Pivot: Post Your Animations too!

  • Thread starter AOS-
Hey Your avatar is moving Stig!

for 3 days i saw a static pic of 2 guys just standing there. Something didn't look right.

I'll probably make some animation for an avatar for a while.. But if you were recently on the Avatar Thread you'll see i made more Cheung Avatars.. so yeah i reckon a pivot Avy won't live a long life.

its sad however that i dont have much time to make any more anim.'s Damn this is probably the most intense semester of school i ever had in my life...
about time i squeezed time in to do this, when i should be studing for my 2 units test for tomorrow


Any Pivot newb's, i suggest you go and create a better stick than the default ones (referred to as "defaults"). Create a backbone, a neck and feet. Like mine :dopey:
You changed your avvy? Your old one looked somewhat nicer, lighter, nevermind lol.
Were you always prem? You also have name changed i see.

Regarding that anim. You are such a cruel cruel person stig.






And why dont we just chuck him at a wall whilst we're at it. So cruel:grumpy:
what a legit way to waste bandwith haha

Stig's getting somewhat better than me at Pivot now...

well that's because i found more interesting things to do.. cough *Juggling* cough
I saw it and thought it was a ninja star...

Also i think it REALLY is a good idea to have safesearch on...just for your sake.

And umm TRICO, im sure Jordan has enough bandwidth to withstand an attack from bandwidth hungry me.
um what you could improve on is that when you run the pelvis doesnt stay in one motion, you're essentially jumping, but leaning forward, so you end up moving forward faster. So your entire stick should be moving up and down when running.

The flip was strange. Was he leaning bakck until his feet touched the ground before recovering? or Did he flip forward in a small jump?
ok now i found that "position" you were talking about, it honestly looks like one hell of a uncomfortable position, unless you can do contortion