Needs resizeage.
You look like you took a large dose man.DarinYou look like you took a large dose man.
DarinYou look like you took a large dose man.
LizFuel Sucks. Fuel is awesome.I drank a bottle of SoBe....
Lava and Fuel, eh?Eh, I had Strawberry Daquri and Strawberry Banana.
Answering Darin...[/IMG
GTJugendYou look like a young Norman Cook. And please clean the snot out of yer nose before taking a picture...
Event HorizonI found a pic of Rollazn! He is a fat asian kid whose eyes are too close together....
lol, you are the 2nd person to say that.GTJugendemad: My first tought of your picture is "a young gandhi." I don't know, mabye it's just the glasses, your kind appearance and the color of your skin, but I can't get rid of that association, even though he has a moustache.
BahboAye, now the "roll" part of his name all makes sense.