PhotoMode Competition Week 77 - Closed

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Welcome to Week 77 of the GT4 PhotoMode Competition


"500 HP Club"
  • This week we will be taking a look at some cars that have an incredible amount of power right from the showroom floor.

Eligible Cars
  • Production Cars with 500 or more HP stock

  • Any track, NO phototravel

Week 77 Theme & Top 10 chosen by week 75 winner dmanbluesfreak


  • This competition will run for one week.
  • The approximate deadline is August 28th


Please read all rules. Inability to follow rules may result in disqualification.

  • You must use only your own work that has not previously been entered in any competition.
  • Only one entry may be submitted, mark it clearly as Final Entry.
  • Use to host your entry and copy the 'Thumbnail for forums' code into your post.
  • You may change your Final Entry once. If you do so, please edit your original entry make a new post linking to it. Minor updates to the same image are allowed.
  • Do not ask other members to choose your final entry.
  • Additional photos may only be posted in the form of either two honorable mentions in thumbnail form, or a single preview image that does not to exceed 400x300 pixels in size.
  • Photoshop or other graphics programs may only be used to crop, resize, adjust brightness, contrast or gamma, rotate, add a border or small signature, or to remove the "Gran Turismo/©SCEI" watermark, if you so wish.
  • If you don't have Photoshop or other professional image management software, try a shareware one such as IrfanView or GIMP.
  • Photoshop or other graphics programs may NOT be used to change levels, hue, saturation, sharpen, apply filters or otherwise manipulate the image in any form.
  • When using brightness and/or contrast filters to alter an entry, it must be uniform throughout the entire picture.
For members who have not participated in a PhotoMode Competition, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about how the system works.

Don't forget to have fun!
You acctully saw an XJ220?

I've seen one at a car show before but not on the road, I've seen a Dodge Viper though.

I'll be entering very shortly.
yeah, i was shocked trust me. in that colour aswell-the guy who owns it was feaured in top gear-magazine some time later
ye bt george, i've had ya in this comp hands down mate
You acctully saw an XJ220?

I've seen one at a car show before but not on the road, I've seen a Dodge Viper though.

I'll be entering very shortly.

Over here in the U.S., you see dodge vipers pretty often, they arent too rare here...
in my old exotic car gallery, bondy submitted a viper UK pic-a red rt/10- i saw the excat car the next day!
Thanks very much Vonie. 👍

Also, good lookin at the pic, I first thought it was valid but now you said it... You got sum great eyes pal. :)

Sorry George, I think you have to enter another shot.
Very nice, sej. Almost looks like Enthusia.

George, you used a blur on that shot.

How can you be so sure?
The Gran Turismo/SCEE watermark is unblurred, and I find it unlikely that George went to the trouble to keep it unblurred, whilst burring the rest of the shot.

Sometimes the in-game blur is just as good as "artificial" blur.
I apologise, I was assuming that Vonie was reffering to a motion blur, not radial blur on the wheel. Still, I'm not sure... But you're probably right.
In addition to the front wheel's blur being off center, there is no bake caliper, it got blurred into the wheel.