Photomode Tournament - ROUND 1 - CLOSED

  • Thread starter NTX
Just sent my entry. I'm happy... the car is blue, and that's all that matters 👍
Good luck GT pro.
I have my entry ready...after 2 hours of editing...I think the shot came quite good. Lets see how its gonna be against LDS shot. Good luck mate, may the best shot win :)

Oooh, the pressure….:lol:……I think I better go shoot my shot right now, but I still don’t have any ideas, of what type of shot I am going to enter…
I´m getting worried about TW, he don´t shows up on GTP since April 6...hope he is alright and can enter the Tournament. Lets wait and see:tup:
I think he's just pissed because we were laughing at the "Jesus" joke and his photo...

But seriously, I had also noticed his absence in the last few days (in fact, since he posted the pic I talked about), just hope everything's ok with him. 👍
Mine has been submitted. Good luck Jacoja, but I doubt you'll need it; I'm not very satisfied that my photo will present the theme strongly enough. Oh, well.
i got five days left. all i've done is one mock up, which i dont even like. the blurs are screwed, i'm screwed. i really need my save file. the selections are very limited. and i dont have phototravel. this sucks! might have to concede this win to beerzy man. :(
C´mon Adrian, give some "fight". I don´t think that Beerz wants to advance to Round 2 so easily...after all...U aren´t a newbie around here, show what U can do:tup:
Damn, I have too do another shoot session. I am not satisfied with the shots I’ve shoot yesterday.

Why, WHY!!! I can’t seem to get a good shot…:mad:
Adrian - Come on, don't do that to me, bro... Last tournament I was set up against franz on round 2 and he had to advance without a real fight, which I'm sure sucked as much for him as it did for me.
I'd be happier losing with a great duel than advancing without my opponent having submitted.

Now, get your ass moving! DO IT!!!

EDIT: Aren't there GT4 savegames posted somewhere that you can use? Or was that just for the PS3? I can't remember now.
Still no word from Tangled Web. He is alive though, I´ve seen some activity from him in XBOX Live, and I´ve sended him two messages via Live...but nothing so far. Hope he is ok.
Adrian - Come on, don't do that to me, bro... Last tournament I was set up against franz on round 2 and he had to advance without a real fight, which I'm sure sucked as much for him as it did for me.
I'd be happier losing with a great duel than advancing without my opponent having submitted.

Now, get your ass moving! DO IT!!!

EDIT: Aren't there GT4 savegames posted somewhere that you can use? Or was that just for the PS3? I can't remember now.

dont worry im not ditching out
Have send my entry to NTX1982. 👍
Hope its good enough to fight against Slick6...... :nervous:
do you guys know of any cheat codes that i can use to give me **** loads of money in the game? i'm gonna go look for some, but if you guys know of something, let me know right away please.. with sugar on top!
I know this sounds a big vague… But you should quickly get your A or B (can’t remember) licence, then enter the tarmac rally event which gives you the Toyota Rally Raid Car (Sell for 250,000cr-ish each time). Quickest way to earn money, and closest thing to cheating that I can think of :lol:
good tip jaco.. though i know how much it would suck, guess i dont have a choice, and it certainly beats getting another ps2 or borrowing one.
What I used to do to get money fast is (after getting my hands on a DTM car), doing the DTM championship. You get the CLK-GTR, and the combined earnings + selling that car is very close to 1.000.000 credits for each run.
I always b-spec'd it, approx 10/15 minutes for each million. :D
atlop?!... :scared:

Good luck, man!

Good luck to you too! 👍

EDIT: Entry sent.

My credid making race was the motegi oval endurance race which is quite fast whith B-spec. Prize car + money was 500.000 cr or something. But then again you need one of the better LMP cars to win it with B-spec, I used the Minolta Toyota.

What I used to do to get money fast is (after getting my hands on a DTM car), doing the DTM championship. You get the CLK-GTR, and the combined earnings + selling that car is very close to 1.000.000 credits for each run.
I always b-spec'd it, approx 10/15 minutes for each million. :D

Yeah this I did too, but it's more work when you need to actually do something to start the races etc. :D
My trick always was the Amalfi thing. It can be very funny if you use specific cars or specific set ups to enjoy all those hand brake hairpins.
C´mon guys, submit your shots. Deadline its in 3 days:tup:
Well I just wanna say (Alex this interests U)...if TW don´t show up on time, Alex will face someone. So U better get ready mate...this is gonna be hard...either with TW or...the "other guy".👍

As for the other matches I think we will have no send me those entries people:tup:
