altezza. I love black cars (I went through a stage where i bought about 20 black cars so theres just one big black section in my garage). The only thing i dont like about black cars are the replays. I think the altezza's a great drifter. tell us what you think of it later.
Cool i want to see i made one with all back cars to...All black toyotas heheh...cept the trueno cuz yeah its only white or red and the gtone road car...
Hmm.... DarkChiiWiz, D_ready,ChiiWiz,Phantom_D,
GotDrift, Drift4Ever, NoNeedToSpeed.....Thats about all i can think of since i dont know him to well....Hmm. i might use that NoNeedToSpeed
Nice Icon Muahaha.... Can u make me one too with the same pic i have and saying "Web Manger Of" "The Phantom D Drifters"
edit: Nice Icon Muahaha.... Can u make me one too with the same pic i have and saying "Web Manger Of" "The Phantom D Drifters" and u have the oringal pic so can u change the Phantom_D on the side to ToyotaDrifter