Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk
Put your chin as close to the cue stick as you can. Keep your head and body still throughout the shot.
Don't stand up straight away or pull the cue stick back after you've hit the ball. Watch the shot play out from the position you were in when you hit the cueball, with the stick remaining motionless at the end of its follow through.
Then show us the updated photo?
Put your chin as close to the cue stick as you can. Keep your head and body still throughout the shot.
Don't stand up straight away or pull the cue stick back after you've hit the ball. Watch the shot play out from the position you were in when you hit the cueball, with the stick remaining motionless at the end of its follow through.
Then show us the updated photo?
Thanks for the useful tips, I'll use 'em when I play the next time. :) But sadly, I don't have an updated photo, it was shot yesterday.
The slightly stoned look wasn't intentional, honestly.

I hope you forget to wear sunblock and fall asleep.:mischievous:
Sorry to dash your hopes and/or dreams but sunblock is already applied EVERYWHERE and despite the long day yesterday and being awake at 5:00 am Maui time, I shan't be sleeping for a while. It is only noon, ya know. :lol:
What are you in Hawaii for this time anyways?
Same as last time - so my wife can go to her conference and I can have fun. With the kids this time.
Do you want to get banned from GTP...? Because that's how you get banned from GTP.
*Checks AUP*
*Doesn't see sunblock or sleeping mentioned once*
*Gives @Team THRT Drift infraction for posting false information*