Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk


From a recent trip to California, this is me on a rock at a beach.

This is me on another rock at the beach.

And this is me at a Taco Bell on the beach. No, really. The only building on that part of the beach for about a mile or two was a freakin Taco Bell. It even had a to-go window on the back deck for surfers.


Just me, wearing my everyday clothes.

I would have used my normal camera for this, but I believe my brother nicked it earlier on, so crappy quality from my phone camera is all you're going to get.

EDIT: And me, wearing unconventional clothing a year ago:

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EDIT: Add 50lbs, go back a little over a year, and:

(Sister on the right)
From a vacation to Jamaica. I was pretty much begging for the drive to the dolphin place until my parents finally caved.

I'd have done it myself, but first time out of the country in a place where bus drivers do 90 on narrow roads I'd rather not travel alone.
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I don't think I have any pics of me with any military hardware...

edit: Why doesn't your brother look like you? :odd:
edit: Why doesn't your brother look like you? :odd:

Dunno... I've seen the birth certificates though... Same dad and mum :lol:

Maybe Aldo is onto something :lol:.

Truth is probably due to my heart and me just not growing anywhere near as tall as everybody else in my family?
^ Did you say at your sister's 2nd birthday party?

I can't really say anything, I have a 6 year old Aunt... :lol: