Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk
It took almost two hours, but it was worth it getting caught up with this thread. It has got to be one of my favorite on GTP! :D

I'll have to muster up a recent photo....

Nice pic Pako! :scared:

I'm glad you find this thread a good source of entertainment :lol:, I must say it is one of my favourites as well.

Here is the pacemaker that was recently removed (replaced with a new one) from myself after spending 12 years inside!!

Here is me just 2 days later with some mates after enjoying a few Drinks + Pool

It says St Paul, MN USA.
A lot of good medical equipment comes out of Minneapolis/St. Paul - my son's Vest, my mom's insulin pump, your pacemaker... That's also where we go for his CF appointments.

Glad to hear all is going well with the "transplant".
Clean the mirror :)
My thoughts exactly. :D Mirror is now clean.

What happened to your thumbs?

Your hitchhiking days are over.
Even if I had thumbs, would you pick me up? I got your thumb right here - 👍 :)

Nice pic Pako! :scared:

I'm glad you find this thread a good source of entertainment :lol:, I must say it is one of my favourites as well.

Here is the pacemaker that was recently removed (replaced with a new one) from myself after spending 12 years inside!!

Here is me just 2 days later with some mates after enjoying a few Drinks + Pool

That is amazing! I remember my grandpa's pacemaker. It stuck out of his chest a good 3/4 inch and was about the size of a pack of smokes. They have come a long way. You look like you are doing great!!! Your enjoyment of life is inspiring! 👍
One of our friends talked his way into trouble with the po-lice, which is why I'm giving it the four horsemen treatment.

It took almost two hours, but it was worth it getting caught up with this thread. It has got to be one of my favorite on GTP! :D

I'll have to muster up a recent photo....

Nice pic! :D looks like you work out!

Whatever you do, do not kill that good phone. Because it looks like you will :lol: :cheers:
There's all 5'5 of me inside a 1970 Mini, though for whatever reason I look tiny in there. Yet, it was the opposite from my perspective, I felt like a giant in there! Much smaller in there than a new Mini indeed.

5'6" is like the new 6.0" Nothin' to worry about my friend! All those tall people have bad shoulders and backs being all hunched over all the time. :D

Not if you sleep on the floor. I've been in Japan for the last 13 months and sleep on a futon. Goodbye back problems.

Hello knee/hip problems... :sly:
5'6" is like the new 6.0" Nothin' to worry about my friend! All those tall people have bad shoulders and backs being all hunched over all the time. :D

:scared: I just have to be a monster, don't I? 6'5"... Maybe I need a higher roof. Yeah, that's the problem.
Monster? Maybe for using that font :rolleyes:

I'm 6'4 and I've not been called a monster. Well, at least for my height or physique.

The only part of my font that will change is the font itself. The colour, etc., is chosen specifically to match my helmet. And, it takes work to look this good. :lol: <--- Something I say to my dad, when he tells me to hurry up and get out of the shower. :lol:

Also, you and I are approximately the same height, but, may I ask what your weight is? I'm wondering if I'm below or above the average. My best friend's 6'3", and 130 lbs. I'm 6'5", and ~190 pounds. That's a rather large difference.
The only part of my font that will change is the font itself. The colour, etc., is chosen specifically to match my helmet. And, it takes work to look this good. :lol: <--- Something I say to my dad, when he tells me to hurry up and get out of the shower. :lol:
Does he chuckle as I just did upon reading that? :P

Also, you and I are approximately the same height, but, may I ask what your weight is? I'm wondering if I'm below or above the average. My best friend's 6'3", and 130 lbs. I'm 6'5", and ~190 pounds. That's a rather large difference.
Your friend is wildly underweight, regardless of gender. I'm 185 pounds, which is at the lower of end "average" these days.
Does he chuckle as I just did upon reading that? :P

He did the first time. Now it's become a rhetorical response meaning "get out of the bathroom, you irritating so-and-so."

Your friend is wildly underweight, regardless of gender. I'm 185 pounds, which is at the lower of end "average" these days.

He blames his metabolism.

I don't understand, how he can play video games for most hours of the day, eat lots of food, and still be ~60 lb. lighter than I am, while I actually try to keep in shape.