Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk
This page completely breaks my internets. If you gents could not post huge ass pictures, it'd be appreciated.
Don't you like my ass?


Coco from Man or Astro-man? (favorite band) and I (wearing Coco's helmet). My phone takes horrible pictures sadly.

Call me stupid, but I first thought you were working in a redioactive area wearing some kind of suit to protect yourself from it, then I thought the heavy noise was caused by radiation.

Jeez I am stupid.
@ZedMan1996 haha with my phones horrible quality in low light I'm not shocked. Here is a good picture of what his helmet looks like. You can not see well at all with the lights turned on in it.

Sorry mods, I know this one isn't a picture of me, just showing a more clear shot of who I was with.
I would if I could, huge ass pictures are the only decent ones I have... :indiff:

I'm sure in this day and age there is a way to resize the images without too much trouble. Those pics posted before crashed my browser! :lol:
Just saw this thread, thought I'd contribute:

I like this picture from last year:

It was my first time in Ann Arbor while visiting UofM after I had been accepted to their grad program. I'm the white dude on the right. The three immediately to my left all went to the same undergrad as me. Diego ended up going to SciArch in LA, Yin-Ling came to UofM with me, and Nikita (second from left) went to Denmark. And then there is Erica....oh Erica...
Doing a nice jam at a nursing home for some old folks. They had a great time, so did we. We Rocked it for them and all was very much appreciated.


I think this pic looks kind of funny. The perspective makes Ken look like a little hobbit, and me like a 9 foot troll. :D
Excellent stuff. Did the old folks dig your Slayer covers? ;)

Is there a giant spider climbing out the (Hugely impressive) fireplace?

They totally rocked out. \m/

Kind of a cool story, a gal came out of her room and spent the set grooving to the music. After the gig, the administrator of the facility said that she is a bit of a recluse and hadn't been out of her room in 6 months. The power of music! :)

And yes, huge spider that we cooked later.
I'd very much not like to. ;)

I'm quite happy being a babysitter. Rather not deal with older kids anymore. Teenagers have issues. Babies just poop.
Ha ha, aren't kids tiny. Do you mock them for being so small? You should. I would. Ha ha look at their tiny hands.

Edit: Just noticed the Droideka in the background...
I'm always taking the piss out of their smallness. I refer to most of them as 'Smurfs', 'little dude/ lady', 'small person' or midge'.
The others would find it a bit strange to see a teacher holding hands with a 16-year old student...

Not the holding hands, rather the prospect of Gran Turismo/GTP themed lessons. And I'm only 15.