Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk
Sn00pie posted it, I think this is Jordan...I may be wrong though since I always thought he was white. Who knows, maybe he's pulling a Michael Jackson?

Originally posted by sn00pie
Okay, okay... I'll post Jordan's picture:

I shot him with a 12 Gauge pump. Around 50 yards. It was a good shot right through both lungs .one shot ,he only went around 4 feet if that .Oo an i used remington sabot 3 inch magnum shells
Originally posted by MIKE#3
Uhhh... who ever said rap? I like rap a bit but thats not tha music im talkin about. Im talkin about Hip-Hop and R&B.


Rock is just beatin on a dumbass drum and going crazy and shir. They act so ****en stupid tryin to get attention and **** when they act stupid. They look even more ugly than Bill Gates and ****. They are just too ****en stupid. One good example is tha fagget ass band called Slipknot, ill pimp slap those ****en idiots.

Okay, I'm going to try and be nice here. What you consider rap is a product of the media and therefore recycled crap. Go get some samples or borrow from a friend some music from people like Jurassic 5, Dilated Peoples, Run DMC, and Sugarhill Gang. The last two practically invented rap while the others are keeping it real.

Secondly, what you think is rock is not. Thats just people trying to get attention. Real rock is things like Tool, Led Zeppelin, Van Halen, and Stone Temple Pilots. Do you know how hard it is to play guitar? Very.

Don't start something if you can't back it up.

[EDIT] And don't forget, your "people" invented rock. I bet you don't even know who BB King is!
Originally posted by KosmikFool
Okay, I'm going to try and be nice here. What you consider rap is a product of the media and therefore recycled crap. Go get some samples or borrow from a friend some music from people like Jurassic 5, Dilated Peoples, Run DMC, and Sugarhill Gang. The last two practically invented rap while the others are keeping it real.

Secondly, what you think is rock is not. Thats just people trying to get attention. Real rock is things like Tool, Led Zeppelin, Van Halen, and Stone Temple Pilots. Do you know how hard it is to play guitar? Very.

Don't start something if you can't back it up.

[EDIT] And don't forget, your "people" invented rock. I bet you don't even know who BB King is!
Man, don't even try Kosmik. . . Why do you think my post got editted by Pako???
Originally posted by emad
I'm here at my parent's office fixing some crap and backing up the pc's so I had access to their digicam

So without further ado....the eMad Hatter aka eMadman aka Emad
(the goofy smile is cos the speakers were pumpin my favourite song)

Heh. So that's the guy I like to disagree with?

Originally posted by Rumple Foreskin
Bastards! :irked:

ToyoMatt: What you mean you didn't think I looked that way?! :odd:

Guess I just pictured someone else I guess. I'll put it this way, I was surprised to see your picture, I expected long hair and a tiedye shirt. Maybe even some dreads. No offense to you, but I thought you were a pothead. Witty comments, such as yours, are few and far between when not "high".
Originally posted by toyomatt84
......I was surprised to see your picture, I expected long hair and a tiedye shirt. Maybe even some dreads. No offense to you, but I thought you were a pothead. Witty comments, such as yours, are few and far between when not "high".

Bwahahahaha! :lol: I am the exact opposite.