Pretty good for a first effort! Some problems like the color which isn't believable at all because of how it shines, yellow doesn't look like that, it doesn't have a single white highlight, so the paint looks bogus. It happens when you want to change a white car into some color, you end up without any highlight, so next time you'd be beter off leavng the white alone or choosing a car with another color as a base.
The rear wheel looks absolutely off, it's quite obvious you manipulated it so it would be in the right angle. It also looks like the dish of the wheel is even wider than the tire. You need moar rubber there. Also, the car is having strobes popped at it, and the wheel lips should pick up the flashes. You should have created white highlights in the wheel lips.
The front fascia opening looks pretty tacky because of all the smudging around the intercooler hole, next time create a panel from zero and add a bit of shadow/highlight with the burn tools. I actually think the FRS fascia suits the Puegeot well!
And well, your carbon fiber looks a bit grey. More contrast would help.
It's main problem, though, is it's a Peugeot