It's not about pleasing anyone, it's about being objective and unbiased, and trying to be as accurate as possible, and not putting a personal 'spin' on the information.
So you're claiming I am?
Besides, if you already did, as you claim you did, confirm all of these were not PS3 exclusives, then why didnt you post your sources then?
Because I didn't feel like it was necessary?
On top of that, let's assume you really did find some form of confirmation... you just said you did this "months ago"... did it ever occur to you that things change, or that your sources were proven to be inaccurate since then? (Like L.A. Noire, which you knew was confirmed to be a PS3 exclusive back in June but didn't change it until now, when I brought it up again.)
Well, that's what you're supposed to do. When Bipedal Simulation is shown and announced for America beyond a two year old list, or when we know something about Jak and Daxter: Lost Frontier beyond a patent trademark, or when we know something about Zone of the Enders 3 beyond a snippit in a side bar from a year old magazine without clear sources, or when we know something about FIA Touring Car Championship more than a rumor, or when we know clearer information about Big Time Revenge's exclusivity, you're supposed to let me know. You did that with L.A. Noire, and I thank you for that.
Besides, several of those games yo claim aren't exclusives are from Sony... you honestly think Sony is going to release them on the 360?![]()
If a Sony published game is on PS3, PS2, and PSP, I don't consider it a PS3 exclusive.
When you decided for yourself it was OK to start your own "PS3 Exclusive" thread after one was already there, and one that you had and could have continued to update by simply posting in it, I had a feeling things were going to get dicey.
You do remember that you were gone for a month, never told anyone where you went, never told anyone when you'd come back, and when you did come back, I offered you to use the updated info I added to your list that was in my thread? Yet you never took me up on that offer?
Don't blame me.
Why did you list that first quote when it was obviously sarcasm, and I already clarified it was sarcasm when you used that quote before?
And if you think I manage my lists (PS3, 360, and Wii exclusives) with a bias, then I don't know what to say. I forgot to list L.A. Noire, that must make me biased. If we were to switch this around, would you listing rumored games as true exclusives make you a "Sonybot"? No. It's a human mistake, they happen.
I guess for the time being Ill have to resurrect the original PS3 Exclusive thread and update it with current information.
If you really feel that is necessary, go ahead and manage your own list. I won't care.