Ok, a 'quick' story for this one.
Yesterday, my sister was visiting for new years and as she was coming back from a gas station, a dog followed her car for a street or two. My dad called me down and i went outside in my socks and just kinda stayed at the front door petting this random dog, and i decided to go across the street and see if this dog lived over there. Of the two people who answered the door, neither had seen this dog. So I brought it back to my house and put it in my backyard. I realized this dog was definitely an inside dog, and pretty well trained. I had a hard time figuring out the gender due to the fur, but luckily my nephew was able to figure out it was a guy... after about 30 minutes of him chilling in the backyard with me, I went inside and got a towel and dried him off a bit (it was sprinkling outside) and went ahead and let him inside our house.
Man, this dog was the friendliest, chillest, coolest dog i've ever met. I started doing a bit of research and figured out it was a Swiss Bernese. Males average 27 inches tall and 95lb, and this dog was every bit of it. I had to guess he was only two or three years old. I was playing him with the whole night and trying to keep my dog away from him (he's not used to other dogs and kept bothering this dog). After about an hour, i finally came up with a name. "Hey, he's a Swiss, right? Let's name him Alpine." I thought it was awesome but nobody said anything until I was about to head to bed. My dad started calling him Alpine, too.
So by nature, (this isn't the first time i've let a dog inside our backyard), I asked my parents if this dog was going to sleep here for the night. My dad said yes, my mom didn't say anything. I went to bed, making sure there was a bowl full of food and water for Alpine. I wake up this morning before work and the dog is gone...my parents said he slept inside the house, but let him about about an hour before i woke up and he opened the gate by himself and walked out. Oh, you mean just like the last dog I found?
I'm not totally mad they let him out (so i think, anyways...) but this dog was beautiful and trained, and a family was obviously missing him... i told them just to wait until a Lost sign went up, and if not i was going to keep him... letting him back out into where he got lost isn't going to help him... if he found his home today, i'm glad and happy... for him and his family. But if not... I miss him. Alpine, if you didn't find your home, your new one is right here.
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