PITS 2-[Project International Touring Series 2]PS4 

  • Thread starter Alex ONeill


That's what DVR is for . . .

So this is what I had in mind just to get evryone feet wet again.
This Thursday night
Lobby will open at 7:45pm eastern time
3 races 1 car
Race 1 weather will be light rain to sunny
Race 2 will be night to morning clear weather
Race 3 will be evening to night clear and cloudy
All, races will be held in the summer season
25 minutes each race
10 MINUTE qualifying session for race 2 and 3
We will run 1 caution lap around the 12 minute marker
Full damage
1 mandatory pit stop
Driver rating will be on

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This car also run no assists heads up for evryone

I hope evryone is read for tonight lobby will be up at 730 and evrything will be starting on time
Man!! Fun races tonight guys, quite a bit of close racing too. Car was great and the tracks were a real nice fit for that beast of an engine.
Thanks all who showed up to throw down! Missed those who couldn't make it or forgot.

@Stanc03 if'n you wanna go ahead and setup a 4 week series - just to see how it goes. Do next Thursday, skip Turkey Day, and then pick it up again and try and get in a few races before Christmas. I'll do the scoring... just throwing it out there - Wouldn't mind running that car again, and everyone seemed to like it. Heck, even Colts!! 👍
It was good to see the lobby restarted again after so long. I thought we got a pretty good turnout all things considered.
After my initial controller disconnection before race and rejoining lobby I was happy to at least get through races 1 and 2 and was hoping for the best but unfortunately sometime during race 3 the dreaded "controller disconnected" thingy happened again and that was the end of that. :banghead:

All in all a long awaited good night of racing and camaraderie IMO and thanks @Stanc03 for putting it together. Cheers.
Man!! Fun races tonight guys, quite a bit of close racing too. Car was great and the tracks were a real nice fit for that beast of an engine.
Thanks all who showed up to throw down! Missed those who couldn't make it or forgot.

@Stanc03 if'n you wanna go ahead and setup a 4 week series - just to see how it goes. Do next Thursday, skip Turkey Day, and then pick it up again and try and get in a few races before Christmas. I'll do the scoring... just throwing it out there - Wouldn't mind running that car again, and everyone seemed to like it. Heck, even Colts!! 👍

It was all good until I floored it on the last chicane. If I did it slowly, I probably would of caught Stance. I believe I heard something about 5 damage on his car. But this is a story about Colts so we know it doesn't have a happy ending.

It was good to see the lobby restarted again after so long. I thought we got a pretty good turnout all things considered.
After my initial controller disconnection before race and rejoining lobby I was happy to at least get through races 1 and 2 and was hoping for the best but unfortunately sometime during race 3 the dreaded "controller disconnected" thingy happened again and that was the end of that. :banghead:

All in all a long awaited good night of racing and camaraderie IMO and thanks @Stanc03 for putting it together. Cheers.

@barryf1fan thanks for helping out man. And last night, was fun I'll thanks for everyone that came out and raced
@Alex ONeill sorry we couldn't join the party we had just started race 2

Ill deff setup something with the mclaren Longtail run a 4 week series
Skip turkey day like Barry said and we will run it
And see how it goes
I'll make a post with all the details a little later today
Since I feel there needs to be some formality to restarting Thursday night racing in PITS, please see the following statement:

As current acting director of PITS, I give permission to @Stanc03 to propose and host formal Thursday events for the league. Scoring duties will be handled by @barryf1fan since he has access to the score sheet provided to him by @Alex ONeill. As attendance and commitment to the league becomes more apparent I will provide more support. In the mean time I wish the best of luck to @Stanc03 and @barryf1fan to provide an experience that lives up to what PITS has always striven for.

Best Regards,

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Since I feel there needs to be some formality to restarting Thursday night racing in PITS, please see the following statement:

As current acting director of PITS, I give permission to @Stanc03 to propose and host formal Thursday events for the league. Scoring duties will be handled by @barryf1fan since he has access to the score sheet provided to him by @Alex ONeill. As attendance and commitment to the league becomes more apparent I will provide more support. In the mean time I wish the best of luck to @Stanc03 and @barryf1fan to provide an experience that lives up to what PITS has always striven for.

Best Regards,


Thanks man!! Would rather you be racing with us than not, but understand life happens in-between the fun. And sometimes, what was once fun just isn't anymore. Hopefully you can come in and race and just have a good time. Not sure about @Stanc03 , but I still look at PITS as yours and Alex's... I'm just wanting to race and play and Thursday's seem to work out best for me. 👍

Running around the tracks with you guys really made me realize how much I missed playing. I do hope more will come in and race again, and maybe even get a couple new racers - that would be nice - to help bolster the numbers, but even with eight last night it was fun.

THANK YOU @HazardLvL4 and @Alex ONeill for both of your guys commitment!! Having run a MotoGP racing league back in the early PS2 days (before actual online play) I understand the time and dedication required to do it right, and you guys have always run PITS right! Also, I really appreciate you both helping me getting started in online racing, and I mean organized online league racing, last February.

Hope to see you on track soon Haz!! ('course, I'll probably just be seeing the back of your car... :lol: )
Thanks man!! Would rather you be racing with us than not, but understand life happens in-between the fun. And sometimes, what was once fun just isn't anymore. Hopefully you can come in and race and just have a good time. Not sure about @Stanc03 , but I still look at PITS as yours and Alex's... I'm just wanting to race and play and Thursday's seem to work out best for me. 👍

Running around the tracks with you guys really made me realize how much I missed playing. I do hope more will come in and race again, and maybe even get a couple new racers - that would be nice - to help bolster the numbers, but even with eight last night it was fun.

THANK YOU @HazardLvL4 and @Alex ONeill for both of your guys commitment!! Having run a MotoGP racing league back in the early PS2 days (before actual online play) I understand the time and dedication required to do it right, and you guys have always run PITS right! Also, I really appreciate you both helping me getting started in online racing, and I mean organized online league racing, last February.

Hope to see you on track soon Haz!! ('course, I'll probably just be seeing the back of your car... :lol: )

Thanks for the support and appreciation you have shown @Alex ONeill and myself. I can personally say I have really enjoyed having you in the league and consider you a friend.

I never said I wouldn't be racing with you guys, I will probably attend a proper 4 week series with the McLaren F1 Longtail. I just don't like to state any commitment vocally cause then I feel forced to put in effort to setup the car and show up. However, I would be lying if I didn't say that I constantly go back and forth between being burned out and not with league events. I have been racing weekly for right around 3 years now, and when you tack on the burden of running / assisting a league it can make it more of a job than a hobby. But I am not quitting Project Cars, I am not doing some dramatic "I retire from sim-racing", and I am not done trying to be the fastest. I am just at a point that I would rather pick and choose the events I drive in rather than feel forced to attend every single one of them.

PITS doesn't belong to any one person. It belongs to the drivers who make up the league. The original founders were @Zii1993 & @Alex ONeill. When Zii moved on to PC / iRacing, I picked up the mantle to help continue the league with @Alex ONeill. Now @Alex ONeill has moved on to PC / iRacing, but I am still here committed to keeping the doors open to PITS. This is why you have never seen a formal "PITS is closed" statement. If the drivers wish for PITS to continue, and they are committed to it, then I will see to it that that happens.

I am glad everyone had a good time last night. Congrats on your (2x) wins @barryf1fan and (1x) win @Stanc03. I watched @sgohsixthree entire stream while I was playing World of Warships and then running at the gym.

Interested to see what @Stanc03 comes up with next.
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Since I feel there needs to be some formality to restarting Thursday night racing in PITS, please see the following statement:

As current acting director of PITS, I give permission to @Stanc03 to propose and host formal Thursday events for the league. Scoring duties will be handled by @barryf1fan since he has access to the score sheet provided to him by @Alex ONeill. As attendance and commitment to the league becomes more apparent I will provide more support. In the mean time I wish the best of luck to @Stanc03 and @barryf1fan to provide an experience that lives up to what PITS has always striven for.

Best Regards,

Thanks dude me and Barry will do our best to to get the ball rolling again

I have a few ideas for the next few months to keep evryone happy.

I want the league to go back to its hardcore days so that's the aim here

Also I would like to do a soft test before each season to get peoples opinion on the cars being driven so that way evryone can have base tunes and focus on racing
Here's the first official series
McLaren Longtail GT1
Full damage
Accelerated tire wear/ fuel normal
Pit stop errors
No mechanical Failure
New 5 minute caution period that last from minute 25 to minute 20 during the race. Pits will be open during this time. If your a lap down keep racing until u catch up. This will be explained more on race night

Race Week1
Red bull ring Gp
10x time progression
Summer :Start time 9am R1: 4pm R2
Weather : Clear, Overcast, Light fog / race 1
: light Fog, overcast, clear/ race 2

Race Week 2
Monza Gp
5X Time progression
Summer : Start time 11am R1 : 2pm R2
Weather : Light rain, overcast, light cloud, clear / race 1

: Clear, light cloud, med cloud, light rain / race 2

Race week 3
Fugi Gp
15x Time progression
Summer : Start time 3am R1 : 12 pm R2
Weather : Clear, Clear, med cloud / race 1

: med cloud, clear, clear / race 2

Race week 4
Daytona Road Course
20x Time Progression
Summer : Start time 4pm R1/ 1am R2
Weather : Heavy cloud, med cloud, light cloud, clear/ race 1

: Clear, light cloud, med cloud, heavy cloud / race 2

@Alex ONeill
@yogi bear
@Mike Lobban

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Sounds good.
Question Re "Accelerated fuel". Does this mean fuel is used/consumed as normally while racing or faster (eg: 2x, 4x etc) than customary?
Hi @Stanc03 . Just to confirm, the upcoming series starting this Thursday 21st November
.....The race duration. Is it as per the previous seasons' per race duration? For example (from page 1 "Race Formats"):
  • Sprint Races: Two (2) - 45-minute timed races.
Or some other per race duration? Just want to be sure in order to estimate fuel needed accordingly.
Hi @Stanc03 . Just to confirm, the upcoming series starting this Thursday 21st November
.....The race duration. Is it as per the previous seasons' per race duration? For example (from page 1 "Race Formats"):
  • Sprint Races: Two (2) - 45-minute timed races.
Or some other per race duration? Just want to be sure in order to estimate fuel needed accordingly.

Hey @davidt33 , just to jump in for Stanc, so you don't have to wonder, yes, the races are Original PITS 2 format of 45 minute sprint races. Caution period will begin at 25 min mark and last until 20 minute mark. One change is the pits WILL BE OPEN during the caution period, should you choose to pit at this time. You will continue at race pace until you catch the leader during caution. You will get laps back during this time. At the 20 minute mark the track will go GREEN again and we will be racing. I'm sure @Stanc03 will have further info on race night - but that should get you started. 👍
Hey @davidt33 , just to jump in for Stanc, so you don't have to wonder, yes, the races are Original PITS 2 format of 45 minute sprint races. Caution period will begin at 25 min mark and last until 20 minute mark. One change is the pits WILL BE OPEN during the caution period, should you choose to pit at this time. You will continue at race pace until you catch the leader during caution. You will get laps back during this time. At the 20 minute mark the track will go GREEN again and we will be racing. I'm sure @Stanc03 will have further info on race night - but that should get you started. 👍
Thanks for confirming that Barry. Cheers.