Photomode Tournament - Round 1

  • Thread starter JacoJa
I have just submitted my entry, but I am looking forward to the tie MINICOOPER120, that we will be facing each other in.
I'll make it the 4th of February, considering only about half of everyone has sent their entries. :)
Cool, I'm nearly finished. Trying to decide between three shots I have edited. Decisions Decesions. :)
I hate it when this happens, before I started work on the piece I submitted I had to pick out of 32 shots to edit.
I always take lots of photos, for this Tournament, I took 38 shots. Edited 7 of them, now I am down to my 3 favourite. Still don't know which one to submit, it's good I have more time now. :D
lol, sorry beerzgood. I should have added a ' :) ' in with the post.

Ok, then. All's well, that's what matters. :cheers:

So, 4th Feb is the new submitting deadline? Cool!
NICE!! Someone had mercy on people like me! i have 32 shots to edit and pic.glad i wont have to cram now!! happy happy joy joy
Sent mine today to jacoja.

atlop, I also can´t wait for the polls. Not that I have a wish for humilliation, or anything, I'm just curious.

dman, have you submitted yet?
Come on I am desperate now. Who hasn't submitted their entries yet?
Have you Rayquaza? I might use some of the themes for my own personal use in my gallery.
So far under the PMC rules, 4 people are yet to submit entries, while in the 2.0 rules just 3 remain.

1 Day left :scared:
I just sent my entry in, so now there is only two 2.0 people left to enter I guess. I wonder if fox_hound has entered? :D

Can't wait to see the polls, good luck to everyone that entered. 👍
I've been away, far to long. I love these tournaments, and thought id never miss one for the world, can't believe i missed entering ittt!!.

Oh well, best of luck to everyone competing, ill be keeping an eye on a few competitors to see how they perform. And good on ya' Jacoja06 for running it 👍

Oh and Jacoja06, You'll be happy to hear my old man just ordered himself a brand spankin new Commodore SS-V in that ignition metallic (bright orange colour), I can't wait to drive it on our roads. :) I honestly don't know why he chose the SS-V, over the SS. I couldn't personally see any differences in the car? But then again, i have really not much knowledge at all on factory built cars these days. But thats besides the point. 👎
And good on ya' Jacoja06 for running it 👍 :
lol, Thanks dude 👍

Oh and Jacoja06, You'll be happy to hear my old man just ordered himself a brand spankin new Commodore SS-V in that ignition metallic (bright orange colour), I can't wait to drive it on our roads. :) I honestly don't know why he chose the SS-V, over the SS. I couldn't personally see any differences in the car? But then again, i have really not much knowledge at all on factory built cars these days. But thats besides the point. 👎
Yay! So many middle-aged men buying SS-V's... must be some sort of midlife crisis. btw, I'd much preffer the SS-V over the SS. (Even though they have the same engine) The tail-lamps and the bigger rims make it look the works. My dads looks awesome in black with black tint windows. :) 👍

Ooh, yep, I need 5 more people overall with their entries. Am I allowed to name names? :cool:
yeah this theme was a little tougher than I figured it would be, but I'm stuck, I got two pictures I really like and can't figure out which one to enter.
Entry sent!

I was not familiar with the theme i got, so i hope it is ok! Good luck Jda9rs 👍

thanks man:tup: i'll need it. i'm glad i got entered in a theme where i usually excel. atleast i think i do lol. i wont have to take photos in gt4 for a while. i got a lot of photos to update my gallery with for the next few weeks. i wonder what yours looks like :dopey: anyways goodluck man! 👍
We will see. I got my entry in 2 days ago or something, pretty satisfied. Looking forward to the poll.