Photography News & Inspirational Material: 52 Canons used in Matrix style shots

52 Canon Rebels used for a matrix style bullet time photo shoot:


That's awesome. HDSLRs are definitely revolutionizing the film industry. But... when are we videographers gonna get our zebra stripes and audio meters, dammit?!? 7D Mark ll I guess... :rolleyes: :lol:

Although there is a firmware called Magic Lantern for the 5D ll, but it's 3rd party. I'm hoping HDSLRs will become popular enough for cinema and video, for SLR manufacturers to incorporate more pro video camera features someday, which would be very cool. With the huge selection of lenses available for SLRs, that would be awesome sauce. :)
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Although there is a firmware called Magic Lantern for the 5D ll, but it's 3rd party. I'm hoping HDSLRs will become popular enough for cinema and video, for SLR manufacturers to incorporate more pro video camera features someday, which would be very cool. With the huge selection of lenses available for SLRs, that would be awesome sauce. :)

There are more and more commercials being filmed on DSLRs so they probably will continue development however I think for full length features Red is probably the more versatile option at present.
wow, that is stupid cool. I wouldnt want to be the guy that engineered the sequential triggers on those shots... or maybe I'd want. The result is absolutely spectacular.