PITS 2-[Project International Touring Series 2]PS4 

  • Thread starter Alex ONeill
Good times last night, guys!! Here's the tally after Rd. 1





Looking forward to Monza already!! Have a great weekend guys.:cheers: 👍👍
Just a thought or question... What is the reason people aren't showing up to race for PITS on Thursday?

It's not like you guys are not racing, several who "used" to race were running last night in a different room. Which is fine, but what is the reason you left?? For instance, I figured these cars would be right up Bear's alley. . .

I mean, is it the possibility that you could win something? Anyway, just wondering.

Thanks to you guys that did show up, imagine you felt like leaving - but you didn't. Really appreciate that! 👍
Just a thought or question... What is the reason people aren't showing up to race for PITS on Thursday?

It's not like you guys are not racing, several who "used" to race were running last night in a different room. Which is fine, but what is the reason you left?? For instance, I figured these cars would be right up Bear's alley. . .

I mean, is it the possibility that you could win something? Anyway, just wondering.

Thanks to you guys that did show up, imagine you felt like leaving - but you didn't. Really appreciate that! 👍
Don't lose sleep over it bro some people are just "burnt out" and need some time away from pits.
All I know is last night was hilarious with how the race ended lol
Don't lose sleep over it bro some people are just "burnt out" and need some time away from pits.
All I know is last night was hilarious with how the race ended lol

I hear ya. I definitely won't be losing any sleep over it. :lol::lol:

I just think it's kinda ****** how like there is some sort of "secret ****" goin' on. Like you have to be in the "club" to be invited... I mean, you want to do something on Thursday evenings, cool, throw it out here and let people get in. It's like that horse **** thing that whoever put on, the Daytona 24h event a couple weeks ago, it was like if you weren't one of the cool kids then you didn't get invited. Which I have no problem not being one of the cool kids, never have been one of them - but I'm also not one of them asshole kids that we seem to have here. I thought the A-holes were pretty much on the PC - guess not.

And Bear, I wasn't trying to single you out or anything, really, you just popped into my head as the example because we are running the Vintage Ford GT40 Mk.IV and the Ferrari 330 P4 - I thought, "man, Stance nailed it for Bear". . . . But none of y'all can be bothered. Not even to have the courtesy to pop in this thread Wednesday or Thursday to say hey, "running in another room on Thursdays now".

Anyhoo, @Stanc03 , thanks for kicking it with me the last month or two and keeping things Interasante!! That race at Monza, even being shortened was pretty memorable!! 5 racers, 2 DQ's and 3 mechanical failures !!! :lol: And Colts A$$-hattery never ceases to amaze me! :dunce:

And @Alex ONeill and @HazardLvL4 thanks for letting me in here, right at about a year ago to start my sim racing "career", you both are pretty ai'ight!! ;) Had never really done anything like this before then and have had a lot of fun and learned a lot as well. Hoping to learn more in the near future... and Haz, we need to get you a PC - I won't be able to live with myself if I move to PC and Alex is faster than me. :nervous: :P
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I hear ya. I definitely won't be losing any sleep over it. :lol::lol:

I just think it's kinda ****** how like there is some sort of "secret ****" goin' on. Like you have to be in the "club" to be invited... I mean, you want to do something on Thursday evenings, cool, throw it out here and let people get in. It's like that horse **** thing that whoever put on, the Daytona 24h event a couple weeks ago, it was like if you weren't one of the cool kids then you didn't get invited. Which I have no problem not being one of the cool kids, never have been one of them - but I'm also not one of them asshole kids that we seem to have here. I thought the A-holes were pretty much on the PC - guess not.

And Bear, I wasn't trying to single you out or anything, really, you just popped into my head as the example because we are running the Vintage Ford GT40 Mk.IV and the Ferrari 330 P4 - I thought, "man, Stance nailed it for Bear". . . . But none of y'all can be bothered. Not even to have the courtesy to pop in this thread Wednesday or Thursday to say hey, "running in another room on Thursdays now".

Anyhoo, @Stanc03 , thanks for kicking it with me the last month or two and keeping things Interasante!! That race at Monza, even being shortened was pretty memorable!! 5 racers, 2 DQ's and 3 mechanical failures !!! :lol:

And @Alex ONeill and @HazardLvL4 thanks for letting me in here, right at about a year ago to start my sim racing "career", you both are pretty ai'ight!! ;) Had never really done anything like this before then and have had a lot of fun and learned a lot as well. Hoping to learn more in the near future... and Haz, we need to get you a PC - I won't be able to live with myself if I move to PC and Alex is faster than me. :nervous: :P
Trust me I felt the same way. I was gonna switch pits to Wednesday nights but, wanted to respect everyone's league equally and didn't WAnt to step on anyone's toes.
But here we are having people straight up drive over us lol.
But if you think about it we technically arnt a official league anymore. After @Alex ONeill left things have been like this (not your fault bro u moved on to better things completely understandable.)
So I been just taking what we get man and just going with it. But for the next 3 races we're moving it to public side we had luck with public lobbies before why not continue. I actually got like 4 friend request and people saying they wanted to race (if they even shown up lol)
Trust me I felt the same way. I was gonna switch pits to Wednesday nights but, wanted to respect everyone's league equally and didn't WAnt to step on anyone's toes.
But here we are having people straight up drive over us lol.
But if you think about it we technically arnt a official league anymore. After @Alex ONeill left things have been like this (not your fault bro u moved on to better things completely understandable.)
So I been just taking what we get man and just going with it. But for the next 3 races we're moving it to public side we had luck with public lobbies before why not continue. I actually got like 4 friend request and people saying they wanted to race (if they even shown up lol)

Sounds good - I got a couple FR's last night, too. I say move to any night you want, bar Tuesday as @sgohsixthree is the only person that has a "night" that actually supported PITS - and his room and combos are normally pretty damn good.

You wanna move it to Wednesday, move it to Wednesday. Monday, Friday, I don't care - any works for me. Thursday is just generally the best night for me, but I can run on almost any night. My plan was to only do PC (iRacing and ACC) on the weekends till I got some time under my belt, and still run with you crazy bitches during the week.

I think @Alex ONeill can make a change to the title if needed. 👍👍
people are just "burnt out" and need some time away from pits.

It's not just PITs. The game is 2 1/2 years old. Everyone moves on in their own way. Some let you know, others ghost you. I lost my my main dude @mphile77 to PC two months after the game came out. SRM is drastically different from where it was then. That's the reality of running a league. Believe me, when I hear people grumble about cars/tracks/weather/incidents I try not to take it personally, but it's really hard. I want everyone to stick around, I love that old crew and the times we had. But everyone moves on, lord knows I've had my internal debates.

I thought the A-holes were pretty much on the PC - guess not.

I really don't think that's the way to approach this situation, but everyone has a right to feel the way they do. While I would really, really like to have guys let me (and other league runners) know their intentions on racing beforehand, it's not always feasible. We sort of feel like we are owed that, but we're not.

By Thursday night you have guys who have been racing all week. I use Wednesdays as my breather, and sometimes look forward to that more than racing. :lol: I get the burnout. I try and show up out of respect, even if I'm not really feeling it. (The GT40 can suck mah nootz) If we want to build a community, that's the way to do it.

I also don't think trying to place blame is the way to go. We've all built a great small community of racers and yes, over time it's going to dwindle, but finger pointing will just expedite that. People don't want to race where it's negative. Building respect and listening to those who want to voice their opinions (as long as they are reasonable) is how I try and run my league.

@Stanc03 has done a great job holding down PITs with what he has to work with. It's no surprise attendance dropped when the management bounced. Life happens, but to be involved takes effort.

My advice for PITs moving forward:
for the next 3 races we're moving it to public side we had luck with public lobbies before why not continue. I actually got like 4 friend request and people saying they wanted to race (if they even shown up lol)

This, do something different than the other leagues. Set the driver rating high, invite your buds and see if some good rando's show up! GTplanet is milked right now, without a new game there isn't much that can be done to infuse the threads with new warm bodies. Need to grassroots that 5h17!

TLDR: Build respect, don't point fingers.

Only approached the "situation" that way because that's how it seems - and, I get what you're saying, and sure, people get burnt out on a game. These people were playing the game, on the exact day and time as another that has been previously setup. I really don't give two poops about not running in PITS, sure I like the league... but is there a league (or a room) that is running when PITS is supposed to be? Yes, there is. Maybe not every week, but it's happened now more than once.

Okay. All good. I have no idea how to join or get in the race. :confused: It's obviously for the select few who are "in the know", or "on the team". I just want to run with people. . . and the people I normally run with on Thursday evening in PITS, at the exact time that PITS normally runs, were (almost) all running in a separate room, together, in the same game.

I'm not 100% clear how I ...

I also don't think trying to place blame is the way to go.

Someone is setting up races on Thursday night, and again, happened more than once now. I haven't blamed anyone (maybe last time I did, and "sponsoring" an event with real money is certainly BEING involved, regardless of what blamed person said. Their prerogative though), not that I can clearly see anyway.

And as far as letting people who run leagues know if you can make it or not, I don't think that's a stretch - if people do or don't, doesn't really matter, and again like I stated it's more of a courtesy thing. It would just be nice if any one of these people had the fortitude to say, "hey, there's this other room that runs on Thursday and I'm gonna run there." But c'est la vie.

Anyway, hope to race with guys soon!! 👍
It's not just PITs. The game is 2 1/2 years old. Everyone moves on in their own way. Some let you know, others ghost you. I lost my my main dude @mphile77 to PC two months after the game came out. SRM is drastically different from where it was then. That's the reality of running a league. Believe me, when I hear people grumble about cars/tracks/weather/incidents I try not to take it personally, but it's really hard. I want everyone to stick around, I love that old crew and the times we had. But everyone moves on, lord knows I've had my internal debates.

I really don't think that's the way to approach this situation, but everyone has a right to feel the way they do. While I would really, really like to have guys let me (and other league runners) know their intentions on racing beforehand, it's not always feasible. We sort of feel like we are owed that, but we're not.

By Thursday night you have guys who have been racing all week. I use Wednesdays as my breather, and sometimes look forward to that more than racing. :lol: I get the burnout. I try and show up out of respect, even if I'm not really feeling it. (The GT40 can suck mah nootz) If we want to build a community, that's the way to do it.

I also don't think trying to place blame is the way to go. We've all built a great small community of racers and yes, over time it's going to dwindle, but finger pointing will just expedite that. People don't want to race where it's negative. Building respect and listening to those who want to voice their opinions (as long as they are reasonable) is how I try and run my league.

@Stanc03 has done a great job holding down PITs with what he has to work with. It's no surprise attendance dropped when the management bounced. Life happens, but to be involved takes effort.

My advice for PITs moving forward:

This, do something different than the other leagues. Set the driver rating high, invite your buds and see if some good rando's show up! GTplanet is milked right now, without a new game there isn't much that can be done to infuse the threads with new warm bodies. Need to grassroots that 5h17!

TLDR: Build respect, don't point fingers.

What I am about to say is purely to inform. I am not mad about what @sgohsixthree stated, but I have seen some comments that are a bit unfair, and I believe clarification is required:

To be fair, the management of PITS didn't just bounce. @Alex ONeill had informed me and a even stated a few times in the Lobby he was getting a PC. We all knew what was going to happen once he did. And as expected he went full time to that. I have no ill will about that, it was just the expected natural progression.

I had worked with @Alex ONeill over the last 2 years'ish to keep PITS active. Now yes, he put in more effort than me, but that was just how it went, and he never complained. The problem was/is PITS has had attendance slumps so many times I have lost count. @Alex ONeill and I had to constantly change our format every 3-4 months just to keep the league alive. When he informed me of his decision to move full time to PC we were only getting 6-8 people to show up on Thursdays. I agreed, with him, that it wasn't worth it, for him, to try to do his iRacing thing, and keep managing PITS. At that point we still had one round of our GT3 enduro event left, and when that race finally took place only 4 or 5 people showed up. Thus, I personally felt like there was no point in putting any further effort towards keeping PITS active due to no interest in the league. @Alex ONeill and I had discussed it twice about writing a formal post and shutting down PITS, but I always voted no, and said lets keep it open just in case. At which point @Stanc03 and @barryf1fan both stepped up and have done a good job at keeping what is left of PITS going. I have really appreciated their efforts.

In regards to my level of support for the league, I have always wanted be a driver more than a league manager. I stepped up to co-direct PITS after the original founder (@Zii1993) had moved on to PC 2 years ago. Thus, after all that has transpired, I have no desire to fight the fight anymore of trying to recruit, innovate, and market the league. Because in the back of my mind I know, no matter what I do, it will never be good enough, it will be to similar to another league's format, and the attendance will slump again. No one seems to realize how much it saddened @Alex ONeill and myself when we both realized the 3.5 year run PITS had was coming to an end. That is why I never agreed with formally killing the league.

So this post is just to clear up what actually went down, @Alex ONeill and I never abandoned PITS, we both still love PITS, and look back with fond memories of what it used to be. Life just moved on, PCars 2 community dried up, drivers have become burnt out, and PITS couldn't differentiate itself enough.

Best Regards,

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My apologies for once again being Disconnected from the lobby....not once, but twice.....again. You all know the issues I've been going through so I hope you understand. I've tried almost everything I can changing a number of parts and cables including Fanatec customer service assisting. The rep has been very accommodating. The last thing they helped me with was in sending me brand new potentiometers (free of charge) to offset the pedals sticking. Also sent me a replacement main cable for the wheel and a new USB cable. However the infamous "Controller Disconnected" still persists. This happens primarily with Project Cars 2 accompanied by the console's fan roaring at a rate. In contrast on Wreckfest this is hardly the case, though disconnections happen in the odd occasion it's not as frequent as in Pcars 2 and most times I can participate in online lobby for a good 1-3 hours without disconnection or loud PS4 console fan. The Fanatec fan is fine in both games.

I'm wondering if perhaps Pcars 2 is more demanding processor-wise that may be contributing to the problem in the frequent disconnections....Or perhaps the issue may be with the PS4 console itself which may be failing board-wise, it's own USB port or whatever. This I have a strong feeling may be the case....Console need replacing.

One thing has been confirmed following last night. The issue is not with the USB 3.0 expansion hub that is used to connect additional devices (Wireless headphones with basestation and Fanatec's USB pedals etc). This confirmation, following the first disconnection, arising from Stan's suggestion to remove the USB expansion hub and connect the pedal's USB cable directly to the console's port.....which still resulted in the second disconnection not even long after shutting down everything, powering back on and rejoining just before race start.

Suffice it to say this is very frustrating when I prepare for race night practising etc and looking forward to each Thursday's race night and then BAMMM...freaking "Controller Disconnected". I have no choice now but to no longer participate in the lobby because it now makes no sense. I am very distraught because I've really looked forward to our Thursday night lobby and you all have been nothing but good to me. What a great bunch of guys. Stan and Barry kudos to y'all for taking the torch to continue the lobby going.

For now I'm just going to continue with Wreckfest on a Friday night with Lobbie and crew, considering the disconnections there aren't much of an issue, for as long as possible unless the disconnections and loud console fan begin to happen frequently there too.

I can't afford to buy anything right now. I'm waiting for the release of the new PS5 later this year which I intend to buy and go from there via process of elimination.

So sorry I won't be joining you guys again for a while but if the situation changes I'll be back if you're still around. Thanks again for having me. I really looked forward to being with y'all each time.

So this post is just to clear up what actually went down, @Alex ONeill and I never abandoned PITS, we both still love PITS, and look back with fond memories of what it used to be. Life just moved on, PCars 2 community dried up, drivers have become burnt out, and PITS couldn't differentiate itself enough.

I understand. Sorry, 'bounced' was a bit harsh, apologies. I didn't intend for it to be about you guys leaving, just how that impacted PITs overall to its current state.

Someone is setting up races on Thursday night, and again, happened more than once now. I haven't blamed anyone (maybe last time I did, and "sponsoring" an event with real money is certainly BEING involved, regardless of what blamed person said. Their prerogative though), not that I can clearly see anyway.

I don't know any details about those other races, I just don't see it as being malicious. But maybe I would feel different if it was on Tuesdays.
I understand. Sorry, 'bounced' was a bit harsh, apologies. I didn't intend for it to be about you guys leaving, just how that impacted PITs overall to its current state.

I don't know any details about those other races, I just don't see it as being malicious. But maybe I would feel different if it was on Tuesdays.

No worries, like I said, I don't take what you said personally, I just want people to know that we didn't just one day decide to bail on PITS. Other than that I agreed with what you stated in that post. However, there is another series or event taking place on Thursdays and money is being offered, thus, it is disrespectful to PITS which has had that slot for 2 years. The fact that money is involved does snipe drivers away from our events, and it does look weird that drivers who we race with weekly are there at it, we know they are at it, and still won't tell us any details about it.
I don't know any details about those other races, I just don't see it as being malicious. But maybe I would feel different if it was on Tuesdays.

I most certainly think you would feel different if someone was running a 'secret' room on Tuesday evening, and paying out prize money.
Maybe not.
But I think you would, you put a lot of effort into your Tuesday night league - and it shows - it's always a good time, with good racing, too.

Appreciate everything you put into SRM on Tuesday. :cheers:
This had me dying

@HazardLvL4 thanks for clearing things up I'm pretty sure we covered that topic before at some point lol. @sgohsixthree @barryf1fan thanks guys for always helping and supporting the league
@davidt33 things are understandable bro it's just sux that the wheel is not working properly

Let's just all go with the flow. Even though that flow might not lead to where we all want it. Lol
Ima weirdo I only play racing games idk why I've always been like this.
Might have to do with me always wanting to race but can't afford it lol.
I don't wanna make anyone feel like they have to show up to race that's not what we are going for here. Just wanna have fun and race :gtpflag:
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This had me dying

@HazardLvL4 thanks for clearing things up I'm pretty sure we covered that topic before at some point lol. @sgohsixthree @barryf1fan thanks guys for always helping and supporting the league
@davidt33 things are understandable bro it's just sux that the wheel is not working properly

Let's just all go with the flow. Even though that flow might not lead to where we all want it. Lol
Ima weirdo I only play racing games idk why I've always been like this.
Might have to do with me always wanting to race but can't afford it lol.
I don't wanna make anyone feel like they have to show up to race that's not what we are going for here. Just wanna have fun and race :gtpflag:

Looks like the moderators didn't like my joke and deleted the thread. Glad you got a kick out of it!


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