PlayStation 4 Firmware Update ThreadPS4 

  • Thread starter Parker
United States
Kentucky, USA
We have a thread for the PS3 firmware updates so I see no reason not to have one for the PS4 as well. If you want to know information about a specific update simply click the link next to details and it will take you to the source.

Firmware: 1.50
Launch: November 15th, 2013
Details: PlayStation Blog

Firmware: 1.51
Launch: November 19th, 2013
Details: PlayStation Blog

Firmware: 1.52
Launch: December 11th, 2013
Details: IGN

Firmware: 1.60
Launch: February 3rd, 2014
Details: PlayStation Blog

Firmware: 1.61
Launch: February 18th, 2014
Details: PlayStation Universe

Firmware: 1.62
Launch: March 18th, 2014
: PlayStation

Firmware: 1.70
Launch: April 30th, 2014
Details: PlayStation Blog

Firmware: 1.71
Launch: June 3rd, 2014
Details: Dualshockers

Firmware: 1.72
Launch: June 24th, 2014
Details: Dualshockers

Firmware: 1.74
Launch: July 22nd, 2014
Details: Dualshockers

Firmware: 1.75
Launch: July 29th, 2014
Details: PS4Daily

Firmware: 1.76
Launch: September 2nd, 2014
Details: Dualshockers

Firmware: 2.0
Launch: October 28th, 2014
Details: Dualshockers:


Firmware: 2.01
Launch: November 5th, 2014
Details: VentureBeat

Firmware: 2.02
Launch: November 11th, 2014
Details: DualShockers

Firmware: 2.03
Launch: December 3rd, 2014 (Happy 20th birthday, PlayStation!)
Details: DualShockers

Sony Computer Entertainment just released the 2.03 firmware update for the PS4, and the patch notes are exactly what you would expect:

  • System software stability during the use of some features has been improved.
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Haven't messed arounder with the new.stuff in 2.0 yet, but everything seems alot faster and voice chat seems much cleaner in party chat.
Very nice lol. I hardly read or care about the update as long as game works and the console does not behave like a PC getting slower and slower with bugs and what not. But nice thread :cool:
Firmware update 3.00 just released.

Main changes:
Ability to share video clips to Twitter
Dedicated section for Playstation Plus members
Ability to stream to YouTube
Improvements to messages and groups
Ability to create communities
Ability to add stickers to messages

It also seems that they have changed how recording works. Now when you initially double tap share it starts recording, but if you double tap again, it stops it. I really hope there's an option to revert to the old way because it really annoys me when I try to record something new and it ends up saving what I've just done although does make ending recordings a little easier and faster