picking prize cars for dummies

ok I know that the matter of picking your prize car through saving the game is a beaten down topic...but I cant find a way to save my game after a race. Perhaps its because Im still in beginner...or whatever. I dont know. I just know that after I win, it shows the times of the drivers. Then, I click X on that and it takes me to the replay. When I exit the replay, the screen with the yellow boxes that say options, save REPLAY, and exit come up. exiting that to try to save the game takes me right to the prize car screen and its too late. I tried clicking save replay but it wouldnt let me save the game file. Anyone know whats up with that and perhaps can give me a step by step process on where to go to save your game after a win but before they give you your prize car?
Save the game before you start the series.
Race the series.
Win a car.
like it? ------->keep it
don't like it? ------->load your saved game and do it again
blazer your wrong haha, this is how you do it. Lets say its a series of 5 races.... you win the first 4, youll have 40 points, then you save before the last race. When you enter the last race, quit the race. Youll still win becase of your build up of points. Then you win the car, but if you dont like it, you reload the game, then just exit the last race and repeat if you dont like that car either. got it?
OK. Jeesh, so you are saying you can enter a series race and complete all but one race, then exit, save, and go directly to the last race and race that one and still win a car?

This is cool, but I thought you had to start and finish a series in order to win the car.

note to self, stop thinking when ice cream brain freeze sets in
As long as your points lead is 11 or more by the last race in the series...you will win the series no matter what....so just exit out of the last race ( after saving between the races of course) and you'll win. you know the rest.
Quote: from electrickoolaid on 1:09 am on July 31, 2001[br]....... I just know that after I win, it shows the times of the drivers. Then, I click X on that and it takes me to the replay. When I exit the replay, the screen with the yellow boxes that say options, save REPLAY, and exit come up. exiting that to try to save the game takes me right to the prize car screen and its too late. I tried clicking save replay but it wouldnt let me save the game file

Here's the deal electrickoolaid,

The save strategy only works with races that are a series of races usally five or more races.  You can tell if it's a series if the circles that indicate a races are followed by a right arrow.  In a series race - you WILL have the option to save your game at the end of each race just before you start the next race race in the series.  The exception to this is when you finish the last race in the series.  You will notice then that the save option is greyed out.

The save strategy does not work for Endurance, single races, or rally races. (forgive me if I forgot one).

I sincerely hope this helps.

thanks blue..
I finally surmised what you just told me with a little help from Josh last night...but thats the part that I was getting wrong. I thought people meant you could save it after a single race before the prize car.
the series scenario makes a lot more sense.
thanks everybody

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