Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk
Most of my time "contemplating" life involves trying to find ways to improve my way
of living it, rather than idly theorizing about its meaning or something.
Haven't seen you around for so long I thought you might be dead.

Then I saw you'd posted in here and was relieved you weren't.

Then I saw the pictures and I'm no longer sure what to think.
Just dead behind the smile...

EDIT: Wait! When I don't post for a few weeks people think I'm actually dead? I'm old etc, etc. ;)
Felt like trying this on as it has been a while since I last wore it. Plus, it always boosts my self esteem when I look nice and I could use some of that right now. So I decided to strike a random pose and this happened. :)

You used the potty like a big boy? :P
Well, I like to call it "Ninja" rather than "Big Boy" because the bottom lid will not stay up on its own. You kinda have to do some Olympic Gymnastic type of things to hold it up and hold know. Or I guess sitting down works too, but then I'm not a "Big Boy" or a "Ninja."

But trust me, when you wake up in the middle of the night blurry-eyed and sleepy, it is best to just sit down and be a 3 year old. :P

EDIT: That smiley should definitely be this one: :(