PlayStation 4 General DiscussionPS4 

  • Thread starter Sier_Pinski
I played a PS4 game for the first time earlier today- "The LEGO Movie: Video Game." Since I've never seen the movie, I never played this game previously, and I thought this game would sort of spoil the movie. I mentioned in the XBOX One general thread about how the PS4's controller isn't really as comfortable in the hands. The game still looked very cool seeing it on a big screen while at a Best Buy.

I don't really know what I'd start my PS4 lineup with if I had a PS4 right now. I guess I never really studied the lineup of PS4 games at present and with many more future titles to come in the coming months. I'm so out of the loop for the most part on all of this.

Depending on if you had a PS3 or not but if you do get a PS4 you should certainly consider The Last of Us.
I played a PS4 game for the first time earlier today- "The LEGO Movie: Video Game." Since I've never seen the movie, I never played this game previously, and I thought this game would sort of spoil the movie. I mentioned in the XBOX One general thread about how the PS4's controller isn't really as comfortable in the hands. The game still looked very cool seeing it on a big screen while at a Best Buy.

I don't really know what I'd start my PS4 lineup with if I had a PS4 right now. I guess I never really studied the lineup of PS4 games at present and with many more future titles to come in the coming months. I'm so out of the loop for the most part on all of this.
The line-up isn't anything to write home about just now, but if anyone can turn the average 2014 PS4 has had, it is Sony. They have plenty of IPs to tap into and still have a few good studios left under their wing. I bought my PS4 because I think the games we want will come eventually.
Well when the PS3 came out in kiosks at stores (for example), even I wanted to get games like the first MotorStorm and Virtua Fighter 5. What would lead up to Gran Turismo 5 was Gran Turismo HD. I certainly would add Driveclub to my PS4 collection, but after some reviews I've seen of it, I would probably not enjoy Driveclub as much as I probably would. I am certainly a racing game fan as are a lot of you others reading this post.
Well when the PS3 came out in kiosks at stores (for example), even I wanted to get games like the first MotorStorm and Virtua Fighter 5. What would lead up to Gran Turismo 5 was Gran Turismo HD. I certainly would add Driveclub to my PS4 collection, but after some reviews I've seen of it, I would probably not enjoy Driveclub as much as I probably would. I am certainly a racing game fan as are a lot of you others reading this post.
Driveclub is certainly arcade by comparison to GT and probably won't be for all driving game fans. I'd say it is more sim than say Grid 2 and in my experience, better than most reviews give credit for. It's just a shame that the PS+ version isn't out there as planned for everyone to dive in and try.

Did you try Resogun yet? Another game that can suck you in if you enjoy flying planes and/or driving tanks is War Thunder - an often missed little gem...and it's free.
I played Resogun, I just couldn't get into it. But to be completely fair about my experiences, I don't think that I would enjoy it anyways thanks to my tastes in games.

Right now, I don't think that Playstation Plus is offering me the best value for my money right now. They offer games that I don't like, and the ones that I do, I bought before they were offered in the program. The only thing that is keeping me from outright canceling my subscription is the online.
PS4 games for PS+ for the next two months (Dec. and Jan.) according to Polygon:


Injustice Ultimate Edition
Secret Panchos


The Swapper
Infamous: First Light

Definitely getting Injustice and Infamous for sure.
Here comes dumb question A#1....and I am not sure if this is event he proper place.

Just bought my PS4 today. PS3 had been broken for a few months, but since GT6 stunk so bad, and GTAV for PS4 didn't announce a release date until a couple of months ago, no reason to run right out and get one.

Regardless, hadn't been logged into PSN since May, at least.

Tried logging in using my PSN name, and both of the possible email addys, with every possible password I use. Nothing works.

Went online to the PSN site, try email #1, get the error that the email address doesn't exist (understand that's to PSN, not my IP), so try my alternate email addy, same thing. Even using PSN ID, shows up as email not found.

Any ideas? Even if its pointing me to the correct forum?

Thank you in advance.
Question: Can you use a US PSN Account on any PS4 that isn't a US Region PS4? Thanks in advance.
I'm not 100% certain about this, but as you can activate your account on a limited number of consoles, then I think you will be fine. Probably best to check with the Playstation 4 helpdesk though.

If you could do it on a PS3 then I think you are safe on the PS4 too because games are still region free, just the DLC is region locked.
How about those dualshock 4 controllers? I was reading about it on other forums and it seemed tons of folk had theirs wearing and getting broke awfully fast. I was wondering if many here had this happening to them?
Main issues being wear on the joysticks and the shoulder buttons breaking.
The only wear I've experienced is the rubber cap on the left analogue stick which Sony know about now.
But have they fixed that? People that bought one in recent months after Sony altered those caps still experience the rubber going off if i remember it right.
But have they fixed that? People that bought one in recent months after Sony altered those caps still experience the rubber going off if i remember it right.
Not sure when the fix was announced. Like I said though, it was only this last few days that mine started to tear.
Not sure when the fix was announced. Like I said though, it was only this last few days that mine started to tear.
Dunno if you buyed your PS4 at launch, but for a 40$ piece of kit that shouldn't happen so fast. My DS3 and 360 controllers are still as good as new after years of usage, so it seems Sony cut a bit on the materials there.
I've had mine since last March or so and my right thumb stick finally started to tear.
With me it's the left.
Dunno if you buyed your PS4 at launch, but for a 40$ piece of kit that shouldn't happen so fast. My DS3 and 360 controllers are still as good as new after years of usage, so it seems Sony cut a bit on the materials there.
Yes, had the console from launch, well, two days after...

I don't think it was a case of skimping, as the covers were meant to give more grip than the profiled plastic of the DS3 - I think they wore down more quickly than anticipated.
About the rubber on the sticks – I got some rubber caps a week after I got my PS4 just to be on the safe side. I actually quite like them because they make the sticks a bit bigger. Depending on the type they can be like the one on the Xbox controller – with the four dots and a small dip inside, or like the PS3 ones.
Yeah, I'll be getting some of those as replacements. I must say that for driving, the DS4 is really great, or can be made so. I'm having difficulty going back to the DS3 with GT6 as a result...
Been playing a ton of Pix the Cat. It's a very good game and probably the only one given with PS-Plus that I have enjoyed(at my friend's house). It's a very addictive but the controls are horrid, input lag is ridiculous compared to something like Pac-Man DX. High score is 1,534,321.
I mentioned games I would start a PS4 library with, and I completely forgot about "Infamous: Second Son." I played parts of the first Infamous and thought it was pretty cool. Haven't played "Infamous" in a long while. I saw there was another Infamous-type game, but with a female protagonist. Isn't it "Infamous: First Light" or something?

So yeah- I forgot about the Infamous series.

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