Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk
Is "nonna" grandmother in Portuguese? If it is, then its the same in Italian :)
No, it's "avó" in Portuguese. But my mom's side of the family have Italian heritage. Everyone calls my grandmother 'nonna'.
All mouth and no pics.

"i'm game if you are"

"yeah i'm game"

"alright then"


"im gonna post a pic then"

"me too"

I'm gonna post one real soon"

"mee too"


Girl Picture. =]

GTPlant, please save me. I've been disgusted beyond comprehension. :yuck:

Nice upgrade, by the way, Laura. 👍 ;)
GTPlant, please save me. I've been disgusted beyond comprehension. :yuck:

Nice upgrade, by the way, Laura. 👍 ;)

Haha I read that just before you edited it, I was gonna say that wasn't too nice to my girlfriend.
This is pics of yourself not random pics of people from the interweb, regardless of how hot they are.

Danny I'm naming the minx in your photo Ethel.
Of course, I meant non-underwear related pics. But of course your perverted minds made it into something it's not...

Anyway, girl pic (NUR):

I have found a picture of myself so I will put it up here sometime tomarrow.
Where's Casio? :dunce:

So are we having another picture competition?! I'm in!

For those who don't know, I set the bar pretty high last time :sly:

Hey, me and Casio got over our little "thing". Besides, he turned a new leaf and found that he really "likes" one of his friends.
You're still my #1 Keefy-Weefy. And remember, I don't like her, I was just making sure she wasn't attacked/robbed during the night....
Attacked and robbed? She was "robbed" alright. Label yourself a criminal, mister. Now come steal me, loverboy. :sly:

And get an avatar--it makes you look poor without one.
Attacked and robbed? She was "robbed" alright. Label yourself a criminal, mister. Now come steal me, loverboy. :sly:

And get an avatar--it makes you look poor without one.

You want Loverboy? You got it. I'll be working this avatar for the weekend, just for you, so you better be lovin' every minute of it.

At the risk of getting back on topic, I better post a picture.

(And I didn't rob hadn't been previously robbed, and what I did rob I gave back)

Oh boy, I saw this and couldn't stop laughing. I look like such a douche in this picture. That was when I actually wore glasses :lol: (contacts ftw).

I'll try to get an updated picture once my camera stops taking pictures of nothingness.
Mach: "Jesus Christ, when is this girl gonna grow up!? She's so....annoying! I can't wait until high school. She'll finally realize what I really want, and be dumb enough to give it to me...."


"Damn, what's with the hat? Why's she so freaking happy!? I just, not the smile!?!?!"

Casio, how much are tickets to Melbourne? I'll swim if I have to! And nice song titles, buddy. 👍

Oh boy, I saw this and couldn't stop laughing. I look like such a douche in this picture. That was when I actually wore glasses :lol: (contacts ftw).

I'll try to get an updated picture once my camera stops taking pictures of nothingness.

Holy crap, how old were you in that picture?

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