Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk
Wohohooo. There were even more members...

BackstreetBoys NextGen.png
Egoshooter. :P


And yes, I suffer from a rare birth defect where my face slowly morphs into a digital camera. Sadly an outdated one. My childhood was brutal, as is having to eat through my butt.

So the aftermath of my Elf costume.....

Apologies for not having a drink in my hand, but it was resting on my belly.....
Can't breathe. Favorite pic in this thread. :lol: :lol: 👍
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Wha....? So I'm non-cute old man? :( Thou hast insulted my honor and I demand satisfaction!
I'm saying what I typically go for- twinkish (gay, 18-25 year old males that look feminine for some of you) guys. I'm not saying that you're not cute. You're definitely more buff and handsome.

Satisfaction? Come see me after daylight hours ends.

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