Like...legitimately talk with them? That's kinda neat.Richard Nixon At The Lincoln Memorial, 1970
He abruptly went down to talk face-to-face with young protestors against his administration.
Chang & Eng Bunker (1811-1874)
Eng is on the left, Chang is on the right.
The original Siamese twins. Born in Siam, hence inspiring the name, they became famous as part of PT Barnum's circus shows. Huge crowds would gather and pay to see them do otherwise menial activities such as bathing. Both brothers were married to a pair of sisters and both successfully fathered numerous children.
They were joined near the sternum and shared a common liver. With today's medical technology, they could have been separated but in their lifetimes the procedure would have most likely been fatal. They died within hours of each other in 1874 and at 62 hold the record for the longest lifespan of any documented conjoined twins.
Like...legitimately talk with them? That's kinda neat.
The Seattle General Strike of 1919 was a five-day general work stoppage by more than 65,000 workers in the city of Seattle, Washington, which lasted from February 6 to February 11 of that year. Dissatisfied workers in several unions began the strike to gain higher wages after two years of World War Iwage controls. Most other local unions, including members of the American Federation of Labor (AFL) and the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), joined the walkout. Although the strike was non-violent and lasted less than a week, government officials, the press, and much of the public viewed the strike as a radical attempt to subvert American institutions.
God help us. The workers can't get more rights and more than a few cents a day like the good old 19th century. Things were better then.
I think we've all suffered like this after a night on scrumpy and vindaloo...Coming in on a technicality since it’s so far away it has to be historic, albeit a photo from yesterday, but a piece of history all the same.
The first true image of a black hole shadow:
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I assume you mean day?(miners' wages had decreased from £6.00/hour in 1919 to £3.90/hour in 1926)
I assume you mean day?
£6.00/hr in 1920 would have been a fortune. I got less than than when I was in the UK in 2006.
And in 1978... (white building and overhead walkway can be seen in original pic). WIKI: In its heyday it had 118 residents and its own school, post office and grocery store.