Photoshopped cars.

  • Thread starter sn00pie
im very rusty haha :P thanks Cano<3 , yes rendering back in the days where FUN , now its all serious and if its not "good " enough" you get flamed to pieces =(
Yeah, I've never liked the rendering communities on the internet because of that, and the fact thst, if the car isn't half-brushed, it isn't good enough, and I simply don't have the time to practically re-create the cars I chop, I have deadlines for most of them :crazy:
Here is another version cleaner with a differnt atmosphere

Be careful how you handle the imitation of aperture. Your depth of field is much higher to the left of the car than the right. The twigs seen at the bottom right have inconsistent blurring even though they sit at about the same range.
I might be but its still the best choice of wheel for that car nice ;) the front wheel needs some help, it looks sqewed and wrong , and the rear is very close to fender, but nice quickie =)
I've got a small shop request for anyone who feels like doing some charity.

Could somebody photoshop TE37's onto my car?


I'd prefer grey or black wheels with a negative offset similar to this, but I'll take what I can get.

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Photoshop Challenge if you're bored
Would any one care to make The awesome Nissan Sunny Bad ass?


Yes I have one :lol:
Hey guys this is my first go at photoshopping a car, so what do you think?
Any tips? Ideas?


Pretty good for a first effort! Some problems like the color which isn't believable at all because of how it shines, yellow doesn't look like that, it doesn't have a single white highlight, so the paint looks bogus. It happens when you want to change a white car into some color, you end up without any highlight, so next time you'd be beter off leavng the white alone or choosing a car with another color as a base.

The rear wheel looks absolutely off, it's quite obvious you manipulated it so it would be in the right angle. It also looks like the dish of the wheel is even wider than the tire. You need moar rubber there. Also, the car is having strobes popped at it, and the wheel lips should pick up the flashes. You should have created white highlights in the wheel lips.

The front fascia opening looks pretty tacky because of all the smudging around the intercooler hole, next time create a panel from zero and add a bit of shadow/highlight with the burn tools. I actually think the FRS fascia suits the Puegeot well!

And well, your carbon fiber looks a bit grey. More contrast would help.

It's main problem, though, is it's a Peugeot :crazy:
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Great! thanks for the tips. It's good to hear opinions from someone with more experience because I didn't notice some of those things until you mentioned them xD

Anyway i'll work on something else and see how it goes .. .
Photoshop Challenge if you're bored
Would any one care to make The awesome Nissan Sunny Bad ass?


Yes I have one :lol:

Cragar SS wheels and a ducktail spoiler. Rough shop but this should give you an idea.

It's not just slammed. It's been chop-topped too.. lol

as i said; 90s-style basics; stretched bumper, dropped, chopped and shaved. Plus the eyelids.

I should challenge someone to do the new Dart (yes I own one. lol)
It's not just slammed. It's been chop-topped too.. lol

as i said; 90s-style basics; stretched bumper, dropped, chopped and shaved. Plus the eyelids.

I should challenge someone to do the new Dart (yes I own one. lol)

Just realised it was chopped,I like it alot and have to agree it looks better shaved :lol: ,Great job I must say again.