Photomode Tournament - Round 2

  • Thread starter JacoJa
I think these will be the results in the PMC 2.0 bracket:

speedster502 vs. NTX1982: I would have to pick NTX, because he has improved so much, so this will help him out to win this.

Thanks :grumpy: You say he has improved but so have I but you haven't been to my gallery for a while to see the improvements. Sorry to raise a point but I wish you hadn't but what you think the results are because it might discourage the ones that have not been praised. But I am going to try now 1000000% to prove you wrong. :grumpy:
Come on TVR, there was no need for that really was there?

Anyway, I've submitted my entry. I almost submitted a photo of someone drifting vs. someone racing normally but I found something much better 👍

Good luck everyone!
speedster502 good luck to U mate:)
This theme is quite hard, I don´t have any ideas yet. But something will come out.
Good luck to all the others also:tup::)

3 or 4 of the themes I threw in are to be used on this round.

Anyway, I don't know if I can explain them better (as I see some people having doubts about what's intended), since the comp already started, but becaus of the short submission time people have on this, I'll try to be more clear on what I intended when I came up with them


I was thinking of a situation where you're on the edge, such as drifting with the back wheel just touching the white/yellow line just near the grass/dirt/concrete wall, a situation with a braking way beyond the ideal spot... you get the idea (I hope).


On this one I was intending for competitors to show some part of any car in a different way (hence the hidden depths bit, dmanbluesfreak :) ). may be a different angle, on a different light, show it in it's full glory, etc.
Just make that part of that car look like the design piece of the century! I know you guys can do it. 👍

Good luck, everyone!

3 or 4 of the themes I threw in are to be used on this round.

Anyway, I don't know if I can explain them better (as I see some people having doubts about what's intended), since the comp already started, but becaus of the short submission time people have on this, I'll try to be more clear on what I intended when I came up with them


I was thinking of a situation where you're on the edge, such as drifting with the back wheel just touching the white/yellow line just near the grass/dirt/concrete wall, a situation with a braking way beyond the ideal spot... you get the idea (I hope).


On this one I was intending for competitors to show some part of any car in a different way (hence the hidden depths bit, dmanbluesfreak :) ). may be a different angle, on a different light, show it in it's full glory, etc.
Just make that part of that car look like the design piece of the century! I know you guys can do it. 👍

Good luck, everyone!

Oh no! My pic is not anything like that. I am not going to tell you what I put up but I think it will do though.
Oh no! My pic is not anything like that. I am not going to tell you what I put up but I think it will do though.

Don't worry, it doesn't matter now, what counts is what was written on the theme and only that.

Besides, the comp already started, so nothing of what I wrote will make a difference to the final results, what matters is what voters have to say about each photo on each duel, comparing both.
Hmm, Jacoja, it seems my previous entry now fits the "new" theme. If I don't give you a new entry, that will be my submission, but I will hopefully be able to get another one instead.
Glad the deadline's 16th. I've got an entry but I realized it was crap so I had to take a new one but I didn't know when the deadline was :scared:
Just submitted a better, more fitting shot. 👍
Good luck dman!
Agreed, TVR, that was a stupid post. You never know who'll win.
I said I think, as my way of predicting results. But I just like to add I tried to make my post not look harsh, however, I hope you will prove me wrong Speedster, because one of my predictions may bring something out of you in other words boost your confidence Speedster.

Also I cannot praise everyone before the entries go up, because there can only be one winner for each tie, I would like everyone to win, but if I praised everyone it may affect them.

@ Moglet Some people need to predict results.
hey, lets boost confidence by saying it is doubtful you will win.

i think that last comment may contain poor word selection. i think i know what you mean, but that does not convey it.

im not saying your original post was wrong, i dont think it was. however it may be best to recognize that tournament participants may be sensative to any form of criticizm. speedster has proven unhappy about people implying he isnt good. (thats not true speedster. your gallery is very good. i will leave a comment there later)
hey, lets boost confidence by saying it is doubtful you will win.

i think that last comment may contain poor word selection. i think i know what you mean, but that does not convey it.

im not saying your original post was wrong, i dont think it was. however it may be best to recognize that tournament participants may be sensative to any form of criticizm. speedster has proven unhappy about people implying he isnt good. (thats not true speedster. your gallery is very good. i will leave a comment there later)
I am not saying he is not bad at all, but like I said both people cannot win, so people can only bet on one person to win each tie. Also the other reason, why I predict a win from NTX, is he has more experience.

However Speedster has come on leaps and bounds in the last month, but not as much as NTX in the same time frame.
right, it was an innocent comment taken the wrong way. i know only have been complimenting someone, but in the tournament it kinda automatically puts a downer on the opponent. a double edged sword. true though, NTX went from posting unedited dark photos at 1080 pixels large with black resolution bar thumbnails -> to very respectable shots with good editing that have been winning multiple contests. we soon will probably saying the same thing for speedster. he is improving ten-fold as well
Thanks TVR for apologising. Look I know I am going to lose as I just cant cut it with the rest of you guys.
Still haven't found the right photo, I will have to get it finished tomo which will be the 15th here.

Going to try my best, being up against Moglet though. Don't know if that will be enough. :scared:

I am glad I made it to the second round, D_P's shot was a great one. Thanks to all who voted for me. 👍
:grumpy: I spent all night yesterday getting a perfect shot, and what do I get? No school today! ALthough I can't say I'm upset, it irks me a bit that I could have easily done it in the time I have today, and might have had better results.
Thanks TVR for apologising. Look I know I am going to lose as I just cant cut it with the rest of you guys.

Don´t say that mate, its 50/50 chances. I´ve seen your work, and U know how to do good looking shots 👍. But for me the most important thing is to enter and have some fun.
i'm gonna be screwed royally. it's 12:00 midnight where i am, and i still dont have a decent entry.....:( :( :nervous: i've been working on shots for like 12 hours now, wasted my time working on three of them that i know will not even cut it. sigh....
Going to try my best, being up against Moglet though. Don't know if that will be enough. :scared:

I'm sure you'll come up with the goods!
I'm a bit worried that my shot might be a bit plain and boring actually, but we'll see. 👍
Thanks for the support Mog. 👍
A shot of yours being plain and boring, I can't imagine that. :D

I have just sent off my entry, now off to bed I go. So tired.

Good luck to everyone, can't wait to see the poll. 👍