[PITS]Project International Touring Series presented by SNAIL SundaysPS4 

  • Thread starter Zii1993
United States

Last edited:

KOQ Lobby open @ 11:00 AM (if needed)
Lobby open to all main event drivers @ 11:45 AM
Qualifying starts @ 12:00 Noon

All times listed above are Eastern

Series Founders - Alex ONeill, Zii1993
Series Directors - Alex ONeill, HazardLvL4

Series Organizers - HazardLvL4, Alex ONeill, Lessen
Scoring - Lessen
Chief Steward - Lessen
Stewards - Alex ONeill, HazardLvL4, Fallen_log
Real Time Steward - Lessen

Race Format
  • Two - 45 minute timed races.
  • 10 minute break between races.
  • Grid position for first race determined by 15 minute qualifying session prior to the start of race one.
  • Grid position for second race determined by reverse finishing position from race one. (See Reverse Grid Procedure)
  • All competitors must complete a minimum of 1 pit stop per race.
  • Drivers coming off and on pit road always stay on the correct side of the pit road line (DO NOT cross the solid line).
  • Most races will be under clear weather, however some races may include rain (refer to schedule for specifics).
  • Tire wear is subject to change each season. (Refer to schedule for specifics)
  • If you get disconnected or decide to quit during a race you will get a DNF and finish last.
  • If more than one person quits or gets disconnected during a race, your finishing position will be determined by the number of laps completed.

Application Procedure

  • GTPlanet ID
  • PSN ID
  • Livery Choice
  • By submitting your application you agree to the S.N.A.I.L. OLR (which is a modified version of the GTP OLR) along with following The Good Racecraft Guide.
  • Only Complete driver applications per the above will be accepted for securing a spot in the series

Tuning regulations
  • This is a full tuning and full damage series.
  • As the goal for this series is to provide a clean, respectful and evenly matched cars, all drivers are encouraged to share their tuning information with other drivers. This is to help foster a gentlemen’s agreement that we are all here to have a good time and enjoy a fun night of racing.
Eligible Drivers
  • Although encouraged, you do not need to be a SNAIL driver to participate.
  • Each week I will list all active drivers in the Pre-Race report with the intent to have all Active Drivers that plans to race confirm their intent to race (just like we did for the top 10).
  • If there are less than 16 drivers confirmed, we will not need KOQ that week and we will open the Lobby to all drivers @ 11:00 am Eastern.
  • If there are more than 16 confirmed drivers that week, we will implement the original KOQ process and only the top 8 will be locked in and all other will need to go through KOQ per the below process.
    • On race day, all main event drivers are to be in the lobby by 11:55 am eastern.
    • Any driver that is not in the room by 11:55 am eastern will lose their spot to the next alternate
    • Exception to this rule is if you reach out to me via PM or PSN msg that you are having issues and need a couple extra mins.
    • Alternates should remain on PSN and ready to join lobby if informed by the series director that they can join the main event.
    • This will be managed at the discretion of the Series Director. Please don't wait until the last minute to try and get in the lobby
    • Main Event Drivers not in the lobby by12:00 am run the risk of missing the first race. The qualifying/race will not be restarted once the qualification/race has started.
    • 11:00 am –11:10 am – KOQ Lobby is open (If needed)
    • 11:10 am –11:40 am – Knock-Out Qualifying (Practice Mode 1)
      • Refer to Knock-Out Qualification Process below
    • 11:40 am – 11:55 am – Open Practice (Practice Mode 2)
      • All Main Event drivers enter lobby and prepare for Main Event Qualification
    • 12:00 pm – 12:15 pm - Race 1 Qualifying (15 Min Qualification Mode)
    • 12:15 pm – 1:00 pm – Race 1 (45 Min Race)
    • 1:00 pm - 1:10 pm – 10 minute break between races
    • 1:10 pm – 1:55 pm - Race 2 (45 Min Race)
Reverse Grid Procedure

* On both races, when the race starts we will run at a safe pace (around 62 mph / 100 kph)
    • Either series director or one designated by the series directors will call off the grid order
      * Everyone is to get in position when your called, failure to do this will result in being placed in the back
      * We will run double file with pole being on drivers choice 2nd on the other side 3rd behind pole and so on
      * We will go green when green is called but there will be no passing the row in front of you until the start/finish line.
      (Being in the second row of 3rd and 4th you may be ahead of 4th but not ahead of 1st or second)
      Passing before the line will result in a 3 point loss. (Side by side into turn one is bound to be tight and have some battles, this is fine, the 3 point rule is to maintain a closer start and keep people from taking advantage of the rolling start)
      * Weaving will be allowed but remember this is all saved and if you take someone out you will be placed in the back and given a 3 point deduction.
11:00 am – 11:40 am – Knock-Out Qualifying (Practice Mode)

If KOQ is required, Alex_Oneill will count the locked in Main Event drivers (per the above procedure) and announce how many grid spots are available for the Main Events both in the GTPlanet thread and in the Lobby.

  • 11:00 am - Official Practice Lobby opens for drivers outside the top 10 in points and any current top 10 driver and recent Series Champion who did not confirm participation per the above procedure.
  • Entry into the Knock-Out Qualifying lobby is reserved to the first 15 Active Drivers that enter the lobby.
  • So that the series and its format may continue series organizers are locked into the main event so we have our host/points in the room.
  • Retired/part time drivers may enter provided there are less than 15 Active Drivers in the lobby.
  • You must not leave the lobby as your lap times may be erased.
  • Drivers participating in the Knock-Out Qualifying may join at any time during this 40 min window. No requirement to run the full 40 mins however you do need to give yourself enough time to get on the track and log a lap time.
  • Can run as many or as few of laps as needed.
  • Remaining grid positions for the Main Events to be determined by fastest practice times during the Knock-Out Qualifying Lobby up until 11:40 am.
  • A photo of Best Times will be taken by one of the organizers at 11:40 am to lock in the best times.
  • One of the series organizers will announce who has made it through Knock-Out Qualifying and qualified for the Main Events.
  • In the event we have more spots available than participants at the conclusion of the Knock-Out Qualifying, then everyone will advance to the Main Events!
  • Knock-Out Qualifying lobby crashes - In the event of the lobby crashing in the final 15 mins of Knock-Out Qualifying, grid positions will be awarded based on first come first serve into the original Knock-Out Qualifying lobby. If lobby crashes within first 25 mins, a new lobby will be set up and drivers will need to post new times in an abbreviated session.
  • Main Event locked in drivers should not enter lobby during this time.
  • If the KOQ lobby is full prior to 11:25 am and an Active Driver is trying to get in (that person MUST send a msg via PSN that they cant get in PRIOR to 11:25 am), I will look at the current lap times (no earlier than 11:20 am) and the driver(s) with the fastest time(s) will then be locked into the Main Event races and asked to exit the KOQ lobby so that the waiting driver(s) can enter.
  • The above process will only be allowed for a max of 2 drivers trying to get into a full KOQ lobby prior to 11:25 am.
  • Anyone trying to get into a full KOQ lobby after 11:25 am will be considered too late for that week's race.
  • Drivers knocked out during the Knock-Out Qualifying will need to leave the lobby. Sorry.
Race Craft

  • If you're not sure what good racecraft is, watch this video.
  • It can be summed up in one simple 'Golden Rule' of motorsports: It is the responsibility of the overtaking driver, meaning the car that is attempting to execute the pass, to make sure that the pass is made cleanly and incident free. If you don't agree with this rule or don't think it applies to you, this is not the series for you.
  • "Blue Flag" expectations can be found here.
  • Part time drivers will be allowed to re-apply to Active driver status at the start of the following season based on case by case request.
  • All drivers will refrain from doing donuts, burnouts, drifting, driving backwards/reverse or any other activity that would be a distraction to other drivers on the track during all Official RCS Sanctioned Events (practice sessions, KOQ, Main Events, etc..)
  • Additionally, if you are going to park along the track edge to "watch" please make sure you are as far away from the racing surface as possible so as to no cause a distraction to other drivers.
  • In the event of an incident with other drivers during the race, do not discuss it via chat during the race. Repeat offences of this policy will result in being suspended for a minimum of 1 week.
  • Drivers are to continue to race and put their best effort the entire race night.
    • Due to the unique nature of the series and the KOQ process, this is to ensure that drivers are not left out that would have otherwise raced if given the chance
    • Of course real life situations occur from time to time as well as the random DC. This is not meant to penalize the occasional situation.
    • Continued repeat violation of this regulation will be managed at the discretion of the Series Director.
Race Night Lobby Settings

Structure & Sessions:

    • Privacy - Private
    • Event Length - Timed 45 Minutes
    • Maximum Grid Size - 16
    • Max Number of Human Opponents - 15
    • Fill with AI Opponents - No
    • Opponent Skill -n/a (this entry has no effect)
    • Opponents all Identical Car - Yes
    • Car Class - Same
    • Rolling Start - No
    • Practice 1 -00 hr 45 min
    • Practice 2 -00 hr 40 min
    • Qualifying -00 hr 10 min
    • Warmup -00 hr 5 min
    • Mandatory Pit Stop - Yes 1 stop
    • Weather - Various (see schedule)
      • Progression - (see Schedule)
    • Date Type - Custom (set to actual PITS race date)
    • Starting Time - Various (see schedule)
    • Time Progression - (see schedule)
    • Force Interior View - No
    • Force Manual Gears - No
    • Force Realistic Driving Aids -YES
    • Force Default Setups - No
    • Allow ABS - n/a (this entry has no effect)
    • Allow Stability Control -n/a (this entry has no effect)
    • Allow Traction Control -n/a (this entry has no effect)

    • Damage - Full Damage
    • Mechanical Failures - Yes
    • Tire Wear - (see schedule)
    • Fuel Usage - Real
    • Auto Start Engine - Yes
    • Flags and Penalties - No
    • Allow Ghosted Vehicles - NO
PITS RTS Regulations

-On track situations may be communicated through the chat. Otherwise we need to keep the channel clear to hear calls from the RTS during the race.

-Drivers are responsible for knowing the corners by number as that is how the RTS will audibly note any out of bounds warnings.

-OOB warnings will be given after the RTS sees someone repeat the same offense of not keeping two tires on racing surface multiple times. (This is the Snail OOB rule, and is what this league runs by. The in game penalties do not cover all of the illegal areas of the track.)

-The RTS can only file IRs after the 24 hour period for drivers to file. This gives time for anyone to self report, and allow them to receive concession points towards the penalty.

-Although the real time steward may review any driver submitted IR's as a part of the PITS review process, the RTS may only file IR's which can be seen from the RTS livestream.

-The RTS livestream shall be made private (unwatchable to all PITS drivers) immediately after racing has concluded and until after the driver IR window has passed; at which time it shall be made public.
Racing Incident Report

  • If you ever feel like a driver is not following the rules, please wait until league night is over, and then file a Racing Incident Report using the below process
  • Review the replay from the race to get a fresh perspective on the incident.
  • If you still wish to submit the incident
    • Send the Chief Steward @Lessen and the other driver(s) involved a PM here at GTPlanet (by 11:00 pm Eastern Monday) respectfully detailing the incident.
    • Be sure to include the race, lap and time stamp of the incident.
    • Should the offending driver agree with the account and does not wish to dispute it (reply with this agreement in the PM), the penalty (if applicable) will be reduced in half.
    • Should the offending driver not agree with the account, respectfully state your perspective of the incident within the PM within 24 hours of receipt.
    • Our Stewards will review the incident and enforce the appropriate penalty on the driver(s) in question.
SNAIL PITS Penalty Guidelines
These guidelines are taken from the SNAIL Penalty Guidelines 1.3 and modified to suit the Project International Touring Series.

Level 1 (1 - 4 point penalty) - Likely caused by a lapse of concentration.
* A bump
* Shortcutting the track boundaries (1 pt. /incident)
Level 2 (5 - 8 point penalty) - Showed a lack of situational awareness.
* A shove
* This may be the result of carrying too much speed into a corner or braking too late, causing moderate to major contact.
* An unsafe track re-entry & use of "reset to track" also falls here (6-8 pts. cannot be halved for concession)
Level 3 (9 - 12 point penalty) - Demonstrates a lack of good race craft.
* The offending driver was likely too aggressive in a pass, creating a situation where his car met another at a drastic difference in speed.
* Excessive blocking or weaving.
* This is the lowest level that a dive bomb pass attempt would be penalized at.
Level 4 (13 - 16 point penalty) - Clearly showed a lack of judgment and a disregard for the tenets of good race craft.
* This is an incident from which complete recovery is realistically impossible.
* The offending driver likely came on an overtly aggressive line or made a move that directly put others in jeopardy.
Level 5 (17 + point penalty) - Intention may be believed or even known.
* Incidents of this caliber are race-ending and reputation-scarring.
* This level of penalty would require extensive discussions by the Stewards, and would be open to any penalties as we see fit up to and including placement on the last chance list, suspension from SNAIL events, or removal from SNAIL.

Failure to make a pit stop during each of the races will result in beiing DQ'ed from each race where a pit stop was not performed.


- These levels are guidelines for us and you, and other penalties may be assessed as deemed necessary.

- Any of these penalties except for level 5 and unsafe re-entry could be halved with the proper concession after the fact during the race. Shortcut violations can be eliminated with proper on track concession. Penalties will only be assessed in whole point values. Example: A driver receives a 7 pt. penalty and makes a proper concession, they would be assessed a 4 pt. penalty (7/2=3.5 rounded to 4).

-A proper concession consists of a separate and deliberate act on the part of the offending driver to return any position gained or to negate any time gained during the incident. Ending up in the grass or sand trap and losing time because of your own action is not considered a concession.

-If a driver chooses to report a violation of the SNAIL PITS OLR that they committed themselves, that action will serve to cut the value of the penalty in half, provided the offending driver has met all prerequisites. This would apply to all penalties including unsafe re-entry to the track. This would still not apply to any level 5 penalties.

- Each of these penalties will bring about a probation period based on the level. A level 1 penalty will bring a 1 week probation period; level 2 brings 2 weeks, etc. The probation period doubles the effect of any incurred penalties.

- Multiple penalties in one week will be added to create a longer probation period: i.e. Level 1 + Level 3 penalties = 4 week probation.

- Multiple penalties during one week will not multiply the penalty points for that week.

- Drivers earn their way off of probation by racing without a reported incident for a full race night. Each night raced will remove one week of probation. In order for a night to be considered a full race night, a driver must race both races in that weeks event.

- Penalties for corner cutting will be totaled for each race. Four shortcuts in one race would equal a Level 1 penalty worth four points. Five shortcuts in one race would equal a Level 2 penalty worth 5 points. Any time an OOB violation is reported, the stewards will have the option to look at that driver's entire race for other possible violations.

-Stewards have the ability to assess penalties that are found during race reviewing, but we will not actively look for things to penalize (except in rare instances and only by decision of the chief steward). Any violations discovered by the stewards during review will not be subject to the filing deadline for race complaints.

Last Chance List Policy
-Once a driver reaches the maximum six week probation period or receives one level 5 penalty an automatic stewards vote is triggered to determine if the driver goes on the last chance list.

-Once on the last chance list, any penalty would trigger another vote by the stewards to determine what action should be taken. Those options will be: no action, suspension of a duration to be determined by the stewards, or a ban from SNAIL PITS. In addition to these options the stewards will have at their disposal the use of any other stipulation to membership that they wish to assign to a driver on a case by case basis.

-If a driver is found to have used a glitch or cheat while racing the stewards will have the option to place that driver on the LCL, suspend the driver for a duration to be determined by the stewards, or ban the driver from SNAIL PITS upon the first offense.

-During any stewards vote, the stewards would have until 8:00pm Eastern Time on the first racing Sunday after the vote was triggered to cast a vote and the majority of those voting would make the decision.

-In order for a driver to work their way off the last chance list, they must race without incident for how ever many number of weeks of probation they have.
Season Selection Process
Car Selection:

  • We will provide two or three cars to choose from (including tire compound and fuel/tire ware setting to be used).
  • Number of votes cast per driver will be the total of races you participated in (same as current process).
  • Drivers will have 48 hours to vote for a car.
  • Car with the most votes win.
  • In the event of a tie, the Individual Series Champion from the most recent season will break the tie.
Points System

Drivers Championship

Pole Position= 1
1st = 50
2nd = 47
3rd = 45
4th = 43
5th = 41
6th = 40
7th = 39
8th = 38
9th = 37
10th = 36
11th = 35
12th = 34
13th = 33
14th = 32
15th = 31
16th = 30

Room 2 (if Needed)

1st = 29
2nd = 28
3rd = 27
4th = 26
5th = 25
6th = 24
7th = 23
8th = 22
9th = 21
10th = 20
11th = 19
12th = 18
13th = 17
14th = 16
15th = 15
16th = 14

Team Championship

1st = 50
2nd = 47
3rd = 45
4th = 43
5th = 41
6th = 40
7th = 39
8th = 38
9th = 37
10th = 36
11th = 35
12th = 34
13th = 33
14th = 32
15th = 31
16th = 30

Room 2 (if Needed)

1st = 29
2nd = 28
3rd = 27
4th = 26
5th = 25
6th = 24
7th = 23
8th = 22
9th = 21
10th = 20
11th = 19
12th = 18
13th = 17
14th = 16
15th = 15
16th = 14

  • At the end of the season, each drivers' lowest week total points will be dropped. In other words the series will count your 5 out of 6 best weeks (this includes a missed night of racing).
Individual Championship
  • All participants are eligible for the Individual Season Championship.
  • Total points earned during the season will determine the Season Champion.
  • In case of a tie in points after the completion of a season to determine the top 10 after each week, the tie breaker will be determined by their # of wins during the season, if there is still a tie it will be broken by who had the best overall finishes.
  • Individual Champion earns the right to the #1 car number for the next season.

Optional Team Championship

  • Open to Active Drivers that meet the below requirements.
  • No extra racing is required.
  • Teams consist of two drivers which divisional total must equal 4 or greater.
  • Example – D1 driver can team up with a D2 driver (1+2=3) or two D2 drivers on the same team (2+2=4)
  • Division assignments based on the following:
    • New PITS Drivers
      • SNAIL Drivers - Based on Sunday S.N.A.I.L. division assignments at the conclusion of the previous Wednesday Night Series Season.
      • Non SNAIL Drivers – New drivers will need to complete a time trial to be placed in a temporary division for their first season.
    • Existing PITS Drivers
      • Each season, all drivers will be evaluated and placed in a PITS Division based in previous race data from within the PITS races ONLY.
  • Teams can’t change until after Wednesday night Project International Touring Series (PITS) season is finished.
  • All teams must change team mates at the end of each season
  • Points awarded based on point system above.
  • Team Champions qualify for All Star Race.
Active Driver
Defined as having priority over Retired drivers in Knockout Qualifying and/or Main Event Races. At the start of each season the series will be limited to 25 Active drivers.
  • New series applications will be accepted at the end of each season provided there is less than 25 Active drivers.
  • Retired drivers will need to request to be re-instated to active status during this time until the series reaches the 25 Active driver limit.
Part Time Driver
Defined as having priority over Retired drivers in KOQ and / or Main Event Races. All participation for part time drivers are as follows for Retired drivers.
Retired Driver

Defined as any driver who fails to participate in either the Main Event or Knockout Qualifying for 4 consecutive weeks (excluding All Star races).
  • May participate in Main Events provide within top 10 in points.
  • May participate in Knockout Qualifying provide there are less than 15 “Active” drivers in the lobby.
  • May qualify for Main Event via knockout qualifying provided all other “Active” drivers make the cut.
Example – Main Event has 8 open spots to be filled from Knockout qualifying.
  • Knockout Qualifying has 7 “Active” drivers and 1 “Retired" driver – All drivers move on to Main Event.
  • Knockout Qualifying has 7 “Active” drivers and 2 “Retired” drivers – All "Active" drivers and the single fastest “Retired” driver move on to Main Event.
  • Knockout Qualifying has 9 “Active” drivers and 2 “Retired” drivers – Fastest 8 "Active" drivers move on to Main Event. “Retired” drivers, regardless of times, do not qualify for Main Event.
Retired drivers will need to request to be re-instated to “Active” driver status at the conclusion of the season until the series reaches the “Active” driver limit.
For any other questions you may have, please let us know.

See you on the track!

Season 10

X3 tire wear
X2 time progression

Race 1
Laguna Seca
12:00 track time

Race 2
Brands Hatch GP
3:00 track time

Race 3
10:00 track time

Race 4
Le Mans
2:00 track time

Season 9
Group 5 challenge
X3 tire wear
X2 time progression

Race 1
Hockenheim Classic
12:00 track time

Race 2
3:00 track time

Race 3
Monza GP
10:00 track time

Race 4
Oulton Park International
2:00 track time
Light rain

Race 5
22:00 Track time

Race 6
8:00 track time
Heavy Cloud

Season 8
Ginetta gt4 challenge take 2
X3 tire wear
X2 time progression

Season schedule

Race 1
12:00 track time
Weather Clear

Race 2
Watkins Glen GP
9:00 track time
Heavy fog

Race 3
Laguna Seca
4:00 track time
Heavy clouds

Race 4
Dubai Autodrome Gp
22:00 track time

Race 5
Silverstone GP
10:00 track time

Fog turning to overcast

Race 6
12:00 track time
Ford Mustang Cobra Trans Am
x3 tire wear
Season 6 - Schedule
Tire wear: x4

2.15.17 - Watkins Glen Gp:
12:00 x2 Time Progression
Weather - Clear

2.22.17 - Brands Hatch Gp:
08:00 x2 Time progression
Weather - Clear

3.1.17 - BRNO:
10:00 x2 Time progression
Weather - Clear

3.8.17 - Cataluna Gp
12:00 x2 Time progression
Weather- Clear

3.15.17 - Dubai Autodrome International
12:00 x2 Time Progression
Weather - Clear

All Star Race
3.22.17 - Le Circuit Bugatti
Weather - Clear
Season 5 - Schedule
Tire Wear: x4

1/4/17 - Laguna Seca:
15:00 x2 time progression
Weather - Clear

1/11/17 - Road America:
8:00 x2 time progression
Weather - Light rain

1/18/17 - Imola:
12:00 x2 time progression
Weather - Clear

1/25/17 - Hockenhiem GP:
15:00 x2 time progression
Weather - Thunderstorm

2/1/17 - Circuit des 24 Heurs du mans:
17:00 x25 time progression (day-night-day)
Weather -clear

2/8/17 - All Star Race - Spa
Evo VI TME / Ford Focus RS - tire wear x2

Willow Springs International
12:00 clear weather

Race 2
Nurburgring Sprint Short

Race 3
Monza Short
Weather : clear
Race 4
Hockenehim Short

Race 5
Oscherleban National

All star: Cadwell GP
Lotus Type 40 Ford
This season will be run on X4 tire wear

Race 1
Rouen Les Essartts
12:00 local time
X10 time progression

Race 2
12:00 local time
X25 time progression

Race 3
Hockenhiem Classic
5:00 local time
X10 time progression

Race 4
Oschersleben GP
1:00 local time
X5 time progression
Clear to heavy fog
X2 weather progression

Race 5
Watkins Glen GP
10:00 local time
X10 time progression

All Star Race
Nurburgring Nordcheliefe
12:00 local time
X25 time progression
Ginetta GT4 Challenge
This season will be run on x3 tire wear

Race 1
Snetterton 200
12:00 track time

Race 2
Brands Hatch Indy
13:00 track time

Race 3
Oulton Park Interantional
4:00 track time

Race 4
Rapuna Park GP
22:00 track time

Race 5
10:00 track time
Cloudy to light rain

All Star Race
Nurburgring Sprint Short
Thunderstorm to heavy cloud

Season schedule

Race 1
12:00 track time

Race 2
Watkins Glen GP
13:00 track time

Race 3
Laguna Seca
4:00 track time

Race 4
Dubai Autodrome Gp
22:00 track time

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Team Championship: Season 10
W/ Liveries


Unannounced Drivers:

Alex_O'Neill - #
Xradkins - #
HazardLvL4 - #
Drex - #
Rednose58 - #
Mighty_mopar - #
Old_Bear - #
OneSpace - #
Whitey093 - #
UMDfutbol11 - #
Spiff2PF - #
Phillips_2891 - #
Guitarich - #
Weal - #
AnealUnknown (ClutchBrommndo84) - #
Jay Diesel - #

Zii1993 - #
M1SS-D3V10US - #
FlipJ - #
UserID - #
TheFilapino - #
Adrenalinplease - #
Swjaxson - #
Chadbaseball15 - #
F1maddness4 - #
AbstractArchtyp - #
Vovik05 - #
Mike Lobban - #
Jakedog23 - #
Tom Mang - #
Austindecker - #
Joe W - #
VonSlamStone -
vsfit - #
Cardahs -
Harley Owen -
Gr8_Lakes -
Matt_M8__ -
WSK96 -
Lessen -
Aerolite -
RACER420_Jr_88 -
Cheezz - #

Division Placement:

Division 1
Harley Owen
Mighty Mopar

Division 2
Tom Mang
Alex ONeill
Ardenaline Please

Division 3
The Filapino
Jake Dog
Von Slam Stone

Division 4
Silent Prodigy

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I'm in for now at least.

Hey Fallen. Please fill out the form here for schedule voting and we will get you added to the active drivers list. This is a team championship and you are a previous snail driver so you will be grouped and able to start a team shortly for season 1.
So, V8 Supercars huh?
Yep v8 Supercars this season.

will keep this bookmarked and hopefully in the future when desire returns to race will look into this series.
Would love to see an old RCS driver come to this series. Keep us in mind buddy.

Would love to but tuning prohibited is more my speed.

We are not running prohibited due to the fact that the v8 Supercars are much easier and proper to drive if you move the weight forward 2 clicks. By default it is all the way back. Tuning is something that we really aren't looking too much into as a weekly series (or at least I'm not.) and Joe I've seen you beat people that have spent a couple hours tuning and you didn't touch the car. :lol:
Either way if you decide you're interested id be happy to send whatever tune I've got to you. I actually wouldn't mind posting my tune. I want close racing, and I want everyone involved to have that chance as well.
I'll probably not be able to join for about 6-7 weeks (family affairs), but I'll certainly try me best to get in. I only raced one season in RCS, but after that season I went up 2 divisions in the Sunday Night Series.
So yeah, it was good...
I will check the Ford out and see how it is. Ive never really ran it before besides a lap around the Glen. Once I do that, Ill give you my answer. @Zii1993
So what are the V8 supercar choices?

as far as I'm aware there is just the one. The ford that esgaloth speaks of.

I'll probably not be able to join for about 6-7 weeks (family affairs), but I'll certainly try me best to get in. I only raced one season in RCS, but after that season I went up 2 divisions in the Sunday Night Series.
So yeah, it was good...

Hope to see you then for season 2.

I will check the Ford out and see how it is. Ive never really ran it before besides a lap around the Glen. Once I do that, Ill give you my answer. @Zii1993

Sounds good remember to move the weight forward. Major differance in the handling of the car.
I'll be on tonight for some practice! maybe around 7:00 my time, 9 yours. What time were you thinking?

Anyone else up for some laps tonight?
That's 10 est for those who don't know where we are. :lol: And yea that works for me. I'd like to try out the reverse grid setup so we know what kind of hassle that will be. I was thinkin azure since that is the least voted option in the poll.