Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk
w00t! Brad has a man-beard!
It's come from having not enough time to shave, and now I'm curious as to what it will end up like. I'll keep you and GTP updated on its progress though :lol:

Has anyone ever told you that you kinda look like Kevin Rose?
I just had to wiki him, and I don't think I look like him?
Kinda-ish. You'd have to have black hair...

Either way, I'd say keep the beard. Looks good on ya! I've gone to the "just trim it down, don't shave" look, which seems to work well. I won't do the full thing (I'm not that cool), but I can keep this going for a while and still look sane.
In front of a music store with my friends ear muffs he got from his dad who works at a navy base. I got lots of weird stares, lol.
