Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk
The first time I have ever made something from scratch:


It was a margarita pizza and it turned out pretty good but I think I used a little to much garlic. For a 12" pizza I used an entire bulb :lol:.
I bet you didn't grow the tomatoes, milk the cows or even mill the flour!
Nope I didn't...but that is as close as I'm going to get, although I do have a garden of sorts.
I've had garlic chicken salad that had me gasping for air. But damn it was good!

And Joey, did you mix and roll the dough yourself? That pizza looks fantastic. I love the cheese slices on it and the ridiculously large pepperoni.
Yup mixed and rolled the dough, it was a lot more work then I had figured. And they aren't pepperonis they are sliced tomatoes. I wanted pepperoni but all the local Krogers had was that nasty prepackaged crap.
When we make pirogies (or however the hell you spell it), we cut up garlic and fry it with the pirogies, and eat them just like that, not in anything, just there.

Wait, this is the "pics of yourself" thread? Crap
Well that ain’t happening, no sir.
Why not? I've been shaving against the grain for 18 years. It's the only way I can stay shadow free for longer than 5 hours. When whiskers are long, like in my before picture, use an electric trimmer to remove the bulk and then go in with the gel and blade. Makes for a great shave.
Why not? I've been shaving against the grain for 18 years. It's the only way I can stay shadow free for longer than 5 hours. When whiskers are long, like in my before picture, use an electric trimmer to remove the bulk and then go in with the gel and blade. Makes for a great shave.

I've been shaving against the grain for years as well. I still have the shadow mustache regardless :indiff: but it does keep me from getting a 5 o'clock shadow at noon :dopey:

Against the grain FTW!
even though i've never really had any ingrown hairs... i fear that shaving against the grain will cause me to get some...
I took this a few months ago for digital photography class.

Photography!? Holy crap. Didn't you see the self portrait of Pako? The camera's as big as his finger! You guys might as well be in rose-picking school.
Brad, whatever you do, do not stand up and turn around for the next picture.

I hope it's nothing serious.
You feeling ok?

In that picture I was a bit "floaty," I had been on drugs for a few minutes before they wheeled me into the operating room.

I'm feeling better than I did before, but I've got a stint in my ureter, and its really uncomfortable having wires hanging out of the ol' you-know-what.

Otherwise, I've got a clean bill of health... Doctor says I need to gain a little bit of weight though...
Kidney stone operation... Originally the plan was to give me a dip and blow up the stones with the sound waves, but they had a change of plans. Instead, they had to go up the ol' "yellow brick road" and grab it. Turns out there had been some damage done from my bike riding days, so they had to clear a path, pull out the stone (it was 5mm, about as big as they come), and then leave a stint in the ureter (the path that connects the kidney to the bladder) to keep it open.

So I've gotta live with the stint at least until Friday, otherwise I'm scheduled to have it removed on Monday afternoon (I think?). Then I'm good to go...

I have one more kidney stone that they looked for, but couldn't find. I think they're going to wait until it causes problems, and then address it. We'll find out more next week...
Kidney stone operation... Originally the plan was to give me a dip and blow up the stones with the sound waves, but they had a change of plans. Instead, they had to go up the ol' "yellow brick road" and grab it. Turns out there had been some damage done from my bike riding days, so they had to clear a path, pull out the stone (it was 5mm, about as big as they come), and then leave a stint in the ureter (the path that connects the kidney to the bladder) to keep it open.

So I've gotta live with the stint at least until Friday, otherwise I'm scheduled to have it removed on Monday afternoon (I think?). Then I'm good to go...

I have one more kidney stone that they looked for, but couldn't find. I think they're going to wait until it causes problems, and then address it. We'll find out more next week...

Ouch. Good luck with everything. 👍

I hope I never get a kidney stone. Sounds so damn painful. I read what Duke went through. Didn't sound like fun.

Stationary after an assplant! :ouch: (There's something weird about this picture that makes my arms look really short! :boggled:)

In action in the powder shortly before another epic faceplant! :P (With normal sized arms!!! :D)
Lake Tahoe in California.
This resort in particular is one of the smaller ones, Sierra-at-Tahoe.
There was a storm the night before these pics were taken, leaving 22" of fresh snow coverage! :drool: