Tower Turn Competition and Turn 13 Photography turn to top artists from around the world to render images for the upcoming possible merger between Tower Turn Competition and either Ford or Lamborghini for this year's upcoming LMES season. As opposed to the traditional photographic work done by staff photographers at T13P, we have reached out to find our new artist to work closely with our staff and be hired on full time. Let both competitions begin!
The vehicles TTC is considering driving for the series are the Ford GT LM Spec II Test Car and the Lamborghini JGTC NOMAD Diablo GT-1.
First up is Italo Bianchi.
Special Stage Route 5 by
All Work and No Play, on Flickr
(Translated to English)
What was your artistic intent with this image?
Lamborghini is a point of pride for automobile enthusiasts here in Italy, and my intent was to capture the speed and beautiful curves of the NOMAD Diablo while also portraying to my viewers the modern, urban feel of her through the use of neon.
Can you explain a little bit more why you used neon?
The neon gives a sense of place and community, the feel of a massive city, yes? I think that is the essence of Lamborghini is that drivers feel not above but a part of their communities, their cities, their roads. They are low to the ground and hug the roads, merging in a way with them.
What was your process like?
I use the image given by one of T13P's talented photographers, and to this image I built my neon image, and with manipulation of the camera created the effect of motion, because I think like cities Lamborghinis are always moving, never stationary.
Who are you backing and why?
I am backing Lamborghini, of course. American racing is strong but Italy, she is faster I must admit.
Our second rendering is a sketch done by Columbia University graduate Francis Kline.
The Top Gear Test Track by
All Work and No Play, on Flickr
What was your intent with this sketch?
Well the whole idea behind this sketch is that both these cars are mean, and I think they'll go head to head pretty aggressively before a decision is made. I think both cars are scrappy and I wanted to produce a kind of stare-down image.
Why a sketch as opposed to another medium?
Sketches are rough and gritty, and I thought this would be the best representation of the competitive nature of racing and this matchup in particular.
What was your process like?
The photographers at T13P helped set up the composition of this shot, and I worked with them to recreate a kind of photographic shading, but mostly I just sat with a sketchpad and some colored pencils and put it together shape by shape. The details in the cars is immense and it was a lot of fun drawing out all their curves.
Who are you backing and why?
I'd like to say I'm not choosing sides but I really am leaning towards Ford right now. Lamborghinis are great but I have to go American. The Ford is a monster!
And now we'd like to hear what you, the viewers think. American Ford muscle or Italian speed and finesse? Thanks for stopping by the pits! See you on the track!