Pictures from Turn 13 [ALMS Daytona 12/6]

Okay everyone the long awaited Indy Road Course shots for ALMS:

Road Course - Indy by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

All lined up and ready to go! It's a beautiful day for racing...

Road Course - Indy_1 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

Parabulla's Bentley matches revs with one of the 908 drivers. LMP is getting heated from the very beginning.

Road Course - Indy_2 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

The GT cars fight bitterly and do so with style.

Road Course - Indy_3 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

The TP Scud and Flyin's Lambo go head-to-head. Check out those mugs :)

Road Course - Indy_4 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

And now for our featured matchup of the race, Mitch and Jav are battling for dear life, drafting at over 100mph, and look how close they are, practically touching chassis!

Road Course - Indy_5 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

They're switching off but neither will give up. I wouldn't even park that close to someone!

Road Course - Indy_6 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

Kiss it! Haha just kidding.

Road Course - Indy_7 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

Luke, you've switched off your targeting computer. What's wrong?

Road Course - Indy_8 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

Possibly one of the prettiest cars of the season is Flyin's Lambo.

Road Course - Indy_9 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

And one of the most dangerous...

Road Course - Indy_10 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

Trying to keep up with him even at these speeds is tough.

Road Course - Indy_11 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

But I'll push her as fast and as hard as she'll go.

Road Course - Indy_12 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

Maybe slow down to let the crowd admire the paintjob :D

Road Course - Indy_13 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

Meanwhile in LMP the R10 is cruisin in his own world.

Road Course - Indy_14 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

I'm bored of winning by so much, where's the radio button on this thing?

Road Course - Indy_15 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

And of course the Pug 908, a true predator.

Road Course - Indy_16 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

Though of course you can't count out the Bentley, the millionaire's predatory cat of choice.

Road Course - Indy_17 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

Someone should warn the swimmers about those fins skirting through the water...

Road Course - Indy_19 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

These two might be friends off the track but today they're sworn enemies of equal power and prowess. They both battled hard and it's a real shame Mitch had to get sucked from his driver's seat into a time vortex after surpassing 88 miles per hour. Don't worry, folks, he'll be back! That is, whenever PSN opens the vortex and spits him onto La Sarthe.

Road Course - Indy_18 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

We all know the kind of speed this driver is experiencing, and we all miss it. Come back soon, PSN! Until next time!
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Tower Turn Competition and Turn 13 Photography turn to top artists from around the world to render images for the upcoming possible merger between Tower Turn Competition and either Ford or Lamborghini for this year's upcoming LMES season. As opposed to the traditional photographic work done by staff photographers at T13P, we have reached out to find our new artist to work closely with our staff and be hired on full time. Let both competitions begin!

The vehicles TTC is considering driving for the series are the Ford GT LM Spec II Test Car and the Lamborghini JGTC NOMAD Diablo GT-1.

First up is Italo Bianchi.

Special Stage Route 5 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

(Translated to English)

What was your artistic intent with this image?

Lamborghini is a point of pride for automobile enthusiasts here in Italy, and my intent was to capture the speed and beautiful curves of the NOMAD Diablo while also portraying to my viewers the modern, urban feel of her through the use of neon.

Can you explain a little bit more why you used neon?

The neon gives a sense of place and community, the feel of a massive city, yes? I think that is the essence of Lamborghini is that drivers feel not above but a part of their communities, their cities, their roads. They are low to the ground and hug the roads, merging in a way with them.

What was your process like?

I use the image given by one of T13P's talented photographers, and to this image I built my neon image, and with manipulation of the camera created the effect of motion, because I think like cities Lamborghinis are always moving, never stationary.

Who are you backing and why?

I am backing Lamborghini, of course. American racing is strong but Italy, she is faster I must admit.

Our second rendering is a sketch done by Columbia University graduate Francis Kline.

The Top Gear Test Track by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

What was your intent with this sketch?

Well the whole idea behind this sketch is that both these cars are mean, and I think they'll go head to head pretty aggressively before a decision is made. I think both cars are scrappy and I wanted to produce a kind of stare-down image.

Why a sketch as opposed to another medium?

Sketches are rough and gritty, and I thought this would be the best representation of the competitive nature of racing and this matchup in particular.

What was your process like?

The photographers at T13P helped set up the composition of this shot, and I worked with them to recreate a kind of photographic shading, but mostly I just sat with a sketchpad and some colored pencils and put it together shape by shape. The details in the cars is immense and it was a lot of fun drawing out all their curves.

Who are you backing and why?

I'd like to say I'm not choosing sides but I really am leaning towards Ford right now. Lamborghinis are great but I have to go American. The Ford is a monster!

And now we'd like to hear what you, the viewers think. American Ford muscle or Italian speed and finesse? Thanks for stopping by the pits! See you on the track!
The angles aren't that bad, but they're just too bland and snapshot exposed, and those cheap neon/pencil drawn effects only take away from a picture instead of add to it.
The angles aren't that bad, but they're just too bland and snapshot exposed, and those cheap neon/pencil drawn effects only take away from a picture instead of add to it.

Thanks for the feedback. I was trying to do something different ie make these not look exactly like photographs, rather as artist renderings as part of the role playing of the LMES series. This is difficult as I must use effects in picknik (I don't have another editing program) and portray the standard quality of the lambo and still make it look sharp. And admittedly I'm not super proficient with effects.

In general though I like the effects, but to each his own. I appreciate you taking the time to give feedback. 👍
Yeah I definitely want to do it justice, so may take me a bit of time to find good photos. In the mean time here are some incoming from LMES@Madrid!
LMES @ Madrid (preseason) 5/18/11:

Okay just a few, nothing spectacular since it's only preseason and I'm super busy these days. Sorry if they're not up to par, I have trouble with the standard cars because they don't let me get too close. Anywho, here are the pictures from our first LMES practice race:

Circuito de Madrid_4 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

Lined up and ready to go!

Circuito de Madrid_6 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

The GTE boys packed in tight. Tissimo in the Z leading Mitch and Blaze in Vettes.

Circuito de Madrid_9 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

One of the better looking shots I took of the standard models in this race. Beautiful R8s!

Circuito de Madrid_10 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

And fast, also :)

Circuito de Madrid_7 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

Blaze will not get out of Mitch's sideview. No time to relax...

Circuito de Madrid_8 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

Blazing through corners.

Circuito de Madrid_11 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

A pure joy to drive, the NOMAD Lamborghini Diablo is notoriously difficult to get good pictures of due to rendering issues. This one turned out the best of the ones I attempted. Although this R8 repasses me later on, this was an exhilarating moment for me!

Circuito de Madrid_3 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

These moments were less exhilarating. Luckily there were very few of these.

Circuito de Madrid_12 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

Tatoune can be the official GT5 mascot for this race. Pole! Not that Sephy didn't put up a grueling fight.

Circuito de Madrid_5 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

Something tells me he isn't going to the pits.

That's all for now! More race pics incoming when I get a chance. For now I'm exhausted. Time for bed. Until next time.
ALMS Final Race @ La Sarthe:

With (apparently) much anticipation...

Circuit de la Sarthe 2009_2 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

The pack is ready, gearing up in the pace lap.

Circuit de la Sarthe 2009_4 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

Tires warming up...

Circuit de la Sarthe 2009_5 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

Green flag! Go! Go! Go!

Circuit de la Sarthe 2009_8 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

Gogatrs and Jav going head to head. Intense racing, and the sun hasn't even gone down yet! Rain sprinkling the track already, only a few laps in.

Circuit de la Sarthe 2009_9 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

Audi R10 and 908 diesels saving the planet and doing it fast as hell.

Circuit de la Sarthe 2009_7 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

Jav may have dropped out, but at least his car is beautiful! And he was pole until he retired to keep that car beautiful and dent-free. A killer racer in any class :)

Circuit de la Sarthe 2009_6 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

Jav's car speaks for itself.

Circuit de la Sarthe 2009_10 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

The brilliance of multi-class sports car racing. Audi prototype monsters and Chevrolet GT beasts on the same track! Nothing better.

Circuit de la Sarthe 2009_11 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

The Ford GT Race Car, sleek and fast, keeping pace.

Circuit de la Sarthe 2009_12 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

GT Challenge class is close to my heart, seeing as they're driving the 430 :) That thing was the bane of my existence but such a challenging and fun drive at the same time. Two racers going at it here.

Circuit de la Sarthe 2009_13 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

Talk about close racing.

Circuit de la Sarthe 2009_15 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

And of course they're GORGEOUS.

Circuit de la Sarthe 2009_16 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr


Circuit de la Sarthe 2009_14 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

Though of course there is much beauty and speed in the Bentley. Mwah!

Circuit de la Sarthe 2009_17 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

I'm ready for the sun to set! (That's me if you haven't figured it out.) The rain not so much though.

Circuit de la Sarthe 2009_20 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

The test car looks and drives like the batmobile. I am the night...

Circuit de la Sarthe 2009_18 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

R10 and Speed 8 going just as hard in the wet, dark night. So exciting, and thrilling!

Circuit de la Sarthe 2009_21 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

TDI Power, son.

Circuit de la Sarthe 2009_19 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

Got one more good shot of Jav before he left. Take that, Jav! :)

Circuit de la Sarthe 2009_22 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

Can you see the rain in the picture? Look carefully. FH sure can see it from his windshield!

Circuit de la Sarthe 2009_23 by All Work and No Play, on Flickr

20-some-odd grueling, wet, dark laps later we're said and done. Enjoy! Can't wait for season dos!!!
Whats all this about rain?
lol I see nothing!

Awesome pics though, that one of your Ford going down the Mulsanne at night, I have a pic EXACTLY like that, except it's with the road version.

Again, awesome pics.

1967 ticket coming your way. :)
Whats all this about rain?
lol I see nothing!

Awesome pics though, that one of your Ford going down the Mulsanne at night, I have a pic EXACTLY like that, except it's with the road version.

Again, awesome pics.

1967 ticket coming your way. :)

Can't wait! Can you teach me how to back up my account and resend (via PM)? I need to back up my account anyhow. The old fat lady is scaring me lately...
ALMS Preseason @ Laguna Seca:

One of my all-time favorite tracks in the game, and tons of interesting racing between three classes pushing through technical, windy corners and narrow straights.

Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca_3

Let the racing begin!

Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca_5

The first mishap of the game, in turn 1 Jav has a minor incident with FH, though both seem to be okay as they continue on. I had to crop this myself because the game screwed up my crops :(

Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca_6

No hard feelings as Jav and FH go head-to-head mid-race.

Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca_7

Viper looks beautiful! Two good looking cars fighting for position in the blazing sun.

Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca_13

One of my favorite GT cars. So glad TK could make it to the race!

Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca_11

Another GT super-competitor, the quick and nimble M-series workhorse!

Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca_10

GTC 430 flying down the main straight.

Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca_12

Ferrari multi-class packing up for some heart-pounding racing.

Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca_8

Magnificent prototype monster power :)

Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca_9

The ultimate driving machine.

Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca_15

Two vivacious red cars. GT-One on the pass and GTC F430.

Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca_14

FH got some major front-end damage! What happened here?

Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca_19

Mitch has some damage as well but is pressing on as hard as possible as he gets a clean pass by the Bentley.

Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca_18

Another one of the accidents that made this race both frustrating and exciting. Jav is knocked into the sand trap by an accident with GTC as Mitch in vette and GT-One make a pass.

Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca_17

The camera leans with the Beamer's driver as the V12 makes a pass on the F430 GTC car.

Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca_20

And Prototype battling, the fastest and the most terrifying! Can't wait until the next race :)
I love the picture of my BMW V12 LMR but it wasn't the ultimate driving machine last night as I had to retire on lap 24 due to bad adjustments
I have trouble getting any good shots at Laguna, but my gawd. These are amazing. The sky in the LMR shot is amazing. Great work. :drool:
Once again, great photos. I'll have to take some of my own too soon. Did you use panning (panorama, or whatever it's called) in any of the shots?
I'm glad there is at least one picture of my car

I wish i could have finished this race but my internet didn't want that to happen
I love the picture of my BMW V12 LMR but it wasn't the ultimate driving machine last night as I had to retire on lap 24 due to bad adjustments

Thanks! Sorry about the race. Don't feel bad, ask Mitch I did the same thing at Monza in LMES. Was out of the running by a lot in lap 1.

I have trouble getting any good shots at Laguna, but my gawd. These are amazing. The sky in the LMR shot is amazing. Great work.

Thanks! I had to lower the light level on a number of these. The problem at this track is the blaring sun that ruins good shots depending on the angle. I rather like that shot myself.

Once again, great photos. I'll have to take some of my own too soon. Did you use panning (panorama, or whatever it's called) in any of the shots?
Much appreciated man. Looking forward to your pictures. And yeah I guess I take the more gamey kind of shots with panning. I use panning mode 3 most almost always and lower shutter speed to the lowest, f-stop to the highest. Makes for the crispest shots with the most motion blur.

I'm glad there is at least one picture of my car

I wish i could have finished this race but my internet didn't want that to happen
I like your car a lot and qualifying was really close with tissimo, the way it looked from live timing. Sorry you couldn't finish :(

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