Playoff "Week 2" NFL Divisionals...BONUS SELECTIONS THIS WEEK worth 3 extra points.

  • Thread starter Magic069
Just respond with your selections on who will win the game. No point spread, just the winner...

NFL - Home team in Bold

Saturday Afternoon, January 10th:

Carolina Panthers (11 - 5) vs. St. Louis Rams (12 - 4)

Tennessee Titans (12 - 4) vs. New England Patroits (14 - 2)

Sunday Afternoon, January 11th:

Indianapolis Colts (12 - 4) vs. Kanas City Cheifs (13 - 3)

Green Bay Packers (10 - 6) vs. Philadelphia Eagles (12 - 4)

Bonus selection worth 1 pick:

Will the Saturdays games have over/under 88 points scored total?
For a 1 pick bonus, select Over or Under 88 total points for the 2 games above.

Will the Sundays games have over/under 80 points scored total?
For a 1 pick bonus, select Over or Under 80 total points for the 2 games above.

Will this weeks Playoff games have a combined total of above or below 160 points?

For a 1 pick bonus, select Over or Under 175 total points for the 4 games above.
St. Louis Rams
New England Patroits
Indianapolis Colts
Green Bay Packers

Saturday Bonus: Under
Sunday Bonus: Over
Below 160
Below 175

What is with the two last bonus picks?
St. Louis Rams
New England Patroits
Kansas City Cheifs
Green Bay Packers

Sat. Under
Sun. Over
Under 160
Under 175
St Louis Rams

New England Patriots

Indianapolis Colts

Philadelphia Eagles

BONUS 1: Under

BONUS 2: Over

BONUS 3: Under

BONUS 4?: Under

Originally posted by Magic069
Will the Saturdays games have over/under 88 points scored total? For a 1 pick bonus, select Over or Under 88 total points for the 2 games above.

Will the Sundays games have over/under 80 points scored total?For a 1 pick bonus, select Over or Under 80 total points for the 2 games above.

Will this weeks Playoff games have a combined total of above or below 160 points?

For a 1 pick bonus, select Over or Under 175 total points for the 4 games above.


are there 3 or 4 bonuses?

if its 3, then why are the point totals different for the last two sentences?

if its 4, nevermind........ill just put a 4th bonus in to be sure :P :lol:
Carolina Panthers
New England Patroits

Kansas City Chiefs
Green Bay Packers
