:.
Seeing how you just agreed that a Bentley handles very oppositely to a DBR9, that seems to be a pretty good amount of variety.

Oh, I forgot this is a GT forum. There's not enough Skylines in PGR3 to make it good :sly:.

no he's got a point. I'm gonna sorely miss the classics and american muscle classes. as well as the roadsters.
here's the kicker. the game looks fabulous.

do you take pills, mr. retentive?

Yeah, it looks great. And... what? Microsoft is breaking its own rules and not one person has questioned why.

What if you bought a new car and the sticker said the car gets 30 miles to the gallon, but in reality, only gets 25? It doesn't really matter because the car looks great!

Hypocrisy rules.
I reckon PGR3 will get a higher review score, and will become the better game.

BINGO! The same pattern that happpened to Forza.

97%. 10 out of 10. 98. Perfect. Must have. 10/10. 100.

Not even today I can't undesrtand the logic behind Forza's scores. Then, I'm probably being overconspirative when thinking that somebody actually demanded high scores in terms of "continuation of good relationship with magazines".

Blah.'s PGR 3 gameplay footage - Left click

And here is their review of the box itself - Left click
