Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk
I've designed you to work much in the same way as a Mr Potato Head. I used to have so much fun changing your look as you were growing up. The other mums used to make fun, but I told them 'No. He's fine as he is. Interchangeable.' Could the other mums remove their children's faces? No they could not. Case closed.

But I digress.

Drunken semi-pout ahoy!

Danny, your next look should be Clean-cut Mormon Missionary. Then you will be a true character.
Well lookie here what I've just found on a friend's Facebook gallery - me rockin' a full on chic magnet of a car, hell yeah! :lol:

Too Hawt, it spent the day trying to boil itself! Can I just say that the wheels and tyres were the only good things about that car which, sad as it seems, no longer exists.

Standing out on a Jetty responsible for loading coal onto ships!


Was taken on that big Jetty on the left, right out at the end!

Excuse the poor picture quality.. Iphone :D