Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk
Originally posted by Acid X
Grunge! :P Whats with the dude on the right not having any shoes?

And why is it that in all the pics, your eyes are red/orange? :odd:
We just got finished with a skate session downtoen and changing our skates and stuff, Ryan our friend taking the pictures got us together and took the pic. Rodney (shoeless guy) I guess din't have his shoes on. As for the red eye. It was a crappy camera and blue eyes with flash turn for very red/orange eyes. Unless the person who develops the pictures is good like an ex of mine.
Originally posted by Viper Zero
What's wrong with my hair?

AcidX doesn't like it, or he finds it odd. So in other words, nothings wrong with your hair.
Heh, Pako the ultimate diffuser of embarrasing situations.

One day I might post a picture of myself, but that involves me getting the digital camera & the camera cable in my house at the same time. It's either one or the other at the moment the camera is here, but the cable has gone walkabouts so I don't bother taking a picture. Oh and my hair is really long, well not as long as Garconis's hair, but it is still long for me.

Originally posted by MistaY
Oh and my hair is really long, well not as long as Garconis's hair, but it is still long for me.


I got a haircut as you can see in the second pic of me.;)
Originally posted by Belda_Da_Hun
hmm nice 2 put some faces to some names and avatars, sorry i won't be posting any pic anytime soon.

It's ok, we've all seen people with three nipples before, there's no shame in that. ;) Besides, As I stated early on in this thread, I will use my full ability as a Super Moderator to punish and publically humiliate anyone that talks trash about another member's looks in this thread.

heres a pic of me finaly, note this was taken over 3 months ago when i was in cross country


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Heres a real picture of me.. Its from my youth group.. As if you cant tell, im the red head on the right.

The dude in the brown jacket is my friend Jonathan. I hang out with him at school all the time. The dude in the bottom left is Rich, the girl in the light blue sweater is Kristin, the girl next to me is Brittany (The pic sucks. Shes MUCH prettier in person.), dude behind me is Marcus, the dude next to him is Brandon. Thats about all the people i know there..


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Originally posted by risingson77
Ask all you like. He'll never post it. Something to do with privacy...or that incident with the thresher.
incident with the thresher??? wtf is/was that? i never heard of anything like that.
Ok... finally I got the pictures I promised scaned.

First, me and my new truck the day I left with it:


Second, me and my old truck:


and finally, just me. Probably the best picture I have ever taken:


So there you go, I hope I didn't break to many peoples moniters. ;)
i think i posted something here already, but it sucked, so i took this about 4 seconds ago:


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