Just as I did with the other thread:
Moglet - Both are good (I'm actually very shocked at the lack of dirt flying behind Nix' ride!), but Moglet takes it for me. The whole shot's composition and colours go well, and while the colours all compliment each other nicely in Nix' shot, the full-sizer seems to suffer from over-saturation.
TVR - Well, he kinda *has* to get the vote, heh, but what I like a lot about this shot is the lighting, and the fact the car looks like a road version. I can't see any decals, awesome! The blurring is very bizarre, though.
LGForce - Dman's is a nice shot, and could've been great, but he didn't start with the proper essentials in the GT4 shot to get a good final product. If you're going to do a blur like that, knock the shutter speed way up there so your car is still sharp. Since the side of the car is all blurry (as well as the zoom blur), it detracts from the shot. LG's is simple, very, very clean, and just the right colours. Though, I really don't like the huge bar on the bottom

Funkshen - Not quite the hardest choice of this round, but close. D_P's is great; nice colours, very clean blur, everything just works. But the size is a bit too small for me when compared to Funkshen's. Funkshen's is clean, and it may look like a weird wheel blur in the preview, but it's
just the right amount in the full-size. Very clean lines, typical (of him) very good blurring, but my only gripe is the driver's-side hood line. A little bit of cleanup would add to the whole image, really. It just edges out D_P for me.
Magburner - So, this was the hardest choice...

. Good shot Mag, and good thing I didn't go with my second idea... an HSC @ Amalfi. What are the odds?!
Krame - I agree with Div (Div is back is back!

), that 440's has a quality you have to view full-size to take in. The painting-like scenery, the cleanliness of the car, all very good. But the cartoony blacked-out wheels (I knew those were your bling-blings, 440

) detract from it, and while it is a very great shot, it doesn't fit the theme as well as Krame's. His looks like it's on the prowl for victims, its something about the Supra's lines that do it. The cleanup is good (the Supra has terrible textures), and the blur too. 440 is *always* in close matchups in these tourneys.
Vonie - Er... was there a mistake? Drift King's shot is thumbnail-sized.
Jacoja - Definitely the hardest decision, you two late-entries

. First of all, I almost always vote for Franz in the tourney, because he never fails to innovate or flat-out kick ass. First thing must be said; both shots have such realistic snow clouds. That is my single biggest gripe with dirt/snow shots, that nobody pays attention to jaggies in their clouds, but these both look great. Franz' mature tone makes his shot look utterly convincing as a real photo, but Jacoja managed his own brand of realism with some bright colours, and I'm amazed at how well the background blur worked given the rear end of the car. Franz' feels like a Mitsu ad for their motorsports heritage, Jacoja's; an onlooker at the apex. The fact both shots are dark is neat too. I finally decided on Jacoja's after a solid 10min, moving the round into a very tight race

Thanks for all the votes everyone, I wonder if the third time's the charm for me. I always hit a second-round curse and get bumped off.